Atonement Created by Reigning Chaos Supports all gametypes _________________________________________________ This map was ceated as venture into what was possible for forging in maps other than foundry, I was recently tought how to color code and decided to incorporate all of what I knew about forging into one map, except geo-merging, so Atonement came into being. It is a open air feeling competetive map, and was made with 2v2 in mind but can be played with up to 4v4 without problems. On to the pictures. _________________________________________________ Weapon spawns Spartan laser x1 180 sec on center archway Smg x2 60 sec on top of little tunnels near center Battle rifle x2 60 sec on towers Sentinel beam x2 90 sec below mancannons Needler x2 90 sec next to mancannons Spiker x2 45 sec next to ramp out of bases Spike grenade x4 60 sec next to ramp out of bases Plasma grenade x4 30 sec on towers and middle platform Bubble shield x1 120 sec on midle platform Regenerator x2 180 sec in ditches next to lifts to towers _________________________________________________ Defenders side overview Defenders side Defenders side tower View of defenders side from middle Center platform Center archway Center bottom Attackers side overview Attackers side Attackers side tower View of attackers side from middle _________________________________________________ Credits/Thanks Thanks to all of you who helped me, whether or not it was minor like testing, or major like public servents inspiring me and teaching me to color code the boxes, or deathtoll77 showing me how to place spawn zones, and sovereignvalor pointing out the need for the shield doors by the mancannons. Thanks, please download and rate then message me if you have any problems with it. _________________________________________________ Edit: Ok, Ok I get it, I left a large amount of unanswered questions. Q. #1 To answer the question of whether or not I used bluelitespecial, I did not as my map has relatively very few similarities to my good friend public servents map transfusion. Other than placement and use of color-coding it is a whole nother piece of pie that brings verticallity to the table that is quite unique in its usage of open-air heavy team based tactics ( meaning you have to work well as a team to do well here) Q. #2 As to a reply about sentinel beams being overpowered, how do you think they are overpowered? I suppose any weapon can be overpowered in the right hands but nonetheless, I have enough variety of weapons on the map that no team will win by just controlling a certain weapon. Q. #3 The regenerators and bubble shield are on long respawn because the can promote camping and I thought I would be saving myself from you telling me that they respawn too quick, so I don't understand what the problem is. If they respawn quicker you have more camping so I think they are fine. Q. #4 ( more of a comment) Yes, this map was heavily inspired by transfusion, but in a way it isn't. This is more inspired by a combination of the last level of halo: combat evolved and narrows. Q. #5 The issue of darkness should be solved by turning your screen brightness to higher, this is very important if you don't want to fall off the map alot. Q. #6 Are you guys being sarcastic about it being small? I honestly cant tell if you are being serious but, this is anything but small. The entirety of atonement spans farther than blackouts normal map itself, in addition it is fairly high. So no, space is not a problem when playing on it. Q. #7 All powerups are for aesthetics only Q. #8 Recommended players is 2-6, territories is quite fun if you have a 3v3, One bomb also is site for intense carnage. Q. #9 You get to the middle platform via mancannon, you know the ones in front of the bases aimed right at the platform. I dont know how you managed to get there any other way but the mancannons are the intended route. Q. #10 ( another comment) The shield doors implement cover but dont hinder battle at all (honestly, please play on maps before you post something like that on a thread) they were used instead of other item because they alow you to move through where other items block these new routes of transit. Q. #11 ( yet another comment) I did have a version that had more cover but it didnt play as smoothly, so I toned down the cover to aim it more towards teamwork. with more cover the spartan laser becomes more of a hinderance than a blessing, as it is it isnt overpowered in the slightest. Q. #12 Yes, it is budget glitched, however there is little you can place left. Q. #13 ( I believe it was a comment) Spawn killing is not an issue that I am aware of to this moment. shield doors prevent many would-be spawn killers from doing so. Q. #14 ( my own comment on it) The laser replaced a rocket in an earlier version of the map and also is to fit the red theme. Now that Im done answering those, Ill tell you more. Mainly the whole map started from just the defenders base, then I began playing around with the boxes making a pathway and attempting to make a jump for a mongoose. Sad to say the jump failed but gave birth to the middle arch, and the rest of map soon flowed from that. keeping a streamlined, flowing design in mind I went to work day after day building what has become a piece of playable abstract art in a way. All paths converge in the center and top and the weapons have been placed and replaced many times, this setup is my 23rd one and it is the best playing setup whatever you may say or think. Thanks to all of you, please tell your friends or whomever you please. Special thanks again to public servent whom taught me to color-code ( if you dont know how to send me a message via xbox live to my gamertag reigning chaos and ill teach you too) Please download and play before you post anything -RC _________________________________________________ If you have any comments or questions please send them to my gamertag, Reigning Chaos _________________________________________________ Both Pictures at the top and bottom are links to the map. and remember to turn screen brightness to highest
good map you dont see many maps on blackout. I like the use of all red boxes! =P That must of taken some time... overall 4/5 only because its kinda small =( yay 1st post!
i love maps like this!!!! great map! probably the best one of the floating blackout kinds. and i like how its all red. the layout looks good and the many layers and jumps look nice. the maps a bit small for objectives though. overeall great job! 10/10!!!
You don't see very many maps on blackout. I like this map alot! I give you a 5/5. It not only looks good, but it plays well, too. This map is a one of a kind because of its serious gameplay -once again- on blackout. 5/5
I'm always a fan of these floating maps above Blackout. The map's pretty big (which is good) and symmetrical too. I really like the center of the map, especially the platform overhead. Two questions though, Are the power-ups on the center platform merged into the bridges so you can't grab them? How many players do you recommend for the map?
