RECOVERY By Conkerkid11 DOWNLOAD DESCRIPTIONRecovery is my first competetive map and at the same time my first map on Avalanche to be released onto Forgehub. It is a great 4v4 map but however also works for larger teams due to the default bases. Recovery is mainly for KoTH however, all other gametypes work as well. The two starting bases are small and due to the lack of cover, I would recommend that players leave as soon as possible. Like default Avalanche, I recommend getting into a vehicle as soon as possible. Unless you intend to walk out in the open. Also that "Sky Fork" as SCG Katanga likes to call it is actually not a fork, it is the back of the ship that had recently crashed into the cliffside of the "Savage Land." Read the section titled "Sky Fork" for more information. CREATIONWell the creation of this map started near the middle of December but don't take that as a bad thing, I play much more during each day and probably spent about... well I don't know, a very long time. At first it began with only one of those enormous beams sticking out of the cliffside, and then from there I built on. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times I Saved/End Game on this map with all the Geomerging, interlocking, and floating objects... especially when I hit the maximum about of items, I had no idea I could possibly do that on a Limited Budget map. Oh yeah, and yes this does use a Budget map, I wanted a challenge this time. THEME/STORYWell one day while flying through the space overlooking Alpha Halo a UNSC Carrier ship that had a load of weapons and armor on it crash landed into the cliffside of what is known from the stories to be the "Savage Land." Why is it named this you may ask. Well it all started when a village not to far from the "Savage Land" threw a large festival when all the lights just shut off. They say that on that very night the last thing that everybody had heard were the shuffling of feat and then the snap of the neck. These brave soldiers that had crashed here (Back to the story) knew the legends about these people, so as they waited at a camp they had set up not to far from the crash site, they heard foot steps, closer... closer... the shuffling of feet. *Snap!* Kill these savages, and take their land at any cost! WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT2 Sniper Rifles - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip The sniper rifle will supply your teamates with the help they will need to conquer this frozen wastland. Rocket Launcher - 150 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips Although not as handy as the Splazer, this weapon will sure be able to get rid of that enemy warthog that has been killing you all game. Needler - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip The weapon that everybody hates, I know I do. Not good against vehicles, great against the sniper. Use with caution! Needles are deadly. 8 Frag Grenades & 6 Plasma Grenades - 10 Second Respawn Stick that enemy vehicle to make it blow up, or just throw it across the level at random and hope you kill somebody. It doesn't matter. Deployable Cover - 60 Second Respawn I recommend that you save this for when the hill is at the beams to stop anybody that walks from being able to get up there. I love to watch people try and jump over it, fail, then fall off the cliff and die. 3 Regenerators - 60 Second Respawn Save these for the snipers, regenerators are their best friends! 2 SMGs & 4 Spikers - 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip With the combination of either a regenerator or a bubble shield these can become man's best friend. Trip Mine - 60 Second Respawn Use this with a combination of either the cliff or your frag grenade and the other team's warthog, ghost, or mongoose will be toast. Spartan Laser - 150 Second Respawn At the start of the game, I bet at least 2 people will be running for this power weapon. Use this to defeat anybody in your path! 6 Battle Rifles & 1 Carbine - 60 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip The main weapons that everybody should have either one with them at all times! 2 Shotguns - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip With a level like this, you might need a bubble shield to. Active Camo - 120 Second Respawn Any weapon can do, but you might want to walk. 3 Brute Shots - 90 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips Great against vehicles, great against humans, what have you got to lose besides your dignity? VEHICLES6 Mongooses - 45 Second Respawn Why hike when you can take a goose? 4 Warthogs - 60 Second Respawn If you see a red beam of light, run. Wraith - 180 Second Respawn Will conquer the battlefield... but at what cost?Ghost - 60 Second Respawn Splatter 'em all but don't get shot. Your weaker then you think you are! GAMEPLAY I recommend 4v4 or higher. King of The Hill This is the recommended gametype, and plays out as a team sport. Keep the team size to a large about like about 6. Unless your okay with walking. The beams are what I would have to say the best part of King of The Hill because they are within jumping distance of each other, but it's always funny to see somebody fall off Capture The Flag Both 1 flag and 2 flag are supported, but I recommend playing this with small parties due to the length of this map. It only uses half of Avalanche, and I don't really think large teams would be able to work this out due to the length of the games if done so. Territories Very great gametype to be used on this map and I would get large parties to play in this, 8v8 because I highly doubt that anybody will be able to take every territory. But if you do, I will be amazed. SCREENS & ACTION SHOTS THE SKY FORK: What's It's Point?The sky fork portion in the map is a masterpiece and is interlocked as smooth as a baby's bottom. Each section of the fork is the same length away from the one next to it, and each section of the fork matches the section of the neutral base. Now niether that base or the sky fork were done on accident, or were they easy to create. In the story you may notice that I announce the crash of a UNSC Carrier into the cliffside of the "Savage Land" (Avalanche) and I did not hide the ship. Your playing on it! When the ship hit, it submerged deep into the cliffside with no