
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by carbone1993, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    Map made by carbone1993 and guests [1] [2]

    Edit: pardon my English, It's not my first language and I'm struggling a bit writing this post =/. LOL using spell check to help me out ^_^

    I've always been a great fan of Cave Freaks, for it's neat design and for Insane's and Shock Teta's guts to make a great non foundry map with astonishing gameplay. Therefore I have decided to make one myself but with a different style of gameplay in mind.


    CaveB-52 is a Non symmetrical map with one flag CTF as a the main gametype (don't worry it's still playable with other gametypes ;] . It's situated in the cave on Avalanche between the two man canon's.

    Number of players recommended: 4-6 players

    Techniques used on this map

    • Geomerging
    • Interlocking
    • Floating objects
    • Overloading the map
    Main components of the cave removed

    The two man canons have been left out for playability reasons, it would be easier to explain with pic's so here we go.

    Map Overview

    Man canons blocked by the DBs (Note:Red Box is the defenders side and the Blue box is the attackers side)

    Overview no.2

    Attackers spawn

    Defenders spawn

    Power Weapons on map

    The sniper: 1 spare clip 30 sec respawn time
    On the attackers side

    Shotgun: 0 spare clip 45 sec respawn time
    Middle structure

    Grav lift: Smart tactic

    As you may have noticed, a grav lift is placed next to the attackers spawn. If used well it can be an important factor in capturing the enemy's flag. Sure you can take the bridge to go up, but you may as well shoot yourself if you're going up alone...


    What I would suggest you to do is the following.

    Jump on middle structure top

    Place the grav lift on the floating platform

    Jump in the blue stream and voila! you will be hearing "flag captured" in no time.


    Some nice Geomerging made by carbone1993 Guest [2]



    I really suck at making screenshots so you might whant to dl the map xD

    Advice needed for a possible V.2

    Unfortunataly, placing spawns and weapons on maps are some of the skills I lack in forging :(. If you take the time to download the map I would greatly appreciate some advice on the spawns, weapon placement or other mishaps :D.
  2. thebeastlyboy15

    thebeastlyboy15 Ancient
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    looks pretty good. i like how its non-foundry and in that cave. and to tell you the truth, i never really even knew there was a cave on Avalanche until about half-a-week ago *~*.

    Also, the merging looks good and i like that the teleporter looks totally blocked, although it looks like on red base, you can still use it... but oh well. i will dl once i clear my current dowload slots.



    do you have a gametype for this? or do you just use regular CTF or slayer on it?
  3. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    Regular gametypes work fine on this
  4. mista tipsta

    mista tipsta Ancient
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    This map looks really fun. You had asked for advice on a possible second version, i think it might add more room to play if there was a second playable floor. Just my thought though... I will give a better review after i download and play it =]
  5. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    good idea but the map looks a little, plain with only the sniper and shotgun (correct me if theres more non-power weapons) but it may get a little repetitive, then again no ones made a map like this before so I may be wrong, it just seems like you go in a straight line and sometimes get to use a gravlift, try making it bigger and more routes you have a lot more materials, the maps a good idea and it could be so much better,good interlocking and geomerging though
    3 shotty snipers out of 5
  6. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    When I finished the map yesterday, I started roaming around in monitor mode to see the places where you could not die and I realised how much space there was to place objects on :O. adding a second playable floor would be great now that I think of it. Thanks for the advide :D
  7. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    Im opened to suggestions :D what other route could I add to get the flag?
  8. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Try adding a longer route along the outside edge of the cave, it would be much safer but take way more time to travel in order to get to the flag. Yea, if you added a few more routes/levels it would be better, right now it is just a tug of war type map, whoever controls the center room pretty much wins
  9. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    well a second floor for one maybe even a third a regenerator gravlift would be cool if it possible but this is a really good base to make a great map off of
  10. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    Don't worry about your english. Your doing just fine and it's a tough language to learn. I like the map. It does remind me of Cave Freaks. A bit of a copy, but alright! You did a good job, and keep trying with your English! No mistakes as far as I could tell.
  11. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    argh I'm almost out of bridges, but ill try non the less. Oh and what's a regenerator gravlift? 0_0
  12. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    well then don't use bridges, try walls, boxes open boxes whatever! and a regen gravlift is kind of hard to explain, pretty much you interlock a gralift so you can see it but it dosent push you and if you throw a regenerator it works, its really weird
  13. carbone1993

    carbone1993 Ancient
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    k, almost finished with the V2 of the map it should roughly look like this.


    • Added an other floor
    • Overshield now spawns in the middle structure
    • Shotgun now spawns on the wall situated on top of the arch(top level)
    • Added bubble shield on top of the middle structure
    • Changed 3 spawns that were set to neutral insteand of defenders.
    I've allreaddy made all the changes, but I'm waiting till next week before I post my V2. If you have any other additions you would like me to add please be free to post a comment.




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