I wasn't sure what forum to put this so o well....forgehub should make a contest forum _____________________________________________________________ Rules: 1)Nothing Inappropriate 2)Must be original 3)You must have a title for the achievment and a description,just like a real achievment. ____________________________________________________________ Specifications You don't actually have to make it look like an achiement pop up box, I will do that for you. When you post an achievment that is elligable i will make a pop up box for you and edit this post. MUST BE RELATED TO HALO Ends January 30th 2009 (if there are not more than 10 post i will extend it) Example final post: Fusion coil Frenzy ENJOY _________________________________ by xcid77ux Achievment Details: Splattered by a destroyed Mongoose right before begining a teabag.
You call those funny? Honestly? Within a Killing Frenzy kill a player with a fusion coil? Hahahaha - No.
No. Oh yeah, I forgot my post can't be that short. No, those are not funny, I do not see the humor. The amusement factor that should be given off is not there.
Ok, lay off, everyone. He was just trying to give examples. Don't make fun of him because he said a bad joke. Sheesh...
Jesus Christ. Dude, no one cares if its funny to u or not, if not, then just dont go to this thread anymore.
Let's not bring the savior into our conversation. And sorry for being critical... didn't think people get offended for that.