Hey guys, this site is pretty cool: http://www.shadyserver.com/haloscripts/compare It takes the stats of any two named gamertags and decides who would win based on various criteria. Post here how well you do against the person above. So I post this: Compare yourself to me! And then the next person clicks it and posts the scores and the link at the bottom and then the next person does the same, etc. etc.
that was a complete waste of time. also, i didnt even win because the experience multiplier made my score go down. fine, i will edit this. u beat me by .3 points.
I don't mean to be rude but don't just post saying you lost and get in a strop because you don't think the system was fair or something. Sure it's probably completely inaccurate, but its just a bit of fun. All I asked was to post scores and then post the link to let people compare with you GT. I really don't like it when people never do what I ask them to in my own thread, so either editing your post or posting again with the stats would make me happy
I lost to Unleash Mayhem by 6.1527 points. :squirrel_sad: And i'm not even going to talk about what happened with Vinny