I was reading Shatakai's thread "Your Most Disappointing Game of 2008", and made me think back on all of the disappointing games i spent my money on. I bet a lot of you have been just as disappointed with a game as i have been. I have been disappointed a lot in the past few years, but a few games stand out among the rest. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty : No, i didn't buy it, but i played the demo, and it was horrible. I had high hopes for it because i love WWII shooters, but they were getting a little bland, and i thought this game would spice things up a bit, sadly, it left me with a horrible taste in my mouth. F.E.A.R. sequels: The first one was great, the mix of slow motion action, plus all of the horror and creepy little girls you could get! BUT, the sequels sucked for some reason, i can only hope the newest one will be good. New Crash Bandicoots: I don't know the names of them, but i have played them, and they sucked. The old ones for the PS and PS2 were great, i never got why they had to **** up the formula. I just hope they can come out with one that has next-gen graphics, and is developed by Naughty Dog, and not stupid Sierra. Assassins Creed: repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive. The game went by that exact formula. I thought the game would be great, and it was for the first hour, then i realized i was going to be doing that same thing, for 7 more hours. Plus i hated the sci-fi story line. So, what are yours?
I'm going to have to say NFS Carbon. I was on the NFS hype train back in high school and liked the undergrounds, loved Most Wanted, then bought Carbon cuz I thought it was going to be sweet. turns out graphics were mediocre and the drifting was the only fun thing, everything else was just repetitive and boring.
Definitely Assassin's Creed. I've never bothered to finish it. Pretty to look at, but I've never been as bored by a game as I was by this. The Force Unleashed is a close second.
Aw, I loved Assassin's Creed. Seeing what new abilities I'd obtain. I LOVED the gameplay. I enjoyed every bit of it. That is I enjoyed every bit the first time around, I still had fun the second time but it's not the same. True there isn't much diversity in the gameplay but the gameplay is so ****, why would you want to change it? lol, I just <3'd the game. I can't bring myself to sell it.
AC was awesome you moan about it being repetitive but if it ventured too far we'd all moan about it being silly andquestion why altair would do such a thing my most disappointing game was fable 2 molyneux just builds up stupid amounts of false hope and expectations to deliver a poor game. its probably the worst game of its genre i've ever played. weak combat, weak storyline, weak engine and little originality.
Squid you where dissapointed by TFU? I admit it was a bit overhyped, but I throughly enjoyed that game. Replayability is a bit meh, but I still give it an occasional trip to the 360.
^^Yeah, I'm not that into wanting to continue to play it. I guess it'll get better, but I'm getting the same feeling that I did when I was playing AC. I do want to bring down a Star Destroyer, so I'll keep playing it.
I have to admit at first it's quite a pain in the ass if you don't getthe timing down right, but it's sweet, and worth it.
I have a few: ○Lost Planet ○Stranglehold ○AC (As the other people have said in this thread, repetitive) ○Gears 2 was a little let down because it was way too overhyped, but it can still become a lot better. *waits for awesome patche(s)*
Probaly DMMM:elements, it purely sucked on hairy chickballs (lol), or farcry2, it had way to much overhype
GTA IV was a huge disappointment for me. They added all of these small, minor features that do not improve the gameplay what-so-ever. They went as far as adding a headlights feature, which allows you to turn on your cars' headlights. Yet, they did not add in any fun features, such as the Kill Frenzy feature that was in previous GTA games. Why no main menu? Why go straight into your single player game when you first load GTA up? It's such a drag to join friends' games because of this. Who wants the game to feel realistic? I don't want my car to be as stiff as a cast, I want to be able to make sharp turns like in previous GTA games. The lack of variety on the actual map killed me. They could've pulled a San Andreas and added an Urban area, desert area, mountain area, etc. Overall, I was pretty disappointed.
Realism in games is the worst thing. Such a weird design trend. I don't care about the minimal differences in your various gritty cities, let me drive through unrealistic landscapes in your stupid imaginary video game fun land. Next GTA needs to have a magma world and an ice world. The driving was a huge step down from previous GTAs. Felt like I was cruisin around on grease slicked ice. The camera was weird too, the way it auto-adjusted behind the car was incredibly frustrating. The combination bland city and horrible driving in a driving game made that junk unplayable. And then to top it off your cellphone has to ring every time to you step into a car. "Hey there, Niko, want to stop what you’re doing and come play this unintuitive minigame with me? Can't just jump right into things though, first you gotta drive around aimlessly for a couple minutes while I pretend to get ready."
definitely timeshift and halo 3 campaign. i know im about to be flamed, but you have to admit the campaign shoulda been as good as halo 2's with levels you actually wanted to play twice.the only really fun level the second time was the covenant, because of its vehicular combat the majority of the level. i also love pwning scarabs.(has anyone tried the grav hammer thing where you blow up scarab with it? you go flying epicly far.