I'm sure many people would believe me that 2008 was filled with many disappointments in games. Remember, disappointments can still be good games, but they just didn't live up to their hype. My personal (and probably a pretty popular one around these parts) disappointment was FarCry 2. I like the game and all, but we all had such high hopes for it, especially the custom content. While the maps were good and the map editor provides many possibilities, the gameplay drags the game down a lot. So what is your most disappointing game of 2008?
Yeah, me two. Far Cry 2 two, I thought was going to be different. But it is still okay. The multiplayer was way different too. Thats kinda gay.
Mirrors Edge: I thought this game looked like a great idea from the start. Once i got the demo, i couldn't get enough of it, but once i saw the reviews, and found out how short it was, i was very disappointed. : ( Brother in Arms: Hells Highway : After finding out it was in development almost 2 or 3 years ago, i was so excited. I saw a lot of gameplay vids, and read all the articles, and it sounded like it was going to be great. It was a good game, but all in all it felt like an unfinished game, even after 3 years in development. It just wasn't as good as the others. The Force Unleashed : Boy did i have high hopes for this game, and so did a lot of people. It was in development for a long time, and being a starwars fan, i just couldn't wait. I played the demo and loved it. Sadly, the whole game is very repetitive, and boring. Farcry 2 : The map editor lived up to what i hoped, but the muliplayer was just a mess. No party system?! C'MON! If they could just take that map editor, combine it with COD4s ranking system, and Halo 3s multiplayer, omg that game would be epic. Cry of Halo 4, sounds goo huh? Call of Duty: World at War: More like Call of Duty 4.5. nuf said. like i was saying.... Shatakai: This game was just horrible, repetitive dialog, a stupid story line, not to mention none of the game made sense! Also, the graphics made me squeal. Just as bad as Vampire Rain, and almost as bad as Legendary.
Though it was 2007, Two Worlds was the biggest disappointment I've ever had. I had been following it on their site pretty much religiously, looked like Oblivion just better, and with multiplayer. I waited in line for it. I ran home with it, and it sucked horribly. Anyway, 2008, I'd have to say the biggest disappointment for me was Fable 2 or Far Cry. Fable's great game, but it's just so short, I was expecting a huge campaign from the way they were making it sound. Far Cry is still good, but I was expecting much more.
I don't know what you're talking about Vampire Rain is awesome. It makes me want to say... "Everything is just sooo wonderful!"
Rock Band 2. I love the music, I love playing with a bunch of friends, I love laughing my ass off as we try to sing and play instruments at the same time. But something about the repetitiveness just made me stop playing. I didn't buy many games however in 2008 so my choices were limited to other pretty good games, Rock Band 2 just impressed me the least.
unfortunately, i have to say, Farcry 2. It got hyped up and all, but wasnt as great as i expected. the campaign gets annoying after times, and the multiplayer isnt really that fun, i assume it is fun when you know the maps, but alas, i dont know them
Far Cry 2, Fable 2 (Just like Insane said: Too short.) And Gears of War 2. I dont even play Gears 2 anymore its just so boring. Although Fable is getting DLC! YAY!
lol how is it Call of Duty 4.5? World at War takes place in an entirely different time period, several years before COD:4. Anyway, my biggest disappointment of 2008 was definitely Guitar Hero World Tour, sure...the game was great, and they've improved on the franchise alot. But every other song was some emo song I had never heard of, or something in Spanish. Not to mention, that most of the good songs, were either from Rock Band 2 or by only Semi-decent bands. The music studio was pretty limited, and seemed rushed, not enough features for me to every really fiddle with it for more than 30 minutes of random button mashing on the guitar, while stepping recording with 1/32 notes on until I ran out of notes. Not to mention, that the game itself was too easy! Seriously, this game was easier than Aerosmith, which was the easiest game of the franchise. Seriously Neversoft, Bullet for My Valentine shouldn't be in the last tier.
