TWITCHING VIBRATE download here DESRIPTION this map is on the narrows it has some spectacuar weapon placement and some really cool features for game types like ctf neutral assualt i ll now desribe to the rest using pics with short sentance i highly recomend u use this game type skybomber as for the mod i made i used teleporters and crates to make solid cover points one on each side 8 all togher 1 on each side of each base and 2 under the bridge yep i put in mongoose 4 of them two that spawn 90 and 2 that spawn 180 i thought they might actually come in handy is some objective game but i didnt want them spawning every 5 seconds. i coulnt find any where good to put a turret so i made my own spot i replaced the rocket with a sniper rifle so no more cheap kills or rocket rush i replaced the shotty with a lazer to balance the fact that theirs only one sniper i put in two sword to make up for lack of shot gun and plus i just like sword fights more photos of my cover points the bomb spawn for neutral assault u have to grab it on the go a pic to prove it is acctualy possible ADDITINAL INFORMATION WEAPON LIST 8 battle rifles spawn 60 1 sniper spawn 90 2 smg spawn 30 2 spikers spawn 30 4 magnums spawn 30 2 plasma pistols spawn 30 4 plasma rifles spawn 30 2 needlers spawn 60 2 brute shots spawn 60 1 sparten laser spawn 90 2 energy sword spawn 120 4 maulers spawn 90 8 sential beams spawn 30 2 machine gun turrets spawn 90 EQUIPMENT LIST 10 frag gernades spawn 10 8 plasma gernades spawn 10 4 spike gernades spawn 10 2 bubble sheilds spawn 120 2 overshieds only spawn semetricaly spawn 180 2 active camo only spawn asemticaly spawn 180 my other mapsPyriamid v2 The UFO Boom Floor THE STICKS shot down
Sweet. Map not on FOUNDRY, the infecting virus that will eat you from the inside out until you can't stop forging on it. Anywho, from the pics, I'll give this a pass. (no offense or anything)
it wasnt meant to be some inavative super overforged map it was desinged based around the fact the bomb spawned in the air it has solid cover points that make it so u aint always in the open and weapon placement set to be simple basic and make the game good u can say i didnt use forge skills but i did how i layed down the cover where the weapons spawn are a skill all their own u can say i didnt use ur fancy techines but i didnt need to
yeah it aint nothing special but it work for what i wanted i want to make a map on something other than foundry so this is what i came up with dont try to insult me but critisim is allway good
Yea. I usually look for maps with themes and things around it. Like structures but this is really just putting weapons in different areas.
yep like i said i tryed to keep it simple i didnt want a bunch of junk piled around that really didnt do anything other than get in your way it may seem like i dont know what im doing but it takes skill to balance the weapons so the game plays right it aint all about some fancny forge techines i aint dissin but i just wanted to pratice get in weapon placement and spawn time down to an art
Don't pay this guy any mind, he likes to shoot down everyone else's maps and thinks his little arena is the greatest. Interesting idea of having the bomb spawn in air.
just the first thing that poped in my mind and cuase u bump into each other in the air grabbin the bomb so if u do try it make the bown spawn short i mean really short or ull just be waiting for it to spawn the whole game
Nobody can deny that this guy is difficult to understand with all the misspellings and improper. And I don't think my maps are great. They're getting better though, but still not great. I was just responding to his "comeback." I never started an argument.