--------------------------------------------------- Gametype: NASCAR track links: Rats Nest500 LC *NEW Isolation 500 LC *NEW Epitaph 500 Standoff 500 Foundry 500-"slot 9" Pit 500 Sandtrap 500 Rats nest 500(slot 23) The guardian 500 Isolation 500 Playing: You begin right next to your mongoose quickly get on and your on your Mongoose with your VIP Teammate "riding brokeback". And your off to the races. Armed with a Plasma Pistol your VIP is never useless and watch out hit one checkpoint the wrong way and into last you go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commentz: I will post any good comments here in quotes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feedback any feedback is better than no feedback at all so bring it on. But at least play the map with a good number of people and if you questions post those two. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credit: LoD BlAcK MaNtA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some notes: same idea as rocket race teams of 2 one person drives vip (the weapon set in the gametype as default is Plasma pistol change it if you like but make sure sure if u don't use this gametype your invulnerable on sandtrap 500 especially Screens: -Epitaph 500 -Isolation 500 -Sandtrap 500 -Standoff 500 -Ratsnest 500 -Gaurdian 500 -Foundry 500 -The Pit 500
Re: The pit 500, The Sandtrap 500 and so on great job. i like standoff 500 and rats nest 500 the best. :squirrel_chatting:
Re: The pit 500, The Sandtrap 500 and so on - thanks, in other news the maps were rated in number 3 in the weekly top 5 "3. The Sandtrap500, The Pit 500, The Guardian500, (Slot 9) Foundry 500 by: An 2the archy Ok, let me tell you something about this guy first. He came to me with a bad map (DodgeDeflectDIE) then gave me a bad maze map (Wait which way) but then showed me these awesome race tracks. Race maps are truly where he shines. If you own the heroic map packs, get the foundry 500. If you like long distance, get The Sandtrap 500, if you like short distance maps, get the Guardian 500, and if you like tough maps, or think you’re good at racing, get The Pit 500. But seriously, just get them all." full story-->http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17398890&postRepeater1-p=1
Re: The pit 500, The Sandtrap 500 and so on They look pretty good to me, all I can say is that you should change the topic title to something like "The Halo 500 Map Pack".
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack okay i changed it, and would also note that more are soon to come when i get around to it.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack I like the rats nest map the best but you need more pics. But at least you have some pics unlike some other people
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack i may try but rally its 6 maps and more to come (isolation is coming within a week) and it may get crowded with multiple per/map and it will be hard to get a good screen that shows off the whole map, but maybe video lap tours? give me a little feedback on that.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack Dude, you are a genius I would have never thought of building a race track on the pit or guardian. So that classifies you as a genius!
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack lol good to hear.... UPDATE NEW TRACK!!!! -isolation 500 check first post
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) Once again to another person, thanks for making maps on the original maps. I'm seeing less and less race maps on non Heroic map bases. Sure, the originals aren't as good, but they are hard, and best of all, I can actually download them :squirrel_rocking: Well done. 10/10
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) hanks that means a lot lol, I may try to et one on every map but maps like construct and epitaph have even more limitations the lifts on construct for example don't move vehicles. and shield doors on epitaph would make it a very limited track.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) I think you should have more pictures of each map, or an overhead view drawn of the roadway. (use a blank heatmap) I am however interested to see The Pit one because that map is hard to navigate a mongoose on when it's empty.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) I have no doubt they are good maps, but isn't it a bit of a name steal off the Bungie 500? Or is it some racing name I don't get? I will DL though because they look so good.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) well for one thing the sandtrap one dates back to october along with the guardian(current dl is a newer version) i believe thats before any map made on foundry. check the more details under most of the maps for exact dates.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) Nice, I like the fact you made a pack and not one at a time, looks nice. I am not a race fan so I don't plan to download.
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) Thanks...i guess the next map is finished and will be posted today/tomorrow (epitaph)
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (*8* tracks) NEED SOMEONE WITHA CAPTURE card...i have videos for each track and soon will post the requested "tracks on heatmap" images for those who wanted more of a feel for tracks before dling them!
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (*8* tracks) *updated* new pics -updated added the blank heat map track layouts look for another update within a week or so.