Foundry of Win

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Download Map
    Download Gametype

    Foundry of Win is a puzzle. In this level the goal is get to the end of
    the level, the finish is marked with a custom power-up . You only
    have a sword and your mind to make it to the finish and whatever
    else comes your way. And this is just the first of my four Foundry of Win
    maps (in my file set)

    This is the first task just to keep things simple and make sure you
    know how to crouch jump (if you don't know how look it up on

    Transition to the second task.

    Soccer ball on a ledge?! What now? (The sword can't hit it)

    *View from behind the soccer ball* What's that? A Flamethrower...looks useful.

    Just put two and two together.

    It's not just soccer balls.




    That is all I want to show you, because giving away all of the map defeats the purpose of you playing it!
    And if you beat this map and say "that was waaay too easy" remember I have four obstacle courses (progressively getting harder) and they're in my file set.

    It must be played with my "Foundry of Win" game variant in my file set. This game variant is just swords only, no grenades, indestructible vehicles, and infinite ammo. It is not necessary to download this but if you play the level just make sure you have the same criteria as the game variant.

    A few important notes/tips
    -look all around when you are playing my level because if you look only forward you may have a more difficult time than originally intended
    -Custom power-up is the “finish line” (or “finish sphere” if you prefer)
    -It's a custom power-up because if it were an oddball or a hill it would show them the location and create unnecessary confusion
    -Crouch jumping is required to complete the soccer ball jumps (I assume most of you know how to crouch jump but if you don’t look it up at
    -Remember what happened/what you got before you came into that room because it will help you if you are stuck
    -Stand a good distance away from exploding materials
    -Try to get forward momentum when you do a soccer ball jump (it will help you up)
    -If you play it please come back to comment and rate
    -I have a walkthrough for my FoW maps in my file set also
    -Just for gloating rights, I did not use the infinite money glitch
    -It focuses less on the physical aspects of most puzzle maps (insane jumps)
    -This map Is meant to be fun not hard
    -Have fun with it!

    When you are playing my map, if you do happen to find a glitch, please inform me (when you return to a previous area, this is not a glitch). You must play this with no one else in the map but you, If you play it online with no one else please turn it to a local game so no one can join (for some reason when you’re in an online game the teleporters have a delay and the fusion coils are weaker).

    I could also use some help improving this thread, so if you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated.
    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  2. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i think you might want to check the code for the pictures you embeded, because on my screen each one has an advertisement for the dumb test. unless of course, you purposly included that o.0 . just a note though, lol, ill dl and see how it is.
  3. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    They're fine for me so I have no clue why you're seeing them.

    The map looks fairly good, the objects are all straight, and I can see you only interlocked when necessary, which is absolutely fine for a puzzle map.
    The puzzles themselves don't look too difficult but I'll download the map and get back to you.

    Edit: Just played through it, it's really really easy although I found it somewhat fun, you should try to combine aspects from all your puzzle maps together and make one completely epic long puzzle map.
    #3 Trifslap, Jan 6, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2009
  4. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I have no idea why it did that, but I'll try to fix it. Maybe that's just advertising from Image shack.

    If this map got enough popularity I was considering making a Fifth one. I already have a few ideas percolating. And each map is not so long because I (gloatingly) didn't use the infinite money glitch.
  5. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Those picture clues were so unsubtle that my dog completed them for me. It's a good job you didn't give pics/clues for all of them.

    Of course you could always just give pics of the rooms without giving clues, e.g. instead of 3 pics with clues for the second task, you could've just shown the first pic from the second task, and without a clue - that way you could provide pics for all of the rooms and you wouldn't be giving anything away. It's only a suggestion for a different way of showing people your map.

    Regarding the logic (apparently) behind not using an oddball/goal for the end of the map because you didn't want to "confuse" people by showing its location, I think you can turn the indicator off. To be honest, I don't see how knowing where the end is could be confusing anyway.

    Anyhoo, I've not actually played this yet but I've got it q'd and will take a look at it sometime soon. A post above claimed it was easy so I guess I'll go looking for breaks.
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    This obstacle course/puzzle wasn't meant for the hardcore, It was meant for everyone, even people who haven't played an obstacle course or puzzle in their life. It's meant to be a fun little mini-game. And even the most hardcore video games have tutorials at the start to make sure you aren't just dropped in it without knowing what to do. The first task makes sure you know that you have to know that you need to crouch jump. And the second room shows that you need to use tools to achieve progress. I normally find obstacle courses/puzzles become difficult when you are lost without the slightest idea of what to do. Although some people like this, I, do not. In my opinion you shouldn't need to shoot the needler at a wall hoping it bounces into a fusion coil.

    Regarding the oddball, if people see the oddball, they head for the oddball rather than the finish. For instance if there are two paths, one heads close (not to) to the oddball, and the other head to the oddball but not directly, people will head to the first path because that looks like the finish. The way my level is set up is where people run close to the finish and the level isn't a straight shot to the finish.

    But I will take what you said into consideration, It's probably not just you thinking that, And I will add more rooms to the post. But the main focus of my pictures was to show people my level was neat and tidy, and not what there is to do. But my second task did need at least two pictures, because there isn't a view to catch the flamethrower and soccer ball.

    If I sounded offensive in this post I don't mean to be.
  7. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    I was going to try it, but sadly the links are not working.

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