MLG Diesel V2.2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by s90henige, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. s90henige

    s90henige Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Diesel v3.0
    Created by s90henige (gamertag: ResrgntCinerbus)

    Supported Gametypes:
    MLG TS
    MLG KotH
    MLG Ball
    Bomb MLG’d (highly recommended)

    Map Description
    Weapon Set:

    BR (x3/10 sec)
    Covanent Carbine (x2/90 sec)
    Mauler (1 clip/120 sec)
    Plasma Pistol (120 sec)
    Rocket Launcher (0 clips/180 sec)

    Plasma Grenade (x2)
    Frag Grenade (x2)
    MLG Overshield (180 sec)

    Diesel is my first post at the Forge Hub Forums. Loosely based on Halo 2’s Midship in the early stages of its development, MLG Diesel (in its essence) has a symmetrical, two-base, diamond-shaped design.

    The two bases (Red/Blue) are located in the first two opposite corners of the diamond. Each base has two levels: Basement & Floor. At floor level there are four directions to exit: Ramp (to Purple), Man Cannon (to Floor of Base), and two Basement-level exits (to Middle and to A-side/Yellow). Bases contain a BR (front of Man Cannon) & a Covanent Carbine (just outside Purple side exit).

    Now we move on to the other two corners of the diamond (Purple & A-side/Yellow). This is where logged hours of testing came into serious influence (Seriously, month+). A-side still stands in its original intended design. Three levels make up the A-side tower: A1 (Plasma x2, BR, Mauler), A2 Tunnel (MLG Overshield), & A3. A2 is on same level as Base Floor. A3 is accessible just outside of either base via double stairs (jump to Top-Mid possible). Now as I said, A-side tower stands exactly how it was when I first made it, but Purple side is another story. A-side is built to be risky and more open (hence Overshield), I figured a larger P2 with slightly more coverage and a power weaon would help to balance the map. The Purple structure (v2.0) is accessible via stairs on the ramp side of either base, & located opposite the A-side Tower. With a connecting bridge from P2 to Top-Mid (Rocket Launcher spawns on Purple Bridge), and a double box tunnel (Frag x2 & Plasma Pistol like in Midship) through P1, Purple side is truly the climax to Diesel.

    -*-*- Props to Draw the Line, his bridges in Slate Creek inspired Purple bridge to Top-Mid -*-*-

    The Middle structure is just that, in the Middle. What makes Diesel’s Middle stand apart from other MLG maps is its double-fence box construction with four surrounding “bridge” towers (impede line of sight). Top-Mid is accessible in two ways: Purple bridge & jump from A3 stairs). The same four “bridged” towers that provide slight cover for Top-Mid do the same for Bottom-Mid.

    -Rockets moved from A3 to Purple Bridge(map balance).
    -Mauler moved from bottom-mid to A1 between Middle structure and A2 Tunnel.
    -One fence wall removed from Base Flag Level.
    -Fence wall added to bottom-mid, interlocked with A-sign(decreases flag-runs up the middle).
    -Two wall corners added below stairs to top-mid/A3(added cover to basement level).

    Now for a pictorial tour of Diesel…


    Overview from A3/Top of A-side Tower

    Overview of Top-Mid and Purple Bridge/P2

    Red Base looking out at Purple Bridge (Rocket Launcher Spawn)

    Middle Structure & A-Side (v3.0 alterations visible)

    Red Basement Level looking out (v3.0 alterations visible)

    A look inside Red Base

    Bomb Plant at Blue Base (RED TEAM SCORES!!!)


    Lots of man hours have been put into this map. Both in forge itself (playing legos) & through many-many test rounds there after (Thanks to hotcarl033, Mythic 73, shibbby69, kdvr, Tavegg1a, YoshisDrunk, togglemasnake and anyone else who helped in test rounds). Diesel v3.0 power weapons (Mauler, Plasma Pistol, & Rockets) are all drop-spawned. Bomb MLG’d game variant is highly recommended.

    -Rockets moved from A3 to Purple Bridge(map balance).
    -Mauler moved from bottom-mid to A1 between Middle structure and A2 Tunnel.
    -One fence wall removed from Base Flag Level.
    -Fence wall added to bottom-mid, interlocked with A-sign(decreases flag-runs up the middle).
    -Two wall corners added below stairs to top-mid/A3(added cover to basement level).

    DL, play, rate, and comments are greatly appreciated.

    Download Diesel V3.0

    Download Matchmaking version of Diesel v3.1 (different weapon set)

    Download Bomb MLG’d Game Variant


    Other Maps by s90henige

    Download my Asymmetric MLG map: Emerald Tower v2.0

    Download Matchmaking version of Emeral Tower v2.1
    #1 s90henige, Dec 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
  2. s90henige

    s90henige Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks, the map took a LOT of effort as far as geomerging/interlocking... ill send an invite later tonite when i sign on to check out your suggestions
  3. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pretty sick. This is an original design. Most designs have the same layout of maps such as Onslaught and Amplified.
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is sick as hell. Love the fact that its not two open bases on opposite sides of foundry. Originality is a good thing and it works in this map. Keep it up man!
  5. s90henige

    s90henige Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Diesel v3.0 is now updated to this thread. Version 3.0 contains alterations made to the map itself and power weapon placement (explained in main thread). Also notice the Matchmaking version now available: Diesel v3.1. In v3.1 a new weapon set is present to help recreate that Midship-gameplay via Shotgun at A1, and an Energy Sword at top of Purple Bridge. Plus, a few extra Plasmas to help even out play between the holders of such said Shotgun &/or Sword
  6. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow, very nice! ive never seen a map positioned this way and it fits well! one part i dont like is the middle bridge connecting the sides, you can cut them off and still look very well. 5/5 DL from me
  7. Hyp3roptic

    Hyp3roptic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the map looks really good, the layout is awesome, i love the use of fence walls as floors.
  8. s90henige

    s90henige Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Which bridge are you referring to, Purple Bridge or the Stair-Bridge across A-Side? Either way both bridges are essential to constant flow around the map. Also, Purple Bridge is the Rocket Spawn making it vital to the map's construction. The A-Side Stair-Bridge allows for direct access to Ball spawn in Oddball (Ball spawns on fence walls next to middle structure on A-Side). I mean I see where you're coming from how the map will still look good with out either, but Diesel would not be fully functional without either bridge. Thanks for the comment though, advice from other 'Halo'ers/'Forge'ers is the only way to improve maps and get feedback to how the map plays across the Halo Community.
  9. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like this map. You have really captured the feel of Midship but with in Halo 3 gameplay elements. I feel it works really well with KOtH and Flag in 4v4s but not so much in Slayer. But strangely appeals to me for 1v1s. Just my thoughts.

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