Maximum Security (Cops & Robbers)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by DrGregoryHouse, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maximum Security
    Created by BenFoldsFan143 (my new gamertag)

    A cops and robbers map with a full prison complex.

    Base: Foundry

    Supported Gametypes

    Custom Gametype(s)


    This still might not be one of my greatest maps, but I'm working on being a better Forger.

    This map has three floors.
    1st Floor - Armory and Garage (Weapons, Vehicles)
    2nd Floor - Regular jail cells (6 of them)
    3rd Floor - Execution cells (3 of them)

    You spawn on the 2nd floor and the robbers go in their jail cells, etc, do what the cops say. And then if for some reason they need to be killed (but not on the spot), they are guided up a floor using the bridges going up a level, and go into one of the three execution cells (one that has a crate in place on the other side, means it can be used. Without a crate, they can escape). The cop guards and notifies an executioner who is on the 1st floor in the armory (or in the garage if he's circling the premises in his warthog), who will pick from one of 8 weapons or 4 sets of grenades (the weapons can be quick deaths ... sniper/shotty/rockets/spartan laser...or slow painful ones ... fuel rod guns, flame grenades, flamethrower...)

    They use a grav lift elevator (which uses man cannons to guide you up, I know they kind of shoot you up far...) to go up to a catwalk leading them to the backside of the 3rd floor -- they throw another grav lift to launch one of the crates locking the other end of the cell, thus opening it. Executioner walks in, does his job, done. 30 seconds later that cell can be reused once the crate respawns.

    It's pretty basic. And kind of disheveled, I know. But I'm still working on it.

    Sorry if you hate it.

    Forging 101:

    [ YES ] __Floating Objects
    [ YES ] __Instant Respawn
    [ ___ ] __Immovable Objects
    [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events
    [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement
    [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques
    [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water
    [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option
    [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects
    [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry
    [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch

    An overview of the outside of the entire map.

    Where you spawn. The 2nd floor / 6 jail cells. Cops have to guard; no pallets are used unfortunately.

    Ramp in between 2nd and 3rd floors. Kind of messy but it works.

    The 3rd floor execution cells (3 of them). Cops guard while executioner comes in the other side.

    The first floor armory, where executioners can chill out waiting for an order. On the other side of the wall are 4 warthogs (2 gauss, 2 not) and a ghost.

    The elevator and catwalk to the other side of the 3rd floor execution cells. Grav lifts lift crates for entry. (Pallets were misbehaving).

    Download Maximum Security
    #1 DrGregoryHouse, Jan 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  2. Mero90

    Mero90 Ancient
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    Not bad looking, you could merge the walls, and floors to make a better surface.

    Maybe even a bit more pics, action shots of prisoners and the cops containing them instead of just having you in the pic
  3. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    Haha, I finished this today when my school was closed, but all my LIVE Friends are Floridians so it like never dips below 60 degrees :p

    But yes, good idea, I wlil post more screenshots of the map in action as soon as I can get a party going.
  4. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    Pretty unoriginal. It's a little sloppy, could look better if merged a little more, and has has an armory, which I am not a big fan of. Good job on the map and keep trying. For now you get a 2/5. By the way good luck on "being a better forger" and I can't wait to see your future maps.
  5. Quello

    Quello Ancient
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    it actually looks like a prison, unlike that other cops n robbers map everyone plays. pretty cool. 3/5. Could use more geomerging (which the other one doesent even have.) and interlocking.

    -Edit: also u should turn the box floors upside down for a better looking result.
  6. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    The map is pretty good, but cops and robbers is just annoying. Nobody who likes to play this really ever follows the rules anymore, and even with the rules followed it's not that much fun. Also, an armory? Common, those don't even belong in regular infection maps.

    The construction of the map is strictly decent. There's almost no interlocking at all and parts of the map are crooked and messy. This map is good for cops and robbers maps in general, probably a 3/5. But as for all casual maps, it's only a 2/5. Keep forging.
  7. DrGregoryHouse

    DrGregoryHouse Ancient
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    I just realized after all this time I had the download link incorrect, it was going to a freaky airstrip map I'd made. I repaired the link; so maybe this will work better now that you guys can actually download the map. :)

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