Was GTA IV this year? If it was I would have to say that. The game had so many flaws and it was boring
I got mirrors edge for christmas. Mybrother finished it within the first two days. I've only played it once or twice so it's not going by too fast, but my bro tells me I'm a lot farther than I thought I would be. Brother's in arms was started on like 3 years ago, and I was contemplating getting it, or call of duty 2. Seriously, they took too long, then the demo sucked. Haven't played the force unleashed because I don't like anything other than first person games with a few exceptions. FarCry2's map editor is great, but multiplayer gameplay is, i think the worst I have ever played. Seriously, how do you go that wrong with a game? Call of Duty 5 is basically Call of Duty 4 with a crappy campaign. Out of all of them though, I think that it was the least crappy out of all the "fail" games. It was like getting a new map pack for 60 dollars. Never played shatakai. Gears 2 was the only one of mine you didn't mention. The online was just... UGH! They didn't fix anything. Seriously. From halo 2 to halo 3, every single thing we wanted changed, was changed. They made the carbine equal to the br. The lancer is not equal to the hammer burst. They got rid of glitches like bxr and other things that made it unfair. Gears 2 has all the glitches Gears 1 had like the kung fu flip among others. The matchmaking system was totally upgraded from h2 to h3. Gears 2's matchmaking system doesn't work, and takes forever. From h2 to h3 they fixed host advantage. From Gears 1 to Gears 2, they half assed it and fixed bullet lag for every gun BUT the shotgun, which is the gun everybody loved. Here is a vid, for the fail that is Gears 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ0gtjGxJs4
I'm choosing Far Cry 2. I've seen and heard the cries, I expected it to live up to its name. I was very much disappointed. Now in most cases I can discriminate good things about a game more fluently rather then the bad. Though with this game, its totally the opposite. The story is un-original to say the least. They made an open-world environment game, did they not expect it to be compared to GTA? And when it is it looks identical just polluted with more useless crap. I became bored within the first two missions seeing the commonality of other games beheld inside. If I wanted to run around killing people, I'd be playing my Grand Theft Auto. And to top it off, they give me ****ing Malaria (A joke). Gameplay is just point and shoot. Not saying that is bad, but in the game it is. Theres nothing remarkable about it. Even there weapon orginization can be compared to Call of Duty, or Halo, and be identical. Not only that, but you're ****ing covered in bushes and trees which even decreases your line of sight, and increases the difficulty. Even the running is the same as Call of Duty. They obviously took a chance on making the currency in the game diamonds, and in my opinion failed at it. Rather then making diamond locations more obvious, its like you're going on a blind date. I feel like I'm playing a scavenger hunt, but with no eyes. I suppose making the light stay on once you're aiming directly at the diamond is a time saver, but with all the crap in your way you're bound to give up. Now the map maker is the only pro I can come up with for this game. Now having a feature in the game being more likable then the actual game itself is quite a bad job. Though when in the map editor, it feels like you're actually the game designer. They gave you the tools, and left you with a blank map. The possibilites are endless. Amazing creations are still being made to date. With a great map, you expect them to create a suffecient online experience. But to my surprise, the have also failed in that critique. Rather then making it like Halo 3, you must seperately download every single custom map you play on before even playing. Now I hate comparing the game to another, but did they not even think about comparing both games? I'm sure they could have pulled it off. And the same goes for the maps obtainabilty. Theres no File Share system like Halo's, but rather the most popular/rated/newest/etc. maps. It makes it ever so harder for maps to be publicisized, unless done so already. Though the game designers also attacked something never really accomplished before. That would be, fire. In most games you see fire as a weak enemy, and one not suitable to kill. Though in this game it actually looks and feels like fire. It bruns through its path, and spreads willingly. That, and the map editor are probably the best areas of the game. Now the Health System. Most succesful games have an effecient Health System, one that is balanced and fair. This one though is quite....unique. If you are wounded in some sort whether it be from fire/bullet/fall you press LB. Now you're player will do the best to heal the would without any medical help. Whether that be from disecting the bullet out, or breaking a wrist back into place. Now it would suggest a reliable and cool system, but it then fails. After say, pulling a bullet out of your arm, you're miracously given full health once again even with a gaping hole on the side of your arm. Now in reality this is totally untrue, and in a somewhat realistic game it is the same case. Now I would have more to say, but it would just be a longer rant on how much I think this game fails.
As much as it hurts me to say it, Gears of war 2. I wanted this game to be good. So bad. And for the first couple of weeks I was able to convince myself that it was. But; I had too face the truth. The only thing they fixed was the graphics. Glitching in online is still as popular as ever, now instead of crabwalking there's the shotgun boomshield. BHasically, it's tough to kill them when your shots don't hit them, and when they do they're ****. Yeah, the shots are **** now. It sucks. Anyone who played and loved gears one knew that if you couldn't handle shutgun then you might as well not play at all. And that's what I LOVED about the original. The rolling and diving shotgun battles were differant then any other multiplayer game. Chainsaws, lancers, and beatdowns were frequent and nooby. What they did in Gears 2 is decreased what the original fans loved about the game, and increase the noobs skill. The shotgun now sucks ass. Any noob can whip out a chainsaw now and the person with the shotgun can't do ****. In the original if someone was reving a chainsaw and they were shot, it would go down. Not no more. And if you get lucky enough to find somebody willing to stick with a shotgun, they just beat you down. Twice. It's bullshit. Adding that basically made this game perfect for noobs and **** for expierienced players. Plus add the SUPERNOOOOOBish new weapons (flamthrower wtf, mortor=no skill, chaingun=super lance) It had to be said. Snipers, most skilled guns, are now never used. Barely anyone has mastered the headshot. And if someone rushes you with a shotgun they get beated down twice. not even an attempt to noscope. It's impossible to down someone with it. They did improve graphics and the torque, but I think the torque might be too good. I was so dissapointed playing this game. Can't even describe it. /rant