harm at all done to the ship. Soon after it had hit, the survivors of the crash had not known that they, at that moment were underground. So like any survivors of a crash like this would do, they activated the escape pod. So that neutral base you see is no accident, that base used to be covered in thick metal, however when the pod was activated it shot up out of the ship, but the metal was not thick enough to last the landing. When the survivors got out, they had realized how lucky they truly were that the pod had even stayed intact... it had travelled 100 feet upwards through the ground. But before any of them could say a word, the back of the ship shot out 3 crates from each engine indicating that the ship was falling apart right before them. They would have to sit it out until help showed up. Quotes: Q & A Lol, I'm going to reply with a quick answer! That is the back of the ship that had crashed into the cliffside. I don't seem to see what you mean about "Standard Avalanche Geometry." But the gameplay on the map is wonderful, and isn't that all that matters? If you are not going to rate it 10/10 then please, what do I change? Be more descriptive please. The crashed ship is in the cliffside just like I said in my thread, please read the post. Another thing that you would have learned if you read the thread is that I had hit the item limit so then your dream of a v2 with less open space just went *Poof!* Plus this is supposed to be played with large teams anyways so what's the big deal? Since when do you need cover in order to have fun? Some of the greatest maps have very little cover. Oh and dude, this is Avalanche. What? Am I supposed to shove a box in the ground every few feet. Yes, although it looks VERY similar to the wall on Whyher's "UNSC Cargo Drop" it is sadly not. I made this wall from the ground up, although now that I think about it, it kinda does. I am sorry that you had to post this and that I have not ever heard that they looked alike. But perhaps after I had played "UNSC Cargo Drop" and then a few days later when I had started this map (Remember, I started this map by building the "Sky Fork"). Maybe when I built this wall I had the idea of Whyher's in my mind. UPDATES Yes I Update The Pictures To The Updated Version SPECIAL THANKS TO MeI made this map by my lonesome and love me for that! Linubidix I based my layout on the one shown here. Not the map layout though, the thread layout. He's got cool banners though. I love Remedy, and I can't wait for the sequel! Infection does work well on it! Weaponbunny Testing the map with me and waiting for me to be ready after me saying "Hold on just one more sec!" Haha... funny times. You have played at least 10 matches on this map with me, my guests, DHG Ewok. It was very fun and I hope to improve my skills at forging to make something feature worthy for Forgehub. Can't wait to make something that will make your jaw drop! DHG Ewok Although I hate your clan, your criticism on the map was taken in well, and I loved how you didn't even have a clue how to float the Hill in King of The Hill. You loved the map so much and actually didn't believe me when I said I made it. Thanks for playing with me! If You Missed The First One! DOWNLOAD
Am I gonna say it? FIR..*Shot* Yeah, I like the map. The tower reminds me of Relic, dunno why. And that wall is beautfiully constructed, it blends in perfectly. What's with the sky fork?
Man, I love the stuff that can be done with the unique Avalanche forge objects, and you sure display it. Your structures are both pleasing to the eye and are ornate and beautiful. The layout seems to pertain more to the standard Avalanche geometry, which loses points toward originality, but it seems like you've made a different gameplay experience than most Avalanche maps out these days. I would definitely say the best part of the map is the ascetics. Overall 8/10
wheres the crashed ship? LOL just kidding this map is cool especially with the 3 prongs sticking out of the cliff. maybe make a V2 with less open space. Sorry, i posted this before you wrote that.
Thanks for the great posts, and the thread has been updated to show answers to Quotes, and will be updated on a regular basis.
Did you actually make that wall? I've seen it before. Actually I'm not sure who built the wall, but I first saw it on the whyher's UNSC Cargo Drop. I could be wrong but I think he made it first, and I did not see you giving credit to him for the wall in any of your posts in this thread. This can be considered plagiarism if you didn't ask to use his wall, and give him credit for it, though I might have this wrong on who made it first.
Yes, although it looks VERY similar to the wall on Whyher's "UNSC Cargo Drop" it is sadly not. I made this wall from the ground up, although now that I think about it, it kinda does. I am sorry that you had to post this and that I have not ever heard that they looked alike. But perhaps after I had played "UNSC Cargo Drop" and then a few days later when I had started this map (Remember, I started this map by building the "Sky Fork"). Maybe when I built this wall I had the idea of Whyher's in my mind.
This is the same wall. I took a good look at whyer's wall when I was building my wall for Castlanche, considering my options, and your wall has exactly the same twist as the whyer's wall. I just did a forge through right now. They are exactly the same except you have removed some of the wall pieces. You also followed through with the Whyher's mistake with the one of the ramps, where it sticks out a bit too much compared to the others! I was reading your post and remember you saying this was your first map. Typically on most peoples' first maps they tend not to know how to do all the geomerging and leveling. For the most part this map uses geomerging that's not straight, except when you get to the wall. The wall is completely different from the rest because it's actually straight, and stands out like a sore thumb.
Excellent big team map. Great aesthetics and gameplay (I assume). Love the bordering with the ramps. Great job 5/5
In all retrospect even if the ramp wall has been copied this is a very good map, you should make a v2 with a color-coded sky fork and other box structures. From the pics id say 6/7 but Ill dl later and do a more in-depth review