Mysterious Sewers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by whiizzle, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    My first map for forgehub is mysterious sewers, its an infection map where you are on rats nest and you have to survive for ten minutes.

    ok, so you are in a gang and you realized that two of your members have mysteriously disappeared. So you start your day and you still dont know where your members, Jorge and Moses are. Then after 45 seconds you hear a loud noise, a pipe broke, and 2 zombies come out of the bursted pipe. after they get close enough to you, you notice that they look like Jorge and Moses. You try to reason with them, but your only chance of surviving would be to camp and fight them off.

    originally i made this game like a gang for who knows why but it kinda fit with the rest of the game. so you can put betrayals as 1 point instead of 0 if you want. then that way you can be selfish and sacrifice your own memebers to help yourself survive, or you can choose to work as a team.



    get to vehicles if you want to

    or get to a base and camp

    pipe bursts and jorge and moses come out

    look, its moses!

    your supposed to throw the flare at the zombie not at your feet


    here they come, look out!

    last man standing


    haha i killed him :)

    ur dead, stupid guest

    mongeese, get out of the way or you"ll end up like shrimpy!

    Download: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    ***remember about the betrayals if you want, and you can also if you want make the regular, not alpha, zombies have poor camo too.
    ****my new map home alone will be coming soon!
    #1 whiizzle, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2009
  2. blastzone5

    blastzone5 Ancient
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    is this suposed to be fun?
  3. Lunatic Lawyer

    Lunatic Lawyer Ancient
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    If your going to make fun of him, srsly, GTFO.

    But looking at the map, it really isn't anything we haven't seen before. Try adding some more bases, it seems as if there's only one. 3/5
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    nice map. on a side note, its possible for people to get inside the fences by using a glitch envolving mongeese on this map, thus making it impossible for them to be killed. i know you could always boot these people, but yeah, i hate it when d-bags are d-bags and i try not to give them a chance to cheat. cool map all teh same :D
    #4 sourdauer, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2009
  5. Jawflan

    Jawflan Ancient
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    Come on, Like really are you going to judge a map by its pictures. If you are going to judge at least "Download" the map
  6. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    well i just changed some stuff in the map, but didnt take new pictures. sorry, i could do more work...i have a new map on rats nest that isnt really finished but is a house with two stories, but on rats nest there really isnt too much to work with.

    and about the fences, i dont even know how to do that myself, so if anyone could think of a way to stop it reply or something. the format for posting this look right?, i was a little confused, but i think i got it
    #6 whiizzle, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2009
  7. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Uh dude that is spam. You should give him constructive criticism on the map instead making that remark.

    Onto the map. It looks decent from what I can see. I probably won't download though (mainly because I've reached my 100 DL limit). I think it looks pretty nice for a first map and I like the idea of you being in a gang and 2 members mysteriously disappeared. I think you could add a little more to it though. To me it just seems a little empty. Maybe it is just the pictures I don't know. Good job. 3/5
  8. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    I don't like the game, it's boring and unoriginal. Camping spots never make fun games. And the forging is hardly up to forgehub standards. Next time try to bring something new and exciting to the game. 2/5
  9. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    It's not a bad idea, try adding more complexity or vehicles.
  10. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    ill try, i have like no more items though. i have a new map, home alone, but i probably wont post it, it is good and ive spent a long time on it but its too empty, and i dont have a good gametype. also another map i dont know what to call it will be out soon too, it will kind of be like possumfart bunker(favorite map). and yeah

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