High Voltage

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by GD27 BlueDevil, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Well I am almost certain that I will be making a v2 with Blaze. Matty is posting a review shortly so that should help us out. I am sketching on a piece of paper right now and seeing where I can replace the power weapons :)
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    But although maybe the weapons look a bit unbalanced It is placed to almost perfection.

    Laser = on bridge. You can charge up while someone is walking up the passage not noticing you are right there for a very powerful suprise attack if you have a good shot. Near the fence walls where you can shoot through.

    Camo = balancing out where the mauler/hammer spawn. being on the opposite side they are rarely used together.

    Sniper = Just placed perfect! right in the middle of the map where both teams have a fair chance of getting it. Where you can not easily pic off everyone you see but just assist your teammates.

    turret = under bridge. not very used and it is in that place because of that , If the turret gets to the other side of the map... oh, your going to have some trouble

    well see what matty has to say.
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Loved the map GD. Finally you post it. I really think this map shines in single ctf. My favorite part is the enclosed bridge thing. It's perfect, and so cool looking, it makes me want to make a map just to add something like that into it. Definitely 10/10. Maybe a feature. I don't know. We'll see.
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Lol, where's Matty's review?

    Well, I'll review it at least, lol. I really like the map's layout. It's not too large and looks fairly easy to move around the map. There's a good amount of cover (fairly uncommon these days) and as expected excellent interlocking and geo-merging. I may review a bit more in-depth, but I'll have to play thsi beforehand. Sorry I didn't get my hands on this map earlier. It's a definate DL for me. Great work and the map looks amazing.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This map was of a very high caliber. I loved playing on it very much. I must say that many of the things you have done with the space available to you on Foundry were done well. I very much liked the main structure with the fence walls, very well placed and used in games well. The overall weapon placement was effective and worked well, I just wish I could have found some of the more obscure weapons, i.e. not a Battle Rifle, more easily. But that is a minor complaint only. The map flows well and you can maintain a level of fun and action that on other maps only is accomplished in short bursts. The aesthetics while not ground breaking were visually pleasing and all well made and cleanly forged. The spawns, well I didn't ever really have an issue with them seeing as I don't recall being spawn raped even once. All in all this is one of the better and top maps in the Competitive maps section and all of you should check this out. GD I am impressed and I might not be surprised if this map ends up plastered on the front page...

    I am The Yellow and I approve this map.
  6. Patchwork V2

    Patchwork V2 Ancient
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    Great map Blaze and the other guy. I am loving the fence box in the tunnel. Also the map design gives a great gameplay in nearly all gametypes.
  7. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    Well i have been getting alot of mixed signals about this map and other peoples opinions on it. I actually liked the map upon first look and i actually did play a minor ffa game on it a few days ago, the game was all over the place and wasnt enjoyable... but im sure thats not what its made for ;). Im definately gonna have to review this map...from the reviews i'v read none of them are well done seeing the 10/10 it got.

    from my feeling about the map, Phreakie looks like he know's something...

    ill be back with a review.

    I hope these games change my mind.
  8. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    i say this map is a 10/10, the gameplay is really good like im not joking this is one of my fav maps now, i love the way its laid out, i hada comment it again to also tell people its alot dofferent than code impulse. Thats a walnutz review, i know my reviews are amazing lol, but the map plays well the bridge, different levels all fall into gameplay very well =] very sexy map

    I am paulie Walnuttz and i approve of this map.
  9. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Thanks to Driscoll, a youtube video is now added! Thankyou sir!
  10. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I finally got a game on this the other day. Wasn't the best game, but I still noticed that there were problems with the spawns. There were also some rather useless item still on the map. The mongoose proved to just take up space and was there for people to joke around on. The flow of the map was mainly centered around the area where the main bad spawns were. I think this map could still use some work (mainly spawns, minor flow adjustment, and "cleaning" out the weapons/equipment/mongoose). But to be honest, I think it'd be best if you two just gave up on it and moved on. I'm sorry to sounds so harsh, but that's what I think of this map. It isn't that bad, but it isn't that great.

    CANADAs ARMY EH Ancient
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    After watching the video i like the gameplay and it seem to flow and i love that some one uses the plasma cannon and then another pick it is invis i love plaing diffent gametypes and things change on the map good job and nice 1000 post.....
  12. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Finally got my review here. It took several games and some studying of the map in forge, so if you disagree with my review, you have every right too. But just remember, I took a lot of time out of my day to try and help you. Please take that into consideration.

    First off, the general forging job of structures and the design of the layout is superb. Not a single crooked geomerge, and not one render glitch. As far as I know the map is not escapable either. But this isn't what maps are all about.

