My First forged map. If I post the pictures wrong or links or something, just tell me and ill try and fix it. anyways.... Kings Ring Is a map i made on foundry for the king of the hill game type. There is a platform in the middle (Where the hill is) and there is a hole in the middle of it with a grav lift below it With the gametype you spawn with shotguns and assault rifles... anyway give me some feedback and suggestions and if you like it ill try make a v.2 with any problems fixed Now for some pictures Map Overview The Hill Use the stationary and deployable grav lifts to get onto the hill and the boxes And Thats It! [SIZE=+2]Link to Kings Ring Map[/SIZE] [SIZE=+2]King Game Type[/SIZE]
It's very open...very very open. The gameplay looks very boring andI see no interlocking in the boxes(Although I could be wrong, due to the fact that your pics are so small). In all honesty, it looks like you floated some fence walls in the air and put double boxes along Foundry's perimeter. Also, the floatinghillinthecenterofthemapwithshielddoors is pretty overused...and the maps tend to be open. It is your first FH post congrats on at least making your post presentable, which is an ever growing problem lately.
hmmm i guess i like the general idea of this game but i would suggest putting multiple cirlces of fences around the map so that it for 1. it isnt so open and 2. it adds a little more to the gameplay but i have to give u credit as soldier said for putting a good post up
Thanks for the feedback, its my first map so i will try and improve on the next one ill try more interlocking because theres barel any here (i think) thx anyway 4 the feedback