Zombie Objective I wish you were here earlier =-( Use this thread to help me figure out how this could work My original Idea One day while suggesting adding checkpoints to infection. I had a crazy idea, turning a kill into an objective!! Hear me out. A series of doors or obstacles blocking the path to either a batch of fire grenades or stickies, the kills to win is set to 1, and the only way to get points is through sticks or incineration's.
staying alive will always be top priority for players. don't know how you can convince them otherwise
In a sense I guess you could set destinations that way. A good idea, but people usually like to hole up in infection games.
the idea is good, but to get the players to do so would be difficult. Even if there was no score people would want to camp to get kills. If you were to make so you cannot kill until reach the end, it could work.
Well if someone forged a map that made checkpoints with weapons with no extra clips and no respawns, it would force players to the next CP.
I have always loved the idea of people trying to dodge bullets to stay alive, maybe this could turn into a fun mini game?!?!?!!?
I wish you could place destinations to forge, but you can't. Unfortunately, you can't specify the kills by medals in Infection, only in Slayer. Sorry.
I'm saying making Infection have a goal that encourages teamwork rather than getting the most kills. In this scenario, the humans have to make their way past various obstacles blocking their way from the Flame weapons (the only way to win).Within these doors are weapons with one clip. This encourages the humans to the next checkpoint.
From what you actually said it sounded like you ment setting an objective. Like with VIP and Territories. You can't do anything like that. Cave Freaks was a map that made a VIP gametype just like zombies. It was forgetastic, made by Insane. You could try that.
British Bulldog use teleporters and death scoring. Humans must make it to the teleporters to get out of the map and kill themselves, thus getting a point. The zombies had to kill the humans before they got to the teleporters. You could do things like that, or have the humans actually defend the teleporter, instead of their lives. You can also differ the gameplay by changing the zombie/human traits. Default settings with zombies attack the humans, trying to get to the teleporter. The zombies will not get points for killing humans but they can decrease their defense by turning humans to zombies. Or you can have zombies with humans traits defending the teleporter. That way the defense gets stronger as more attackers are killed, Either way, because its a suicide, players can score as many points as they want no matter which version you use.