    The aesthetics were great, and the layout was great. However I was pretty disappointed with Respawns and Weapon Placement. During my game of one flag, the defenders seemed to spawn near or at the attacker's base as the attackers were stealing our flag, or had stolen the flag. Thus, causing a camping issue as the defenders waited to ambush the attackers on their way back to their base. It didn't happen every time, but it did happen several times which makes it a flaw. Now, after noticing this problem, I took a look at the respawn zones for CTF in forge. I noticed you had a respawn zone for each team's base, which is perfect, and 2 neutral respawn areas that serve as "sub-spawn areas" for when an opposing team member is in the other team's base. This is all good. But then the map's size comes into factor and only 4 respawn zones just doesn't seem to cover it. Due to the one of the neutral respawn areas being an area with high traffic for the attacker's, defenders are theoretically supposed to spawn in the other neutral respawn area. But once they do respawn in that area, you get the attacker's coming through that way and killing those defenders in that area. By this time the Attacker's stole the flag and our on their way back and the only respawn area left for the defenders is in the attacker's base which is set to Attackers only. When there's extreme negeatives at all of the other respawn areas, the spawn system typically forces the next spawn at the best respawn area regardless of the team it's set for. So to sum all of that up... The respawn troubles are sort of inavoidable. The only way I could see a fix to this problem is by expanding the map back to the other Foundry back base to which would add another little sub-spawn area. But then again, I have no idea what your object situation is like. If you are able to do it, I suggest extending the map.

    Next, Weapons/Equipment. Overall, I thought the placement of the power weapons was pretty spot on, but yet still pretty unbalanced. One team automatically gets the sniper and camo, the other team gets a gravity hammer, but the laser is up for grabs in the middle. The camo and gravity hammer cancel each other out, but the sniper can't cancel anything out unless the other team gets the laser, and even if the other team does get the laser, there's a good chance they won't be keeping it for long as they will encounter a battle immediately because I've found that the laser overpass is a hot spot for battle and gets a rush at the beginning of the game.

    The balance issue is even worse for asymmetrical games. In a game of one flag, The attacker's don't get the gravity hammer anymore, and get stuck with a mauler and possibly the laser as their best weapon. I understand it's important for the attackers to get a close-range weapon, but a mauler can't really go up against a sniper and camo, it's not powerful enough. I understand you want variety between asymmetrical games and symmetrical games, but the balance is totally corrupted that way. I suggest either keeping the gravity hammer or switch it out with a shotgun, beam rifle, or sniper rifle for asymmetric games.

    The equipment in general seemed to be placed well, and comes in handy for objective games. Such as the attackers using the bubble shield in the laser overpass to grab some safe time from the chasing defenders, or throwing a power drain and grenade up a mancannon to clear the area. Only problem with equipment was barely anything. A grenade sinks into one of the boxes so you can't grab it. It takes just a quick fix.

    My overall thought's of the map: The map clashes strategy and run and gun players, meaning it serves to all kinds of players of Halo 3. Most maps to provide that. The reason it can provide such a feature is because of the mix of heights, openness, and tight corners here and there, which means the map was designed very well. There's a few kinks here and there that can be kicked out, but overall, the map is worth playing.

    Feature Worthy? Not quite. Like I said, there's a few kinks here and there. I've given suggestions that you don't necessarily have to use, but please do take them into consideration. I am only trying to help you get your map to the best it can be. If you can fix these kinks, the map would definitely deserve a feature in my opinion.

    That's all for today. Until your next map...
  13. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    **** the preamble I'm getting to the point.

    Attackers starting spawn NEEDS moving, it's on the high ground, virtually on top of the sniper, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too defendable... infact that whole side of the map has twiced as much cover as the defenders, plus it's hard to grenade well.

    Secondly there are 3 ways off of the ground floor that don't require jumping (i'm not counting the camo spawn ramp cause that gets you no where)

    Thirdly, now this is my oppinnion, but I just find the map to be ugly, some of the objects used in certain areas just aren't pleasing. Individually the merfges and interlocks are perfect, but as a whole they don't work for me. For Example, the windows at the attackers spawn just look out of place, the horizontal stairs above the laser spawn should be replaced with walls to creat some continuity in the aesthetics, because currently the map just feels messy and random...
  14. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Thankyou. I will consider using the objests I used to block off the map as the same material I will use to fill up the base. I will have Blaze fix up the spawns too. I am brainstorming the new designs right now and I can promise that there will be a lot less jumping and Blaze and I will COMPLETELY redo the weapons.

    Other comments made me realize that the attacker's spawns and every respon area for CTF needs work. Blaze also feels that way. I have some ideas that will eliminate many jumps and create easier ways to get across the map. I like your idea of moving the window panells though. I believe I will use them for my new base that Blaze and I will be creating (mentioned in Evan's review). I also like your suggestion of replacing the fence walls with regular ones. Thanks Iv0ry. This was pretty helpful :)

    But next time don't be so harsh lol JK :D
  15. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    It's the only way anyone will take any notice these days...
  16. ToyBoxHero

    ToyBoxHero Ancient
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    One word: Inspiring

    This is so of the best geomerging ive seen

    10/10 and a download

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