Smear the Pinkie

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Smear the Pinkie & Smearena

    Original by LockNLoad128
    Remade and distorted by me.

    This game provides many laughs, some OOOH!!!s, the rare scream; a whole rainbow of emotions. The idea is just like normal infection, hunt the humans, and smear the pinkies.

    Download Map - Updated
    Download Game
    -players supported: 2-16; 3-8 recomended
    -all gametypes but infection supported (more info [jumpto=screw you stupid mod]here[/jumpto])

    Pink perspective.
    1 Everyone blasts through the lobby aiming at you without asking any questions or showing any signs of caution.
    2 You soon get splattered. After that, someone tells you that the plasma pistol overcharged stops vehicles.
    4 You overcharge the pistol and tag an unsuspecting ghost; you runs over and try to kill him but get smeared.
    5 You try this a few times and finally gets someone.
    6 With this new buddy, who is complaining about how his ghost didn’t work, you both starts picking people off, one by one, until the rounds over.
    Human perspective
    1 You drop onto a floor full of vehicles with all the other humans. Everyone gets into a ghost except one guy, who gets in a warthog, and another guy’s afk.
    2 You burst out of the gate and aim at the strange pink guy and try to splatter him, successfully. Some guy tells something about the plasma pistol.
    3 The pinkie tags you and runs toward you, but some guy splatters him. You continue on for a while.
    4 Suddenly the funny pink zombie tags you again and your ghost stops and drops to the ground for some reason and the the pink fiend kills you.
    5 You became a zombie and you complain to the other guy about your ghost, and your new colour.
    6 You kill almost everyone, and one human remains, he drives frantically through the pink cloud just to fall and die at your hand, crying, yelling, why god? Why!?!’ you stare at him as he takes his last breath.

    The Story
    thanks to The Desert Fox
    He glanced quickly behind him. Sweat was pouring off him now. His legs felt as though they were made of lead and his feet were sore. Wind howled through the canopy, creating an unnerving rustling noise in the dried leaves. He began running again, more frantically, as though he was certain he was being followed.

    He didn't know how he had escaped; it all seemed like a distant memory. Armed guards, pink uniforms - his head throbbed as he thought of his injuries. But it was behind him now; it was his chance to return home, as quickly as pos- A rustling noise to his left cut off his thoughts. Whipping around, he caught the fluttering leaf of a fern shaking in the autumn wind. Was he losing his mind, or had he seen pink, even if only for a second?

    He took a step back, upholstering his pistol from his belt with an audible click. A thrumming sound beat the hard soil as the bushes in front of him shook violently. A pink beast burst from the bushes at a gallop, flying over the ground cover, and on him in an instant. He fired. Again. Nothing.

    His eyes shot open; he was alone. But something was wrong. He couldn't move. As a terrifying cocktail of fear and realization swirled about in his brain, a shadowy figure approached; then another. And strangely, as he lay there listening to the horrible pink creatures slowly begin to feast on the gift from their alpha male, he felt no pain, but rather let out a maniacal laugh as he realized, he should have smeared the pinkie.

    Zombie traits:
    -sword kills humans about 5 hits (infinite ammo)
    -plasma pistol for alpha zombies
    -slightly lower gravity and faster speed
    -has normal radar and slow shields
    Human traits:
    -Individual colour
    -0% damage, use vehicles to kill
    -shield never recharge
    Problems - solved:
    -queers hiding behind unused vehicles - human only vehicle lobby.
    -sitting in vehicle lobby - lobby sweeping system (details in Smearena section)
    -your ghost gets creamed by your friend’s warthog - sucks to be you
    -10 rounds, no time limit
    -friendly fire off

    [aname=screw you stupid mod][​IMG][/aname]

    Download Map
    Download Game -Updated

    Fun Facts!
    -the budget is met, no budget glitch.
    -geo-telle-writen ‘S’ in center, brand new, not in pics. Stands for 'Seaboro' or 'Smearena'

    Smear the Pinkie’s Vehicle Lobby
    There was a problem in LocknLoad’s game; the zombies would hide in the unused vehicles, so I made this system. The humans spawn in a room full of vehicles, their only way out is through a one way gate of man cannons, and the pinks spawn on the outside. In non-asymmetric games, this lobby is non-existent, which is great for other gametypes. It’s hilarious when the zombie plasma pistols the vehicles inside the lobby, and they can’t get out. Once the zombie kept me in until the lobby system activated, that was not funny for me.

    Lobby Sweeping System
    There will always be people who think they can outsmart everyone and stay in the protection of the lobby, well they’re in for a surprise!


    And if for some apocalyptic reason someone survives the lobby sweep, there is a pellet that, if broken, re-activates the sweep. Sometimes I break the pallet just for fun. This feature is disabled after 3 minutes.

