1st I simply do not get it. People are always all over this cheat proof thing, what does it matter if it is cheat proof. If you cant trust the people you are racing with not to cheat then simply dont race. I myself just dont race with those people who cheat. It is impossible to completly cheat proof a track and if you try to it takes away from the rest of the track. Thats all I have to say for now and just a saying to keep in mind " If you cant race without cheating, Your inner idiot is getting to you " - AnF Knight. 2nd Sorry I have friends and I like telling them how good their tracks are. 3rd If it is possible for you to stop putting down EVERYBODYS tracks than please feel free to do so. And if you can not stop putting down people than please I would ask you to stop commenting on my posts. Im not sure I can ask you to stop commenting on my posts but if I am allowed than there you have it. This is directed to Dream 76 and nobody else.
Hold on, stop the press.. I won't even respond to anything you wrote until you DL my map Red Giant and try to find a cheat. If you can find a cheat on Red Giant then I will take back everything I said and I will stand corrected. Until then, tell your friend to stop cross post advertising and stop bumping your threads claiming that your map is perfectly anti-cheat when we all know it's not. Also, I race with big out of control parties. I don't race in little obscure parties like you and your friends do. So that is why most tracks must be cheat proof. What don't you understand.
I understand everything and by the way im not looking for a fight. Im just saying you cant make a track 100% cheat proof and have your track long and good. I understand if you make the track without barriers to stop people from jumping to one part to another than people are gonna do it. I also understand that you do have big parties of people and I only have like 8 people at a time. And I also understand that our tracks are very different. So I do understand and thats that.
Dude, this is the last time I will ever post on one of your threads. You are not reading a word I said, therefore you are wasting my time. Red Giant is 100% cheat proof. So you have NO point. You are just trying to gain attention for your map and it's getting old. Bye now.
First of all thank you Ryan, for helping to stick up for the people who are being put down for their tracks! Also as Hayes has said, AnF will be taking over the (pro score system) now inorder to make the ratings more fair for people. Please go to the That's Cute : ) thread and look at Velocikillers post to see whats going on. SO if i did not give a pro socre on this map yet then... What I meant by non-cheating method is the go-to point. AnF Pro Score- 5/5
Ok, I really wanted to let this all go but I now feel it's important to clear this up for all the members of this board. FYI if I, or anyone else gives a score on a map, and that score is, let's say a 3/5, by no means does that mean I am "putting a person down". It honestly has nothing to do with that. It has to do with my opinion of the quality and significance of that map. You guys are taking it personal. One cannot come to a public forum, post something and expect that everyone is going to think it’s perfect. I am not here to fight you guys. I am hear to make awesome tracks, DL awesome tracks and help others get better at forging and designing maps. Me and my friends are good map makers because we work hard at it. And we are also patient when we post our maps. We don’t bump and cross post advertise like the two of you do. It’s not my forum, so if the staff here doesn’t mind it then it’s not my concern. Please refrain from trying to retaliate against me because your mad I gave your track a low score. Thank you and good day.
