I was pissed that I missed the 4th but still amazing non the lss
Nothing too special although you are very good with no scopes. Nice job, I would have added effects to the video to make it seem cooler like maybe a camera flying around in slow motion or something to make it look more dramatic.
I wouldn't have, it was just a triple kill, the intro and outro were too much. The first kill wasn't impressive, the double better, and the triple showed you don't just randomly hope to get lucky, you make sure it's a headshot before you shoot. Overall it was decent. It didn't need the music or titles, but it was better than a lot of triples out there.
I agree with orange here, the noscopes were nice but the overcasthalo thing popped up three times which was a bit annoying but the actually video was pretty impressive. Nice job!
Agreed, it lucked like all three times you just pulled the trigger and got lucky. Maybe not so much the first and second time as the third. But, it is still pretty cool. Not "Amazing" though.
Umm... Its not really amazing. Its just one of those clips you would probably put in a montage. Definately not amazing though.