Control Room If you couldn't figure it from the title, this map is an attempt at turning Halo's control room into a multiplayer map. Now, I approached this map quite a bit differently than my previous maps. For one, I started building it with only the ring platform itself planned out. Once I had that finished, there was still a lot of empty map area. I then had to plan out the rest of the map, which was difficult because I wanted the focus to remain on the platform. The other thing I did differently was how I chose to place weapons. My previous maps all seemed to have too many power weapons, according the feedback I've received. The way I placed weapons on my previous maps was to choose counters to power weapons. Based on the layout of the map, sometimes the counter would end up as another power weapon. For Control Room, I picked the power weapons I wanted and did not place any more, even though I desperately wanted to. The weapon set for this is themed to the map itself, such as weapons you may find playing the last campaign mission. So for the power weapons, a Spartan Laser and a Sentinel Beam. Yes, you may find Shotguns, Rocket Launchers, and Fuel Rod Cannons on that mission as well, but I held back. Full weapon set includes: - Spartan Laser - Sentinel Beam - Battle Rifles - Plasma Rifles - Spikers - SMGs - Maulers - Magnums - Brute Shots - Needler Equipment: - Bubble Shield - Power Drain - Grav Lifts - Frag, Plaz, and Spike nades Vehicles: - Mongoose x 2 Control Room supports all gametypes and game variants. I recommend Crazy King and Neutral Bomb. 12 players max. Download Control Room
looks pretty messy in some spots but this is a great map, you did pretty well to try to copy a structure in the game, looks pretty fun. Geo merging would add more off an evironment to this level but it still looks good. Tell me if you dont know how to geomerg 3/5 geo merging would bring it up to a 4/5 this map needs something new to make it look more realistict
Looks pretty cool. Though it sort of made me laugh a little that when you said that you had too many power weapons, your thought was to counter balance it instead of removing them. Still, it seems to have worked out very well. Great job. 4/5.
This map looks really good, i can see the control room really clearly, but i think you need to rethink the sentinel beam, it can really be too overpowering unless you have something to combat it, like stickies, which usually result in death, or a sniper. other than that the map looks good!
Wow, pretty accurate remake of the control room, I like it. And the additional center structure looks like it works well for KOTH. I can't believe I've never seen the control room forged before... but whatever. Good job, the map is very original. Do you think Oddball would also work on this map?
This map looks really good. The only thing i suggest would be more cover on the right and left side of the main structure. otherwise good job.