good ideas you guys are coming up with. Keep them coming, and expect a new competition after the voting is done for the 2nd competition.
how 'bouts: tv shows. bad situations sports warthogs new gametypes??? (idk, like take a pic of something that could be a different game or something) campaign?
Best group picture? (im not sure if that has been said). My other Idea would be to give a word and to have a contest to portray that "word" via screenshot. Something like "Anger" or "Fire" You know, things like that.
This thread. It is over. There is no more point to it anymore. The competition is over. This should just be locked.
Yeah guys, I'm not doing this anymore. Just was a little bit lazy to lock it. Thanks for the people who tried to help.
mythic screenshots with the realease of the mythic map pack we should hold one where only mythic screenshots