Jesus tapdancing christ, reynbow is impossible to please. I got bored in photoshop earlier and was opening up pictures I had saved. I knew from the get go, something really cool could be produced from it. I made the mistake of showing this to Reynbow... Font was too... yuk. I wanted simplicity. He said I needed a thicker font. Broken peice font failed. Rey said that one ^^^ reminded him of prison... Made this for lols, Rey wasn't amused. At his suggestion... At the last one: [12:25:21 AM] Reynbow says: ****ing perfect but then: [12:25:31 AM] Reynbow says: It needs something though [12:25:51 AM] Linubidix says: you're impossible to please Yeah, the moral of the story is, Reynbow is impossible to please. It's like trying to get a brick wall to grow legs and to a backflip. Overall though, Rey was a massive help.
OMFG lol, you're a prick xD Anyway, everyone can now thank me for the positive feedback I gave Linubidix. Let's just say I'm skilled and he is not, it's that simple. Look let's face it, because of my excellent ****ing in-put, the sig benefited =]
Yeah, his criticism usually helps a lot. As for the sig, i like it, its better than some of your other ones you have been making recently, a lot better. I like the feel of depth. The blurry thumb on his left hand [our right] is kind of annoying, but i guess it makes sense, maybe less blurry.
Needs some other effects. Having a gray bottom, with a colored top kind of bugs me. Maybe make the white in the background blend more with the foreground.
It doesn't need to be flashy, I wanted something really simplistic. I didn't want to heavily saturate it or contrast the hell out of it. I wanted the fists to be the main drawing focus, yet I didn't want them to be really flashy.
Honestly I think it would be better if you just cropped resize and blurred. The desaturation and name bar detract from it if anything
I don't mean flashy. I mean like a different color for the background. The white drags from the focal point.
The smudging around the fists looks out of place. It might look better if it was just a sharp contrast between the fists and face.