Give me your opinion on a map idea.. OK the map is going to be like the scene in Saving Private Ryan when they get to the big red radio tower anybody remeber? well there is going to be a hill going up to a bunker with a big radio tower on it.. there is a way in the front and maybe a way in on the top and back of the structure with some windows where the people defending the base can shoot out at people coming up the hill. There will be little blockades as your coming up the hill to get in cover before you die. The bunker might have two levels and a machine gun nest on the top our out in front of the bunker., I think the gametype would be assault or one bomb.. and if you plant the bomb the radio tower might fall if i find a way! Please reply on this idea and give your opinion. (pease do not steal this idea unless its already been done because i dont think it has) sincerly: K33gann0
Sounds just like a tower of power map to me... which there are lots of. That doesn't mean it wouldn't be good, although I think something more innovative would be better. Having the tower literally fall would be cool, but it'd have to be made of movable objects like dumpsters and boxes so you'd have to make sure it can't be shot or nade'd down.
yes your right or if i made the whole bunker some how out of all breakable/movable objects and if the bomb got planted it would explode it to a pile of rumble which would be cool but i'd have to test some things out first to check it. thank you for your imput!
I remeber that part- quality film - its basically bunker assault with trenches right, not too sure if its v best part to recreate from the film. Have u tried the final battle in the city- (think its called La'Mel or summit) when they ambush all v nazis with mines - if u could re make that and have the bridge and all that would be pretty fun
Yeah man you read my mind because i was going to attempt that to those are the only, scences i can think of.,., but i just got back on forge hub a few mintues ago and i was working on the first idea but im having some difficulties..
o the roof is a little to low on the bnker and i still have to make it higher.. also im having trouble with the way up to the second level
The map sounds like a good assult map. You should bake the rader thing destroyable so when u arm a bomb or something the whole thing just falls apart
well you could actully make the tower fall with a bit of encouragement with exploding stuff like funsion coils or if that dosen't work you can put some were the bomb is planted and it would make a nice exploding effect
aarrr, so your going into the building of the radio station. Okay - depends, u want a creative way of getting up to the second floor i.e deployable gravs or a simple way, stairs never hurt anyone : )
yes i dont want a grav lift cause it might make the base move but you have to see the map so far because stairs aren't going to fit and im trying a different way to get up to the second floor besides i have to raise the roof its way to low and also for teh stairs im what something maybe destructable like pallets..or somethig..thanx for the input.!