Crap, you're right. I'll get a mod, see if they can re-open it. If not, I'll just have to give the deciding vote and call upon a secret, long forgotten jury. Edit: Kind sir Creeping Death has taken care of it.
I also doubetd it when i posted that like 8 hours ago,when i just came on 2 minutes ago it says your last visit was 30 min. ago i guess all i can do is change my password,and why would you doubt that? ive been a member for almost 2 monthes and never flamed anyone before?
Z Strike, it looks much better in my opinion. If I went to buy it and it had Dom's cover, I'd think it would be some cartoony game like Viewtiful Joe *shudders* but anyways, yeah Z Strike's...
Just to let everyone that's been following the thread know: SPARTANZ77 had his account hacked by a user, and we talked about it in PMs. It's all k now guys. Everything's gun be k.
Zstrike13 Although I really don't like his choice of sepia tone, you can't deny the excellent blending . He used his choice in stocks very well and the clouds look nice. I see DomiBoy_says_Oi was going for a GTA theme
Alright, the competition is over. Expect a new competition with a brand new topic, announcing the winner from this competition (yes, I do know it was a tie), and a Winners' Thread. Also, expect a fun new announcement about someone special that will be joining me in creating and managing these competitions. All this by Monday, hopefully.