By: eguitarplaya33 Old Versions Sanskrit v2 Sanskrit v1 Sanskrit v3 is a small enclosed map built for 1v1 entertainment. It is great for challenging your friends in a 1 on 1 match. Sanskrit v3 has a defender and attacker side which spawn at totally opposite sides of the map. The layout consist of an attacker side, a defender side, and a separate neutral room that branches off the side. There are three pillars that are totally different heights. This gives players with incredible jumping skills an advantage over their opponent map. When playing on this map there are plenty of fusion coils scattered about, so I wouldn't recommend camping in a 1 on 1 match. Basically an opponent could just toss a grenade and you become history. Ok, this whole process started with one of my first maps that I started when I was sitting home during the summer. The map was called enclosed 1 on 1. There were so many flaws in this map including the ability to escape, a shotgun placed on a small map, and basically the size of the map all together. Letaliscarbine9 now known as Epic with an e decided to remake this map and named it Sanskrit which is latin for reincarnation. Basically improvements included eliminating the ability to escape the map, amazing aesthetic touches, and replacing the shotty with a mauler. But their was still a problem. Complaints included the size of the map and the fact that it was very easy to spawn kill your oponent, which was eventually fixed in Sanskrit v2. In Sanskrit v2 I built two small branches so that players would not spawn in the other player's view. The only flaws left were the size of the map...still! and a new one mentioned by Phreakie in his review. This included the fact that 25 kills was a bit too much and could get boring after 10 or more kills. In Sanskrit v3 I expaned the whole wall eliminating the sniper bunker and adding new features to the map. Also the score limit to win was decreased to 15. Weapons 2 Battle Rifles A BR spawns at both the attacker and defender base giving both players an equal advantage. 1 Carbine The Carbine spawns in the separate branch, players with a experience with the carbine might choose it over the BR 1 Plasma Pistol Yes, a plasma pistol, if you use this to your advantage along with a BR you could easily take over the game. 2 Magnums The two magnums spawn separately on the two smaller pillars on the map. If you find a way to get these two dual wielded, you could easily take your opponent out in a couple of shots. Needler The needler fits perfectly on this map. The map is neither too large or too small for it, making it the perfect choice for a power weapon. SMG The SMG replaced the brute shot in Sanskrit v2. The brute shot was way to powerful, but the SMG with its small but fast amount of power could easily take out the other opponent in lower grounds. Mauler The Mauler is the second power weapon along with the needler in this map. I would recommend using it wisely because there are a few amount of shots. Grenades Fire Bomb Grenade This grenade seems to be the one to go for during 1 on 1 matches, thats why it was placed in the bunker giving both players an even chance for it. 3 Spike Grenades The spike grenades are placed randomly throughout the map, but there is one on each side for the players to equip. 3 Frag Grenades Players do spawn with 2 frags but there is an extra 2 scattered among the perimeter and one in the bunker next the firebomb grenade for players to use when the are out of their starting ones. Equipment Deployable Cover The deployable cover in this map is placed in the neutral branch of the map. It can be used in the KOTH gametype for cover when obtaining vast amounts of points. Trip Mine The trip mine wasn't really used in Sanskrit v2 because it was sitting on top of a crate which wasn't really in the midst of gameplay. It is not sitting on top of the tallest pillar along with the SMG. Players can throw it on the ground and shoot it with a BR or throw a grenade at it to cause a huge explosion which can easily kill or take out the enemy's shields. Custom PowerUp The custom power-up no longer gives the player who obtains it camo nor overshield instead it gives the player: 50% Gravity 150% Movement This helps the player overall on the map because he/she can use their jumping skills to overcome their opponent (creator) Sanskrit v3 Sans Slayer v3 Sans Swords (Once again thanks to Epic with an e. Without the remake of enclosed 1 on 1 this would never have been born) (I did have testers, I do not remember them off the top of my head so add your name in the post if you tested) Testers:
Looks great - Queued for download. I like a map that has It's own floor. Makes you forget you are playing in a big dirty warehouse ^_^ I'll rate after I play it.
It looks well built and everything seems as though you could play on it and not find a hiding spot/cheat to get out of the map. well done!
