Activation v1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Chupalupa23, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. Chupalupa23

    Chupalupa23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Activation v1.1​

    Download Map!

    Summery:Mainly a Vertical style map with 4 levels made for about 2-8 people for team slayer and FFA slayer.Made for Old School style slayer with AR starts. Mostly focused on higher ground strategies to win about 5 ways to get to the main top so camping isn't a problem. Fun fast-paced action.

    Well this is a map i had for a while but never had the time to actually post it so here it is.​

    (quantity)(item)(spawn)(EX Ammo clips)
    8x BR's 45-1
    1x Sniper 90-1
    1x Needler 45-2
    1x Rockets 180-1
    1x Carbine 45-1

    Its a pretty small map so not that much weapons
    x14 Plasmas 10
    x1 Bubble 90
    x1 PowerDrain 90
    x1 Regenerator 90
    x1 RadarJammer
    x1 OverSheild 120

    The Pictures:
    Front Mid
    Back Mid
    Top Right Overview
    Top Left Overview
    OverSheild spawn-Can Only get it threw the Main Lift
    Door Teleporter A Sender
    Door Teleporter A Receiver and Sniper Spawn
    Door Teleporter B Sender
    Door Teleporter B Receiver and Needler Spawn
    PowerDrainer and Carbine Spawn
    Side Ladder Lift
    Regenerater and BR Spawns
    Bottom Hall- RadarJammer and BR Spawns
    Top Mid-Rocket Spawn
    Hall Back View
    Back Mid View

    Hope You All Like It And Enjoy It!

    Download Map!
  2. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From what i can see in the pictures the forging looks pretty solid. I'm Dl'ing and i'll play test it tonight. 4/5
  3. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the look of the map, and the layout seems to flow well for FFA games, but this map looks easily escapable. Unless Foundry's soft ceiling prevents it, I would add an extra layer of walls to the top of the outlying walls just to be sure. In some places it looks like stray bullets and grenades could fit through the walls. But otherwise, a solid map, overall 8.5/10
  4. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love teleporter doors so I like the map lol. The layout seems really well too. I'll test it out tonight after school but for now 4/5 becuase I haven't actually played on it.
  5. Chupalupa23

    Chupalupa23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im sorry to say but you can never get out of this map, its built up to the invisible ceiling you cant even get out as the editor ball without deleting some walls...
  6. JakeyFreeHa

    JakeyFreeHa Ancient
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    it looks really good except i see alot of places where people could escape the map with a grenade... other than that the merges looks pretty excellent... 4/5
  7. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Looks asthetically superb, and defiantly look smore suited to FFA than team. How do you make doors teleporters, out of interest?
  8. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This looks like a very chaotic map. I like the doors and the ladders making it a realistic environment. I love the design of this map. For some reason I just think its incredible. Definatly DLing, for now 5/5.
  9. Patchwork V2

    Patchwork V2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice interlocking skills - could do with some action shots ^_^

    Still great map 4/5
  10. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    for me things look alittle crowded and stacked up , looks like u can get lost where shooting is coming from
  11. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    put teleporter behind door in reverse , up close to door, merge it to answer question about how to make a door a warp...
  12. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    thats what ffa is all about, itll happen no matter what map you play on, unless your some kinda "OCD look everywhere" kinda thing

    this map looks very nice, and i definetly think my favortie thing about it is that level doesnt equal power (from what i can see, sorry grounded during the week, pretty obvious tho)

    with so much obstructed lines of sight and so many levels that over and underlock each other (o.o?). and being non-hectic ffa is my favortie gametype, this looks like itll reserve a spot on my HD for some time.

    is that what i think it says? waaaaaay too many for an ffa game, specially for ffa.if you havent read this yet, there is quite a bit of knowledge in it.
    if that link works, then you definetly need to check it out. two type of nades tho, already halfway there.

    hope this helped.

    p.s. going to my FH-maps-to-download for now ;)

    oh and also, dont double posts, noobzor
    #12 HydroZoid, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2009
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this looks like a sweet map. I really like the structure on the first picture. It's one of the most original things I've seen in a while. There are a couple of examples of a little bit of sloppy forging but that doesn't matter that much. The layout is also sweet and I like the use of the teleporter doors. They make the map a lot more playable without uglying it up. I have a question though... in the 4th pic, can you walk up those two fence walls leading up to the higher floor? They look a little steep. Anyway, overall I'd give this map a 4.5/5. Good Job.
  14. zZKatonZz

    zZKatonZz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks AMAZING!
  15. DFS Faust

    DFS Faust Ancient
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    i like the edges wear you made the stairs go into the bridges.
    looks a bit like construct on foundry.
    i saw one spot were grenades might be able to slip out.
    but other than that it looks like a pretty solid multi level map.
    4.5 out of 5 ill dl then comment more.
  16. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Astonishing. Mega Aesthetically pleasing, and feels awesome just being on it. This map flows extremely well for all gametypes (up to 2v2 team) horizontally and vertically. Cover and lines of sight are included in the geometry itself, rather than there being dumpsters and barriers all over the place, and there's still some open room on the floor for some good BRing. This map incorporates excellent forging combined with unique gameplay and structures to bring foundry to it's fullest forging potential.

  17. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Id give it a 5/5 I dont know everyone else isnt. Maybe work on your interlocking here and there and focus more and not crowding areas with too many structures but other than great!
  18. Chupalupa23

    Chupalupa23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Again, im sorry to say but you can never get out of this map, its built up to the invisible ceiling you cant even get out as the editor ball without deleting some walls...
    i think i might be makin' a v2 fixing the plasma granade problem and the holes in the wall...
  19. Chupalupa23

    Chupalupa23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Spam! Spam! Spam! Please don't spam my thread, it makes you and me look bad, BTW I think that's the first time I've seen warned on a persons profile...
  20. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Nice Map. I did try this out for myself and it was a new experience for me to be honest haha. This map is in my new FH Maps video btw if you'd like to go check that out. You really did do a fantastic job. Keep it up!

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