    Random Screens



    This map was originaly called 'smear the *****' [smear the *****, not smear all the *****s] on 'edmonton' and was made by LocknLoad, who stole the name from someone now unknown (and i'm not giving you credit, you got this map into alot of **** with that name whoever you are) The original by locknload was good, but i took the idea and ran with it, bringing it to what it is today. The name 'smear the *****' is offencive if misinterpreted as "Awarding points for the death of another ****". Originaly, the name was just a joke about a friend who lives in Edmonton, who is the pink *****. The name was catchy, so we just left it. Now that it was posted on forgehub, it has been seen in a new dark light (dark light?) and is now changes to smear the pinkie.

    Download Map -Updated
    Download Game -Updated


    ->HWC ozzie "looks really great in this sir" - haha you slipped, i would take offence if i was a girl.​
    ->Billy Reloaded "Wow that map title is very offensive, I like it!" - ya, well, it's changed now.
    ->halo3rockstar "i would recomend that you make the map look better with geomearging and some more interlocking" - a merged canvas? I think that if a person has played this game for five years, ten hours a day, and you suddenly switch this map with a merged one, they wouldn't notice. (even though there is some merging)
    ->MattDGiant "I find the name very offensive seeing as some of my good friends are queers" - tell your friends i'm sorry.
    ->Chas "am I supposed to say nice canvas?" - No, but if you do a forge overview i'm sure you'll change your mind.
    ->Ryu.exe "...I don't like the fact that you made the queers pink." - the zombies arn't '*****' anymore, if that solves your problem.
    ->Lord Wealizle "I like the lobby clearing system, it's a nice change from the instant action original." - It's called lobby sweeping system, and it is hella instant actionatous. You've got to try this one, it takes all of the good from the old one and leaves all the bad (making it the perfect halo custom game). Well, actually the only similarity is the name, and the attitude.
    ->Reynbow "To be honest, what went through your head while making this game." - Smear the *****... Huh, that rhymes! [nothing]​

    ->Creep1ng De4th - thanks, now this game can have second chance. It deserves it.

    ->BboyLeon "you might as well have shield doors spawn too so that no more vehicles can get out." The point of the lobby sweep is to get people out, some fusion coils spawn early as intimidation. I focus on making the game as fun as it can be for everyone, even the cheaters.
    ->Master Debayter "You should have had it renamed to pinkie punisher." - thats not bad, but i already changed everything, i'm too lazy.
    ->Soldier62994 "Well, his status says playing Smear the Dear, I guess that's what the new name will be changed to?" - its an inside joke. Smear the pinkie is probably the final name.
    ->Maxzy "I played this but it had a diffrent name. (I think the party leader changed the name :/)" - What was it? I'm curious.
    ->LionsNate132 "...and the humans have no choice, they are being forced to become gay, no matter how many they kill...just like real life.." - Just like real life? Homosexualism isn't infectious?
    ->ER1C0 "8.5/10 for lack of game originality" - Oh, come on!
    ->Tydo "to cheat when the fusion coils spawn you just push the nearest one away and go back to the now safe spot, you can do this over and over so what i suggest is to make them spawn in the air and fall" - 2/5 of fusion coils spawn early = intimidation. 3/5 spawn and in >1 second explode. Moving fusion coils away could possibly let you survive once, but if someone breaks the pallet after, already dieing, you have no chance. No one has ever beat the system, and if they even do just boot them. Dropping fusion coils isn't a bad idea, but then they will continualy drop, creating a little lag every time.
    ->TrueDarkFusion "The gameplay is very addictive and has excellent replay value. Props dude." - I have infected the leader, my plan is working! muhaha! ​

    (I'm just gonna respond normally now)​
    #1 Seaboro Kibbles, Jan 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    Wow. This map surprisingly enough looks to be one of the best mini games that I have seen in quite some time. It looks really great Sir/Mam. Its so funny, and so simple. It works. Everything looks really great in this sir, I did download this, and I will have a gay old time with my friends. SMEAR THE *****!! Haha. Big Win Man/Woman!
  3. Grandpa Joe

    Grandpa Joe Ancient

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    This looks like a very fun mini game, and coming from me, that's a lot. I never play mini games anymore, and I may download this one. Great concept, and cool switch.
  4. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Wow that map title is very offensive, I like it!

    Definitely a cool looking map and I agree with ozzie that is one of the better mini-games I've seen in a while. Well executed and clean and ,/facepalm myself for saying this, good interlocking.
  5. halo3rockstar

    halo3rockstar Ancient
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    looks simple yet eligant but i would recomend that you make the map look better with geomearging and some more interlocking. I give a 4.5/5 overall.
    The switch and timed death seems to also rule out the possisbility of people not useing the honor rule which adds to the gameplay nd map design even more
  6. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This looks incredibly fun and nicely forged, but I find the name very offensive seeing as some of my good friends are "queers". The name really isn't in good taste.
  7. DeceitfulPillow

    DeceitfulPillow Ancient
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    ...I don't like the fact that you made the queers pink. They should be purple or some other color. Pink is the second most epic color in the spectrum. The map looks good. I haven't DL'd it yet but it looks promising. I might make a few changes to the gametype for personal use though. Like the zombie color >_> *hint hint*
  8. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Dude, this is epic. Not only is this a well forged map, but you get to mow down queers for fun! jk I don't have anything really against queers, I'd just rather there be less of them. This map is kinda tough to actually review, what am I supposed to say nice canvas? Well nice canvas. I can't wait to go smear the queers.
  9. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    oh hush, the name doesnt matter. This game is very well forged and original. I played this early on and noticed that you added the anti cheating system. I wish you would of invited me to test but thats ok. I recomend this to anyone who wants a good couple hours of mindless fun. 5/5
    Why is the name "spear" Shouldnt it be "smear"?

