Foundry Manifest (Help's on the way, right?)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    This is the best infection I have ever played. I actually don't mind being a zombie as long as I start out that way and not because I got assassinated. M favorite thing to do when I'm a zombie is go through one of the last teleporters and then wait behind the forklift and crate then assassinate the last person in the group. Being human is challenging as well you always need to know your surroundings and where the zombies could drop down from. Cant wait to see the next map in this infection series.

  2. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Sucks your box RRoD'd and you couldn't test with any further, we were missing your opinion. But actually, since the last time you played, we updated some things. Human speed is decreased, and the amount of damage done and zombie resistance is all changed for the better. This allows for the teleporters to be useful at least twice each. The boss powerup was moved, so the staying on that roof issue is null now. Humans make it to the final area 30 seconds (at most, sometimes less depending on how long it takes them to travel through the level) before the boss zombie, and most of the greater weapons are in the final area, so camping the weapon room is gone. The boss zombie isn't as hard so it comes down to about 50/50 win-lose ratio, depending all on how well you worked as a team, and how many guys are left.

    As for the issue of a douchebag ruining it...yeah if someone stays back like a dumbass they ruin it - for themselves. I usually just boot that person, I know it's annoying to be missing a team mate, but start zombies are no longer capped at 2, thus it isn't so easy to just stay back, as there are more zombies. I agree it sucks that you need a lot of people, though it can be played with 8-10 pretty well, and there is no lag, even with aussies.

    And yeah, we wanted you to have to work as a team or die, so I gues that worked out well. Anyway, thanks for the awesome reply silence, hope to play with you again soon :)

    Why thank you, I always love hearing the words "best infection ever"

    #42 chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2009
  3. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    When I was going to post my next I was actually going to do something along the lines of a graphics enhanced post. It looks amazing and I love how it looks like a real journal, the downside is the loading of the pictures and that it's somewhat small so you need to zoom in to read it. Maybe a different font next time or maybe bold it. :/

    I really like the idea of campaign through custom games, a very ingenious idea. I was thinking of the same thing, but I was trying to make a campaign level that you could play by yourself, however I don't have a real thorough way of doing it. I know this has been said hundreds of times, but it reminds me of left 4 dead, a lot. You guys went over the edge and beyond the standard ForgeHub posts and maps. I haven't played it yet and I'm actually hoping I can get a big enough party to play this epicness to it's full potential. Hint, hint. Do you guys want to have a set date and make a party to play this with meh? :[
  4. piekiller

    piekiller Ancient
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    this is definately a new twist on infection that im proud of

    P.S this deserves a feature
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Although he was infracted for this post, he was absolutely correct. He is the 3rd person to say this (besides my self ;]) Like TSB said, the whole linear path idea is amazing. It feels like I am play a video game that chrst ans Sweeney created. Not to mention the amazing gameplay and the great aesthetics and the story. Great job, guys, once again.

    As deathtoll would say it: Feature NAO!
  6. DEANM12

    DEANM12 Ancient
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    Well since some staff members already saw this it has to be feature and i've seen the draft post and it was great but this post is way better! This actually is infection even though its similar to L4D (which is awesome!) and this though has more humans and less bosses. Just like Camfo said this map went past forgehub standards map post and created a new campaign mission (in my opinon at least) and hurry up with the other chapters NAO!!1!. I must DL now. 5/5
    Really good. Period.
  7. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    Geez, what a post. I've seen a lot of Town infection maps and this one seems a lot different than most. That pile of objects gives it some sort of gameplay value and visual effect. I like the addition of houses stores too. So whats in the stores by the way? Weapons? Power-ups?
  8. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    "Woah!" is what I first said when I saw this map. And that was judgeing by the pictures. My xbox is in for repairs right now, but once it gets back this will be the first map I play.

    Im not really liking the humans having shields as it looks kinda weird. I do understand that this is to make it so the car crash injures them and so zombies can't kill in one shot, but couldnt giveing them normal shields with high damage resistance acomplish the same thing? (Run on sentance......)

    One thing I ask is more pictures and that video to come out. That video and machinima sounds awsome.

    And can't give an overall opinion but I will try to comment once I play it.
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    First of all, either you have a crappy computer or don't read. Click the pictures to enlarge them man.