I love it! I like how it is on blackout. I like how it is for 2v2. Also you have amazing interlocking skills. I really like the elevator from the bottom level to the middle. I dont really like how you get to the very top ( having to jump on the slanted platform ). I dont like how you put sentinels on the map IMO because i think there way to powerful and with a 90sec and with there being 2, also one team could dominate if they control both sentinels. And about the sentinels, it would be really hard to take the person down with not to much cover and long respawn on the bubble and regen. One more thing, spawns, are they good or is there spawn killing cuz it looks like there would be some spawn killing??? 4/5 keep forging and congratz on making a good map that isnt on foundry.
this is a very good example of the posts I hate. Anyways. This seems like a pretty cool map. Did you by anychance use the Blueelitespecial canvas? If you did then meh, but if you didnt then good for you. From the pictures it looks like there are a little to many shield doors for my taste. The towers seem very well constructed so thats definetly a plus to your map. I'll download this and get a few games on it. No review is promised though.
I like how you tried to make a great map. and belive me it does look wonderful. However gameplay looks suckish. Not to sound harsh but in my forgers opinion it looks really open. Sheild doors can go a long way in causing cover. But instead of cover they are often used for camping. On a thin map like this the only counter to this problem is great lucky spawning. By a quick look at the eith picture it would appear to be way to open. Did you use the budget glitch or do you have much money left. If you could add more cover this map would be much more impressive. Overall there isn't much I can say because it looks amazing but as of right now it has got a 3.5/5. If transfusion inspired you then you should check out a map made by Debo67. (Not linking or telling so that I don't get infracted.)
Reminds me of the Tunnels in the last level of Halo 3s Campaign It looks like a good map, i like the idea of the bumps. Ill dl it to try it out, for now i give you a 4/5 =D
WOW this map is seiously sexy i think i am gonna download and try it out i absoluetly love how you got those stairs and made them into bridges/walkways/ladders.
if anything, this map reminds me of transfusion by public servant, its clean, has awsome gameplay, and some really interesting features. (u should creat a back story for it, because the floating platform with the bridges + stairs really looks suggestive), (not sexually suggestive...whatever, u know what i mean). definite dl from me, ill be looking for your maps in the future
Ugh. Stop acting like you you own the place. You say you hate those posts but he was expressing an opinion. By the looks he did not use the canvas. Not everybody wants a review from you, sometimes it's something they don't want. Not because you're honest in them but because it's based upon one person's beliefs, yours. On to the map; it looks really good and I'm glad you didn't use any filters. I'll hate you forever if you just took them off for the post though. I like the flow of the ramps and kind of reminds me of DtL's map for the 2v2 tourney mixed with Lunar Chronicle. I'll download and play a few games on it.
I told you believe what your mind see's and eventually you can make it appear out of thin air! I have been through so many of the same struggles, trying to take forging in a fresh direction. I do believe self contained maps such as Lunar Cronicles, Interobang, or even my origional piece of crap map Fallout are lending to a whole new generation of forging style. Mixing elegant abstract design, and competitive gameplay in unseen ways. This map carries that torch high. There is a good reason why there havent been many free standing maps like this made. Its because it is extremely hard to do! It takes extreme levels of patience, zen, and creativity that most people are not capable of achieving to pull it all off. We are just beginning to see the first glimpes at the wave of the future with maps like this, making the impossible into a reality. This is a prime example of using imagination, and stretching the limits of what can be done in all applicable forge techniques at the same time. Its proof of what persistance and determination can accomplish. You've crossed some major hurdles in this colossal effort, I hope the world is ready! I hope you had the 1,000 points of light feeling I promised when it all came together. FINALLY! What like 4 months and 3 rebuilds later. I warned you! But isn't the sence of accomplishment knowing hey you made this so worth it? Enjoy that feeling because it is unrivaled. I can't say I have seen anything like it! People might say it is to linear, but the infusion of brillant self contained structure design and gameplay gives brand new angles to the battle field all the time. I was still discovering new ways to approach a match on the old version, now there is this with so many additions! Thanks for not showing me this, "I saw it on Forge Hub!" And the changes are blowing me away! You have put me in awe thanks! The juice was worth the squeeze. Legendary Effort! Public Servent.
Looks like an amazing 3v3 or 4v4 map to me, Weapon placement is nice and interlocking is neat and precise. Looks like a good 5/5 to me =)
Looks awesome. Were you inspired by Collision and Transfusion? Some Blackout maps such as those are somewhat dark, which means the game play might not be that much fun. Did you fix that? Public Servent is gonna make another Transfusion with a filter this time to improve the lighting. So I hope your lighting is okay. Spartan Laser huh? Interesting...
WOWEE does this post have a lot of spam on it. This map looks awesome. Idk if you used Publicservent's template or not, but this looks as though it took an incomprehensible amount of time. I love how both sides are perfectly symmetrical and they seem to converge naturally in the aesthetically pleasing centerpiece. It looks like it not only plays fair and balanced, but also if your not killing anyone, you can marvel at its win-ness. GREAT work. 6/5
Nice map with some great merging. The only bad thing I can say about this is that it looks slightly "plain". Meaning that the section with Red boxs could use a few more obstacles. Still good map 4/5
Keep it going Thanks all of you guys, notice I edited my original post to include my other post. Please reply if you look at it, I really would appreciate your input and comments. And try to NOT spam up the thread