hsm3 and hannah montana ftw best movies eva. Kidding. Lot of good action movies this year. My favorite (of all time, I bought the movie for my iPod) was Iron Man. Following that was the Dark Knight. I watched Get Smart on a date, it was pretty good too. I saw 21 dresses on a flight once. It was good in the sense of reminding me how much I hate chick flicks.
"Dark Knight", "Iron Man", "Eagle Eye". "Wanted", "Valkyrie", and "The Day the Earth Stood Still" where good too.
"Slumdog Millionaire" was an exceptional film; however, not very popular. I strongly recommend it to everyone and it's still in theaters. Even my nine-year-old brother liked it, and he's difficult to please with films not appropriate to his age level. It also had an happy ending : ). I also enjoyed "The Dark Knight" (in memory of Heath Ledger), "Hellboy II", "Step Brothers", "Iron Man", et cetra.
The Dark Knight Lakeview terrace Wall E In that order. I heard the film The Wrestler was quite good, too though.
Dark Knight and Forgetting Sarah Marshall Forgetting Sarah Marshall is friggen hilarious. You may think its a chick flick but it is extremely funny. If you have not seen it...do it now. I thought it was a chick flick until I saw it. Its a little slow to start though. Other good ones include step brothers, Pineapple express and Cloverfield. JJ Abrahams is a genius....even though he didnt direct it..
I saw Step Brothers last night, and thought it was awful. Anyway, I saw The Curios Case of Benjamin Button and I recommend for everyone.
Could anyone tell me the big hype of "Step Brothers"? It wasn't funny. And the story sucked ****. What was so great?
Balls. I watched a couple movies the other night night. The 3rd installment to the Mummy series(although if you want to get technical, it's the 4th if you count the scorpion king) and Taken. Mummy, if I'm not mistaken only two actors from the prior two movies appear in this one. Additionally with it not even being set in Egypt, it's not amazing, to say the least. Since when did the Mummies have the ability to conjure up fire and ice? Taken is awesome. Despite the fact that the majority of his enemies are conveniently bad shots, it's awesome.
Loved Pineapple Express, The Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Cloverfield. Haven't watched Tropic Thunder yet, but I heard that was funny. I don't like Jack Black's work. =/
Well, I'm a fan of Jack Black. But I have a small tip about Tropic Thunder, don't let people hype it. My friend talked up Tropic Thunder so much, saying it was the greatest movie ever. When I saw it I was really disappointed, I enjoyed it but it was nowhere near as good as I expected it to be.
He plays a decent sized role in the movie, but he certainly isn't the dominating character on screen. Robert Downey Jr steals just about every scene he's in. I still have to pick this one up. I heard Benjamin Button was a really good movie, has anyone here seen it?
Oh yeah, Eagle Eye! Forgot about that. Very good film. Didn't love Iron man, though. I dunno, it just seemed to me that once he got in his suit, he didn't do anything. Still quite good though, just not one of my favourites.
Yeah it was really wonderful. You'll really fall in love with the characters and it's really worth every penny.