    Second of all, you don't really "review" a map this good. You just kind of stare in aw and point. This isn't some nub's map where you're going to have to judge interlocking and whether or not spawn points are right and crap. Whenever staff n such makes a map, there are no flaws like that. It's basically a matter of you at that point. And nobody enjoys it when somebody does a review like that. Just rate the thread. That's all you really need to do.
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I only hope so, Whats I only hope. Or of course, BoF would be awesome as well ;)

    Thanks for the great reply. We honestly didn't intend l4d, but after playing the l4d demo we were both like...oh god we are getting so many "omg it's l4d" comments. Meh, it works, and better than most wannabe l4d maps.

    Throughout the path, there are weapons and stuff, so most of the houses include someone weapon ungrades. It is a linear path you follow, so you typically pass through and area and don't return. There isn't really "camping"

    Shields are your health bar. They don't recharge. Neither humans nor zombies die in one hit (zombies are headshotable). We wanted something that felt realistic and didn't give one side an overpowering advantage like most infection games do.

    Why sure you do Zander, I appreciate your praise but neither me nor sweeny are known for our forging. Lots of the staff members are by no means perfect forgers, and criticism is always helpful. It's illinformed (like people who don't read map posts and tell us we have to many power weapons) criticism that isn't. It's all about the time you put in. Take more time to build, and more time to test, your map is ultimately going to be better.
  11. Fatal VengenceX

    Fatal VengenceX Ancient
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    Really fun but the humans seem to strong and the zombies are too weak, some people will camp in the spawn room which is unfair.
    But this is a master piece reminds me of L4D alot
  12. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    alrighty then let me just say U WINZzZZZZZZzZZZ! yeah that about sums up this review, ive played a game with 8 players 4 times (they wouldn't let me play anything else actualy) and this map is beutiful, definetaly my favorite part was the road block, i speant like 8 minutes on my own trying to brake it, you win also I really like how you could go on a alternative path for more ammo if needed, and that said ammo was actualy a problem, unlike most infection games. but my favorite part was definetaly the tone when i played this game, we would all be checking every hiding spot with a shotgun(once i steeped into that sniper room looking for a zombie by the truck area, yeah i got assassinated because he was actualy hiding in the main entrance. Being the grindnaut is a treat, i feel like such a badass and i always act like im a grinder from GOW2, great weapon selection, great idea oh yeah the health system! i loved how it took 3 hits rather then the norm. and how if you didn;t work together and have someone covering you back you would get owned. now time for some suggestions
    ok make the grindnaut pink, because he's covered in blood that's dried and it will make the humans want to attack him more because how hell stand out against the background, pluss its pink also use a oversheild as a health device so if you get it your health goesback to fool, our one bar up. Now i would really like to think in your next map the whole thing pretty much be a building and at the top you face a box with a gravity hammer than can knock you off for the fusion coil ground. But youve probably thought of something better.
    all in all this is a great map and a must download for all infection lovers
    5 dissapointed shotgun whores out of 5
    can't wait for the sequal
  13. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    What I meant was, couldnt you give humans normal shields, and say 500% or 1000% damage resistance? That way they still have the health but don't look glowing.

    I do understand why you made it how it is, but it's one thing i noticed.

    One thing i though of was having overshields as healthpacks. You don't have to use it, just soemhting I though of.
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Overshields are already in the second one, sweeny wanted to reserve it from the first.

    As for the health bar, the reason they glow is so you can see specifically how much health you have left. With damage resistance, you wouldn't no how close you are to dead. This way when you flash red, you know you are one hit away from dying, rather than being flash for minutes and taking another 7 hits.
  15. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    EDIT: Apparently I'm not to say anything out of line than what other people said. So here, I'm taking back what I said.

    Nice map it's really fun I like the buildings 5/5. There, no more nasty, nasty words for you.
    #55 Something., Jan 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2009
  16. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I've never seen someone put so much effort into a post. This is amazing! And the gameplay has the potential to be the best infection game since Nightfall IMO. I loved Nightfall, but I haven't played this yet, so I'll give a better review tomorrow once I've downloaded it. Goodgametype and map name combo btw.
  17. Sonic Boxers

    Sonic Boxers Ancient

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    I'm soo lazy because ever since I saw this map as a guest I've wanted to DL, but couldn't, now I finally can. This is gonna be fun, tee-hee-hee...

    that was Lame-orz...
  18. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    One problem I found:
    In the human spawn room, you can go through the whole where the Hog is, and jump on each others heads out of the map
  19. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I remember playing this as a test session at a tgif. Keep it on the downlow. This has to be the greatest infection variant I have EVER played... Just... WOW
  20. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Zombies can get to that area. It's not the best idea to go there.

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