The Underground [V.3]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xX Bad Baron Xx, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. xX Bad Baron Xx

    xX Bad Baron Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ugh.. -_-' I just posted it and took a satisfied look at the map.. and then i saw that you can score within 10 seconds because i was stuupid!(the grav lift way) omg guys help me find a way to get rid of that problem..
    Hi, i am busy creating a map for the gametype: Quick Shot CTF. Everybody can co-op with me. My xbox360 had rrod so i guess i will have it in about 2 months.

    Direct Link To Background:
    -> <-


    -> It is a map which needs a certain gametype called: Quick Shot CTF. Quick Shot CTF is a gamemode where you spawn with a shotgun which has unlimited bullets, the flag will return immediatly when it touches the ground.

    -> Everyting with gray background is covered, everithing with white background is open. So the big hall is open and the flag rooms are open(but those are on 2nd floor so have no sniper risk)

    -> Items and Weapons on map:
    *You spawn with the Shotgun.
    *Sniper Rifle x2(at the snipe room)
    *Mauler x2 (behind the crates)
    *Sword x1(in the hall)
    *10 plasma grenades on each side (spawn area next to teleporter)
    *1 Bubble shield and 1 Deployable cover on each side (spawn area)

    *In the small spawn room we have the teleporter which leads to the sniper room, from there you can snipe enemies who are in the hall.
    *The Sniper Room is covered in fences so one can't jump out.
    *The crates are meant to use for cover for the sniper room, so is the circle of barriers.
    *In the circle of barriers you see a gray dot, it is a wire spool with a sword on it.
    *The shield doors are meant to slow down the game and give a better gameplay experience.
    *The tunnel has more openings so the flag carrier can escape a bit better.
    *The Flag rooms are on 2nd area so you have to jumo from the crate to get in or take the grav lift or stair. sniperroom cant snipe into the flag room.

    Voilá, besides of answering my questions you can also ask me questions.
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: The Underground

    Nice idea, although i dont think you will be able to create a map that long on foundry, not will you be able to create anything like it on any other h3 map.

    Another thing, is this map wont offer much tactics, it will just be a big brawl, and the superior team will always win. If that is what your aiming for, then well done, but if not, then id add some side passages, and extra ways around.
  3. xX Bad Baron Xx

    xX Bad Baron Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Underground

    Thank you for the input.

    About the distance of the map.. I'm pretty sure ur richt, foundry is a cube =( but still i WILL find a way to create the map.

    About the tactics.. You might be right, but you probably have never played Quick Shot CTF, it is a total different experience than any other CTF gamemode. but still an extra tunnel or two wouldn't hurt =D
  4. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
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    Re: The Underground

    I have an idea:

    Those two room on the left of the map where blue team spawns could be placed on either side of that wall partway down the middle of foundry.

    Then it might work, but you'd have to compress it a little methinks...
  5. xX Bad Baron Xx

    xX Bad Baron Xx Ancient
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    Re: The Underground

    lol you are god..
    no seriously this is a pretty good idea, i would have made that up if i have seen the map but i am not that smart ^^

    I will start working on the map right away.

    mucho gracias
  6. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Underground

    party on.

    I'd help but I dont have live. *sigh*
  7. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    Re: The Underground

    if length is a problem then just wrap the structure like a U. start at one Foundry base then go to the other end of the map. then just U turn to the other foundry base. you may want to use the unlimited budget glitch.
  8. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
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    Re: The Underground

    dude, frick, tahts a good idea! Okay, start in on base (with the hallway blocked off) and then stretch it around! ITs genius!

    (Now look watcha did...ya went and got me all worked up and now I have to go Forge a map to satisfy my addiction... *sigh*)
  9. xX Bad Baron Xx

    xX Bad Baron Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Underground

    lol, i know forge is the best.. and i feel the same way. damn you freaking rrod!

    but uhh.. stretch the base? lol i dont understand =D (dont call me a idiot i am dutch)

    but im working on the next layout right now.. will be posted soon ;)

    thnx for all the comment please keepon discusting this ^^
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Re: The Underground

    He basicly means plan it out on forge before you start building up the height, you need to make sure both sides will fit or it wont work.

    Just dont rush it, and it will be very good.
  11. Keegano

    Keegano Ancient
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    Re: The Underground

    you wont be able to build it on foundry i think unless you change some aspects and make it smaller.. but it looks like a great vision o and i tihnk you should have bubble shiels for the battles in the middle because people could camp the shield doors..good idea
  12. xX Bad Baron Xx

    xX Bad Baron Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Underground

    i am busy making a new version of the map, trust me it will fit =D
    only done with the spawnrooms and the falgrooms but so far it looks great.

    i have put a bubble shield and a deployable cover on each spawn points
    and i guess +- 10 plasma nades on each side?


  13. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    What If you just put the level above it like this?

    And add stairs somehow

    And don't do a barracks. It shows you lack creativity with putting weapons in the level. Also you don't want people to just camp the flag areas, have them move into the hallways to get them
  14. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    On paper these designs look brilliant, but I think it would be very difficult to actually create. I think you might be underestimating how limiting forge is, even with all the glitches and exploits we use.

    This area alone would be a real pain to make and look good. If you wanted to make it so you can't get out, it'd be even harder.

  15. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    Holy crap! That uptated version is nutz! Its wickedly cool... but absolutely nuts!

    I like nuts...

    I think that this map wouldn't be too hard to make if it is made by several people who know what they are doing. I can't decide what layout is cooler.

    I also have a question. How do you guys draw those outlines?

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    it may have to be shortened a little bit but thats all i can really say NICE!!!!!
  17. xX Bad Baron Xx

    xX Bad Baron Xx Ancient
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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    I know that it is really pushing the limit.. there should be enough space i can cut some space of the hall or the tunnels. the prob would be, is there enough materials to make all the walls an roofs... unlimited budget is definetly needed i guess ^^

    and i like the hall beïng on top but that would need even more double boxes crates and stuff so i am afraid it can't work.

    I've played a lot Quick Shot CTF in epitaph there are also many shield doors and little rooms, you can also defende the flag easy and the flags are close to eachother. So its basically the same as this map and epitaph was always lots of fun.. the only prob in my map is where can you hide if both teams have the flag.. i guess running round in the tunnels ^^

    about that eeek spot.. it is niet the hardest part actually it just need pretty much double boxes to make a high wall, but after that there are just low tunnel covered with walls..bridges or anything.
  18. Viggie Penndar

    Viggie Penndar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    The "eeek" part is easy to make. Put two double boxes and place a wall between them. Use the merge technique and keep going till you have your big wall.

    Oh yeah, you're definetly going to need unlimited budget. But this map should be sweet when you finish! :)
  19. xX Bad Baron Xx

    xX Bad Baron Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    Lol, i had nothing to do at school so i made: 'The Underground' [V.3]

    i will post the background verry verry soon, it might be better than the V.1 and V.2

    holla.. no that was a joke
  20. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    Re: The Underground[Updated]

    This looks really cool. I can't wait to check it out. :D

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