Tell me if it's great, good, bad, or horrible. My first real attempt at a popout. The original image:
It doesn't look like you did anything but crank up the contrast/saturation...and a few other adjustment layers... And then a popout. In this case, the popout looks ugly. There is no lighting, depth, or anything.
There actually is, I followed a GIMP tutorial I found for another picture and took out some stuff. There's been an orange shade added across the sky, and both spartans were recolorized. And I know your opinion on popouts already, you started a thread against them.
he didnt do anything because it was a SCREENSHOT. He wasnt doing renders N' ****, strictly 1 image. The rendering looks pretty good tho! nice job!
it doesnt reallyy look like a pop out. maybe if you used white instead of black it would look more like a pop out. idk
The rendering for the blue spartan is very choppy. The border is also pretty messed up. It's not flush with the rest of the canvas on the left side, and there's a tail coming off of it at the bottom-right.
I fixed the tail, but nothing I did with the left side did much anything. I'll keep messing with it. EDIT: Got it.