
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by AceOfSpades, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Arcturus is my newest map. It uses all of Foundry and features a good combination of long sight lines and close quarter combat. It has two main bases, two mini bases, a large center structure, a sniper tower, and two vehicle garages. The center structure has a hallway under the main floor, which houses the Brute Shot. There are a few bridges connecting the bases and the middle structures. There are also numerous platforms that you can jump across to get to places faster but they provide little cover.

    Supported Gametypes

    Any Default CTF Game Variant (3v3 to 6v6)
    Team Slayer (2v2-6v6)
    Slayer FFA (2-6 players)​

    Weapon/Vehicle/Equipment List

    Sniper Rifle - x1 - 1 spare clip - 90 seconds
    Spartan Laser - x1 - 90 seconds
    Battle Rifle - x10 - 2 spare clips - 30 seconds
    Sub Machine Gun - x1 - 2 spare clips - 30 seconds
    Brute Shot - x1 - 1 spare clip - 45 seconds
    Assault Rifle - x4 - 2 spare clips - 30 seconds
    Mauler - x1 - 0 Spare Clips - 45 seconds
    Magnum - x2 - 2 spare clips - 30 seconds
    Covenant Carbine - x3 - 2 spare clips - 30 seconds
    Frag Grenade - x5 - 10 seconds
    Plasma Grenade - x10 - 10 seconds
    Regenerator - x1 - 45 seconds
    Bubble Shield - x1 - 45 seconds
    Power Drain - x2 - 60 seconds
    Mongoose - x2 - 30 seconds
    Ghost - x2 - 90 seconds

    Now for the part everybody probably already skipped to with out reading anything...

    Defender Main Base

    Attacker Main Base

    Defender Mini Base

    Attacker Mini Base

    Overview from Defender Base

    Overview from Attacker Base

    Spartan Laser Spawn and Back Area

    Vehicle Spawn (Same on other side)

    Overview from Spartan Laser Spawn

    Sniper Tower

    Download Link

    Please leave comments/suggestions on how I could improve this map. Thanks!
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    This looks nice. I think I have seen a map like this before. Good job on the spawns and spare clips. I would remove the Spartan laser and replace it with a rocket launcher or G hammer. Nice job on the mini-bases. Overall, a 4/5
  3. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    NICE! I really like the design of the bases in this. I might use something like that in one of my maps. Also I think the layout is pretty cool, though could use a bit more interlocking. 4/5
  4. xOWNAGE27x

    xOWNAGE27x Ancient
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    Wow,nice map realy sweet designs,this deswerves more than three stars so i gave it 4.Its good how u put the vehicles away from the base instead of being right at it so u have 2 walk 2 them instead.
  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I interlocked almost everywhere to make the map very smooth... you say that it could use more interlocking; Where?

    I purposely put the Spartan Laser there instead of something else so that the Ghosts wouldn't be overwhelmingly powerful and you would have an easy way to stop a flag carrier on a mongoose.

    Like I said above I didn't want the vehicles to be too overpowering so I placed them away from the bases for the reason you said
  6. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    Overall I like the map's design. It looks somewhat inspired from some MLG-based maps I have seen before (just the base aspect of it).

    The vehicle area is neat, though I don't know how well vehicles can get through your map -- it may be a good thing (limited ghost/mongoose space) or it may be a bad thing (too limited).

    I also think if you were to make a second version, this map could be much improved with some geo-merges. It'd make the map flow much easier and it would seem overall better. I can't really explain the "overall better" part well, I just think this map would have much good done if you possibly geo-merged the bases or at least some of the middle structures.

    Overall this map provides for some good carnage and warrants a hefty 4/5.
  7. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Yeah, it really looks like you took a basic MLG map and built on it to make it a competitive map.

    Still, it's a good map. It's not incredibly open but it could use a little bit more ground cover, like in frount of the defender mini base. I also like your use of trucks as cover, but you do realize that they explode, right?

    I'd have to rate this map a 4/5. You did a good job on this map.
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't like to geomerge, it causes maps to lag and i'm not the greatest at doing it.

    I never thought of it to be a MLG sort of map. I did start it from a Foundry Canvas. Also the trucks exploding can be used tactically if you know how to use them.
    *EDIT: Oh yeah I didn't use the unlimited budget glitch so I ran out of money to put more cover on the ground... I was going to though.
    #8 AceOfSpades, Jan 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2009
  9. Spartan 396

    Spartan 396 Ancient
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    Here, check this out:

    They've got some REALLY good techniques that helped my geo-mergeing greatly. It might take some time, but I recommend the save-and-quit method, it never gets laggy for me then.
  10. ILeviathonI

    ILeviathonI Ancient
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    I'm sorry to say that, if I have examined the pictures right, that this map will not be balanced to play on, What you have down is put the two main bases diagonally to each other but the vehicle garages are on the same side, it would be like The Pit with one side having the sniper tower over by the Shotgun corner. You might want to fix it with the red base being opposite the yellow and move the red mini bases opposite the yellow minibases, this would make the map perfectly symmetrical and balance it out better.
  11. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's not supposed to be symmetrical. I made it asymmetrical on purpose so that the bases would be farther away from each other and make it more challenging for CTF games. It's balanced, but not symmetrical.
  12. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    you know what would be better, vehicle wise, ... if you make a second version try to have it so everything is off the ground =, so in the game they have an easier time driving. but this map is great
  13. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was asking you and asking you when you were going to post another map. I love it i mean geo-merging don't realy matter if a map has good gameplay and tatics as this one. Im a big flag map fan and this one looks fun hope to see a v2 with unlimited glitch so you can put cover on the ground because as i can see some one could jump on the back of the mongoose and drive a strait line to there base but other then that super 4/5 from me.

    Ps. ill love to test a map for you if im on
  14. Black Magic105

    Black Magic105 Ancient
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    Hey this map looks very very good you got my download but you from the pics it looks like that you have lots of brs.
  15. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That sounds like a really good idea. It'd be pretty hard to do though and I don't know if I want to spend that much time just to raise the map up. I don't think the vehicles are integrated enough into the gameplay to be worth raising the whole map for them.

    If I put more cover on the ground, that would make vehicle use even more limited. The way the map is now, there is not much room for the vehicles and putting more cover on the ground would make it almost impossible to use the vehicles effectively.

    I think it's OK to have a lot of BR's. The map takes up all of Foundry so BR's wouldn't be really overpowering. Also some of the BR's are more isolated so it shouldn't seem like there are as many.
    #15 AceOfSpades, Jan 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2009

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