Yes this map is impossible to escape because it reaches foundry's invisible line where humans cant reach. And also there are places to hide, but you might not want to spend too much time in that particular place because there are plenty of fusion coils spread out on the map. Thanks For the Comments So Far
YAAY! v3, eguitarplaya! it seems like this will be better than v2, what with the sniper wall and all. i like the fact that this map has evolved with the new techniques and aesthetic ideas and styles. still, a tad bit small in area, but i will definitely DL, and forge thru it.
This was really fun to test, It was most fun for Koth. ALthough it may be small it is still fun as heck. Great map 4.5/5
This map looks sic, this is a better weapon list than the other 2. I like the way the map looks, not to open, but has lots of levetation. I'm DLing this one. 5/5, i'm gonna see how the gameplay goes...
Looks really good for 1v1! But. I think if you wanted to improve this any better, maybe take out some fusion coils, there seems to be too many. Especially when there are two next to each other. Might effect gameplay might not, just a thought. 4.5/5
Pedobear approves of this map. I like the enclosing of the arena, gives it a warming feel. I also like that one part of the floor where you see the side of the box rather then it's underside. Interlocking seems superb. Only thing I disapprove of is the floor. Normally, I would make the lines on the bootm of the boxes matching and connecting with the other boxes lines, like a grid. But that has no affect on gameplay or to little on asthetics. "You get nothing!!!" - willy wonka ... but in this case, nothing means 5/5
I thought too as well, I really love the weapon list on this one compared to v2. I love the SMG on top replacing the brute shot because it seems like that type of weapon where you would jump from the sky using. Actaully, I tested this plenty of times and actually two fusion coils in the bunker is actually perfect. One fusion coil was not enough to clear the bunker. Expecially in KOTH, I would hate throwing a grenade in that pit and having no effect, but two fusion coils did it.
Actually I think the bunker should only have 1 fusion coil, becuase you have to fit him first then blow up the fusion coils. With 2 all you have to do is chuck a grenade in there and its all clear, with no skill. 1 fusion coil takes good grenade placement
See thats where I am confused on this map. Should I made to where it should be easy to clear out the bunker or supply some kind of dificulty to toss the grenade in the right spot causing the explosion. I think I will agree with you. When I get on tomorrow, I will delete one and save it back on my fileshare. This does not necessarily mean to the people who have already downloaded it to re-download.
I'll try this out whenever. I didnt enjoy the V2 much. And I strongly believe you should get on with a new project. But nonetheless, I will try this. No review though. From the pictures it looks no different than its V2. Maybe a few reworked spawns but egh; it doesnt look like much.
Uh how about a whole new spawn system, the map is way bigger, and there are totally new weapons on the map. If you read the thread it actually says that, but i still don't get why you don't enjoy it? It seems just to be you?
It's great that you made a 3rd version. The last versions were too small, and it's good that you made it bigger. Even the whole map looks cleaner. The weapon selection was good because including power weapons can be not so good for 1v1. I will download, this is wayyyyy better than the other versions. Great job. 1v1 looks epic here.
This looks nice, I like how its inescapable and has its own floor with a cool and unique layout. But some things could use a bit of improvement, such as having fusion coils sprawled everywhere. 4/5 -Edit: oh a bit off-topic, but how do you get those little things on the signature saying your a fan of something??
It really has seen quite an overhaul since V2 the entire sniper bunker has been removed, the attackers side has been transformed from a couple doors worth of cover, the map itself has grown in size, weapons/spawns re-done and all. I'm glad to see this got posted, but I can agree it is time for something new. edit;; Alex where's the pic I sent you of where I raped your face with the spike?
Ya after testing, I was so satisfied with the weapon layout, because of how fun the game was. Ya i kind of agree, I just wanted this map to be up to its full potential, because i still had items left i wanted to use such as boxes and walls, and I knew it was time to expand and work on it. I think it turned out well, I dont really see any areas of improvement besides taking one fusion coil off the map
To me when i played this i thought if he had deleted some of the equipment and the weapons this could be a pretty good MLG map
My favorite weapon on this map, is by far the battle rife. But when people kill their enemy they usually look around and try to find where the player is going to spawn, but they can never find them. Every time I would try they would be rushing up on me. But if you were smart and you have true BR skills, the battle rifle can be the perfect weapon for you on this map. And yes I agree this could be a good mlg map if I were to remove some of the weapons. But I tried to keep some simple or "noob" weaons on the map to make it seem more slayer based. I could add a MLG gametype and map to this thread though.