ok dream if you understood the words "cross post advertising" then you would realize that means saying HEY GO TO MY TRACK which is exactly what youve been doing about Red Giant. And if you are going to come in while everybody just wants people to know that they make good things then id quickly find a way to shut up. You dont help anybody with forging you basically say well this map isnt as good as mine so you get 2/5. But Keep Trying! You make me laugh. People come to this to see a guy play god? NO! They come to this to be original with their own maps or see others to see how they could improve. Although a ton of other people said HEY this is a pretty good map! I like it! you just say it gets a 2.5/5 because you race with honest people that love racing. I can now see where you vent your anger from getting frustrated at people that abuse your track so you have to put them basically in a cage with a one way sign. Whatever. I have no time to fight with people that are so blind. Anyway AnF PRO Score 5/5
Wow, this track is pretty sweet. I really like the use of the roadblocks signaling the double/single wide transition. Its pretty unique and I just love seeing it everytime i pass it. Everything is very well done with interlocking and geomerging. I personally don't like the barriers/barrels at the final turn before the shield door elevator (which could use a little tweaking IMO). I think you could find something else to put there to cover up the hole because the barrels/barrier gets in the way, and maybe tweak the shield door that assists the turn as well, but it is a manageable turn so its up to you. And there's the problem with the fact that its not cheatproof. Now hold on, I've read the above posts, so don't get mad yet. A map being cheatable is fine if you are in a clan or playing with friends or people you can trust, but some people play with recent players and other people that they just dont know and THEY will cheat. Now you could boot them, but whats the fun in that? In a gametype where its "the more the merrier" you need to make the map so that it provides the maximum fun for all players, and its no fun at all when people cheat. Especially when you are as epic of a racer as me . People are always going to want maps to be cheatproof so that they can play with anyone to get the max players possible and thus have the most fun possible. And with a map as epic as this one, I would think you would want to meet the standards of as many players as you can. Its obvious that you put in some effort to do so with the grav lifts and nodes (although neither do their job effectively :S), so don't hate on Dream because he didn't like everything about the map. He just wants the map to be all it can be, as do I. I hope you understand. I'm not hating on clans or people that just play with friends. I'm just saying that for the people that play with strangers to try and spread the fun of racing to the world, please consider making the map cheatproof. A really fun map. 8/10
Lol im not mad dude thanks for the comment and I understand. I just wanted to say though its really hard to make a map 100%, as soon as I get my xbox back im gonna make a 100% cheatproof map. I have drawn blueprints lol. So far the map is looking good but again Im not mad dude and look for the release of Tread ( my new track ) in early April.
I downloaded this map about a week ago and forgot to write a review on it. Ok I liked the start it was very fun, and the track was very well interlocked. My only small problem was at the end before you jump off the double boxes where the shield doors carried you through, there was a gap in between the boxes and the wall that mongooses got stuck in. After about 10 circuits I lost about 3 of my mongooses in the small gap. But overall this map was incredible 9/10 for interlocking 7/10 for aesthetics 8/10 for gameplay 7/10 for the start overall 7.75/10
i love the big turn that wraps around on this map , nicely interlocked .. is there any jumps on the map? nothin like a good jump at the end of a race map . im gonna download and play this tonite get back to u on review.. but by the pics looks like a great race map
No there is no jump on the map. I wanted to put one in but I couldnt find a good spot for one. Maybe in my next track I will put one in.
Sorry I didnt know not to rate my own thread I wont do it anymore. Thanks you for the good comment though.
Oh umm one last thing and then I think im good umm, The part at the end where the barrier is where it goes to single wide boxes. That is a construction feel and it is so that the bounce doors work so some people were asking about that. So there is your ansewr. Thanks guys.
Ok so like check it! This map is really sick, its very fast paced and like the ending sucks hahaha im kiddin, lol the whole map is really good, the giant turns are amazing and the scenery looks nice, this track is really not getting enough praise for its amazingness... AnF
From just the straight map point of view, I love it. It looks cool, flows well, and works great. Usually I hate map with single wide sections, but this map does those parts well, they are spaced perfectly IMO. My only problem is the cheating. I dont usually care if its a little bit cheatable, but the problem is for things like if you make a mistake and fall off the track, you've cheated, it puts you ahead. If the person is trying to cheat, i can just kick them, but with this you cheat accedentally. This is just about map design, so think about it for the future, which part is above the others, and which part need walls so you cant cheat. Also, the Tele system didnt work fully, you still score when u go through on foot, and the teleporter was blocked at first, i had to move it a foot to make it work. Overall great map, probably one of my favorites, just in a future try to make them mostly cheat proof and it will be more widely accepted. Oh, and a 10 second starting gate would be great, I love maps that have those. The map Nitro has a great one, you should look it up.
Thanks for your comment I understand everything your saying. I am working on a track that will be 100% cheat proof, 100% fun, 100% awsome and yes just for you I will put in a starting gate. Well maybe for me more than you but its ok if you wanna say its for you. I understand the fact that if you fall off you get ahead but if you want to have a competitive race sometimes I just go on a NASCAR type track or something. Just an idea but whatever floats your boat. Thanks dude I appreciate your feedback.
Im not sure it will get on Bungie favourites it seems very hard to get on there. Thanks though dude and if I do get on Bungie favourites please tell me how you told me I would get there. Thanks.
The interlocking is great and the map overall has a decent flow some areas areas are a little crammed and the one part is only single wide. Flow= 3/5 Creativity 4/5 raceability=3.5/5 Overall= 10.5/15 Not bad