I saw trailers for this game some time ago. I thought I would take another look at it and saw this trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbSSusgs8As The destructibility and realism of the building crumbling apart amazes me and looks like it could create some really good gameplay. I'm not sure if this game is for me or even when it will be released, but I just thought the destruction engine looks pretty awesome.
This is definately innovative, I hope this game lives up to the hype they're generating about this destructability. I also hope it's a combat-effective strategy to take the time to place explosives in the right way to destroy a building to kill your enemies rather than using weapons or vehicles.
Yes, that is a big concern. I'm sure they could come up with things such as killing someone on the top floor of a building and you can either go up and fight them and their thugs or blow the building by spending some extra cash on explosives. If they implement the destructibility correctly it looks like it could make for a promising game.
I don't think it's gonna play too well, just from what I saw. It reminds me of Lost Plsanet; which I hated. I hope it doesn't though, it could be bomb.
It doesn't come out until June 9th 2009, but I already have it at the top of my GameFly queue. It looks like a lot of fun to me.
Woah guys, lets keep this thread on topic. I don't want to draw away from this aweso... Oh wtf, talk about whatever the hell you want.
People will anyway =[ But this game looks like it could be horrible if you can just nock down the whole damn city. Also multiplayer might fail if you can just nock down the entire multiplayer map with some explosives. Then what, you fight over a big pile of rubble? That doesn't sound to good to me.
They should have stuck to the 1st person point of view like Red Faction 1 and 2... even though RF2 was a huge let down. The destructable environments on the original Red Faction was inpressive, and it was only on the PS2. I have yet to see any game match that level of destruction...even now.
I'm positive they wouldn't make everything destructible, especially for objective games where bases are needed. And, there is also ways to rebuild buildings, making it a strategic way to make your own cover and destroy the enemy's.
Yeah, and I'm sure explosives would be limited enough on spawns that teams could rebuild cover faster than the enemy can destroy it.