I don't even want to know how you found this. Did you just one day decide to type in on google "I'm bad in the sack; why?" Lol.
HA HA I was waiting for a smart ass response like that, but actually it was posted on HBO. Nice try though :lol: http://nikon.bungie.org/news.html?item=24155
That trend is pretty obvious if you think about it. The more you play Halo, the less time you have for "other" things. People that play hard core non stop probably don't have much of a social life, so certain areas suffer as a result. It makes perfect sense to me, and I don't think any of us needed a study to figure that one out, lol.
What if your gay, they wont be able to feel it. Yes this was serious. So if your gay then it doesnt matter. all generals should become gay
Thanks. Also... these are DUTCH people we are talking about, who probably think "Dude I just unlocked the Lieutenant achievement in Halo, I'm a BEAST!". Their interpretation of "being good" at Halo is probably a lot different than ours. Tex had some funny quotes, here are a few more I found:
I am kind of good at Halo but have never had any problems with premature ejaculation LOL. This is lies. Funny article though.
The OP. Check on Page 2. I don't think many MLG players will be bothered by this news. They probably don't get any anyway, lol. Spoiler Just don't listen to the sound of your loins at work and you won't have this problem as much. Sorry if inappropriate, had to be said.
wtf this article sounded retarded. how does playing games make you a pre-ejac? i dont get it. premature ejaculation just means you come faster,nothin wrong with that lol.
REACTION TIME. Either way kids, don't forget fingers can finish the job. There's always antidepressants lol.
Heh, I heard about this a while ago. Everyone was going around on MLG posting 'Tsquared ejaculates prematurely!'
Seriously, if this is true I'm glad I suck at Halo. I'm a COD Strategist, Gears gamer, and Halo forger. As long as forging dosen't cause this, I'm fine