I never thought of that, because if so many people found them. I would have to give ALOT AWAY. Probably the first 2 people to send me pics of each ball(WITHOUT FORGE) will get a one month.
Oh, cool, now the hunt begins...well...it begins when the maps are out lol. BTW tell me when they r out. :]
Your really advertising. Hurry up and give us a picture lol. You've gotten all of us very excited and I for one am racked with anticipation so c'mon! GIVE US THE GOODS!
Hey, remember, if you need testing you should post it the the testing forums. If you decide to do so, please post the date, time(EST) and Map name as the title of your post. Also, you will get more participants on weekends and with a 2-3 day notice. Just a suggestion, I know that alot of tests that are tested have a far better chance of getting featured and becoming popular, just due to the fact that you play with alot of higher ranking people here on forgehub. I hope you decide to test and I'm anxious to see the pics. Love, Zachary9990
I am deciding to test, and I will probably add one pic of each map to this thread today. I didn't know everyone was so anxious!
Lol I did read it a second time and did realize how epic the post was. Don't worry pictures are on the way VERY SHORTLY!
on the map forerunner, why do all the objects looked crooked or at an angle? and sorry for stating things from just seeing pictures, but warial looks kinda/really open
Forerunner is meant to be crooked, from the anti-gravity supports were worn down from misuse and cold. The structures are meant to be crooked.