    #9 Tydo, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  10. Lord Weazel

    Lord Weazel Ancient
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    Ha, I remember playing the original with LocknLoad and you. Good times... You seem to have changed a bit of the map from LocknLoad's version, but for the better. I like the lobby clearing system, it's a nice change from the instant action original. Overall, 4/5 forgewise, full marks for gameplay.
  11. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Dude looks epic. Awesome gameplay im sure (like all of your maps), and great forging. Clean and doesn't distract from the gameplay. I could keep playing this for hours. 5/5

    Its fun and creative. Forgehub needs more of this.
  12. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    [EDIT: I typed this up before the name change if anyone was wondering what the hell I'm going on about]

    So wait, how is this fine?

    If this were called 'Smear the blacks' it would be taken down right away. Infact I could see Bungie banning and removing it... So what makes you think this is funny or fine?

    To be honest, what went through your head while making this game. Now Mods, I get warned for saying the word 'Fail' and because of this I have no access to an entire section of the forums. So how can you justified this map being here celebrating the death a gays while I apparently 'insult' someone buy saying 'fail'.

    Now to the OP, do you think it's funny? What makes you think that a game simulating the act of killing gay people should be fun for all? If this were a full game to be sold to people off the shelf it would be considered a hate inspired game. Something the KKK would have thought of. This hate inspired 'mini-game' trivialises the life of gay people by simply running them over. Awarding points for the death of another ****... Why the hell is this still up on FH.

    I don't get it... I've pretty much given up on the idea of people on the other side of the world really caring about what someone else might feel and sure I might make fun of others on these forums, but it's not like I honestly want them dead.

    This addition to the casual maps section of Forge Hub is a direct insult to me and anyone else like myself. Leaving something like this here pretty much says it all doesn't it; "The Forge Hub Admins don't give a ****..."
    Some of you might think that this is just stupid fun or something so trivial and means nothing, but you just can't understand. It might mean nothing to you, but it means something to me. I might not have given many of the admins and mods here any reason to care about what I think but come on, this is just ridiculous...

    ... Sigh I just don't have the energy for something like this... I wish Martin Luthor King was gay, two birds with one stone...
    #12 Reynbow, Jan 7, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2009
  13. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Thread locked pending investigation/approval.

  14. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    I don't think there is much to investigate here and I definitely don't see this getting approved. It's derogatory and insulting to anyone who is gay, and can't be looked at in any other light in my opinion.

    The word "*****" can not be used in any form in the title of this game. Please come up with something that is not insulting to any gender, race, or sexual preference and PM myself or any other Mod with the new title and we will change it and unlock the thread. Until then, locked.
  15. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    Very awesome mini game i'm going to download and review(kinda) after i get my xbox back after january 24. umm...

    SUGGESTION: After the lobby sweep, you might as well have shield doors spawn too so that no more vehicles can get out.

    EDIT : It would be funnier if you put shield doors first... and THEN the fusion coils...and THEN the sweep. hahaha
  16. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    Aaaaaaaaah! Smear the pinkie? You should have had it renamed to Pinkie Punisher. Lol, it's a much better name, but whatever.

    I really like these kind of maps, where one team tries to the splatter the other and one team dies out in the end. Reversing the roles of humans and zombies was a fairly good idea (as far as these kind of maps are designed). The map also looks really, really smooth for gameplay, because it's mostly blank foundry (lol). I'll definately need to get a game on this. Well done Seaboro.
  17. Soldier62994

    Soldier62994 Ancient
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    Well, his status says playing Smear the Dear, I guess that's what the new name will be changed to?
  18. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    well the thing is its not like the gays are the ones getting killed, they are doing the killing for the most part. and at the end there are more gays anyway so it doesnt matter... and its changed so who cares... im just going to go oon and say how good this map is.


    I LOVE YOU,(not in the way the map intended to be but anyways)..
  19. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    All titles, bungie names, descriptions, even the little 'Q' on the map are now updated. Hope you guys appreciate it.
  20. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    It's a childhood game, however I do think that the author made it more derogative than it had to be... I feel that the new name is on the same spectrum as the old name now, and you should probably just come up with a new name.

    Besides that, it looks decent. Not exactly the most original game ever, but it would be cool as the sides are switched. Normally the zombies are the splatterers. Also since the zombies can actually kill the humans and infect them, it looks like it would be much more interesting. I will definitely download.

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