Omni This is my full foundry map, designed for CTF. The map is ready to play, but may need some further tweaking. I've done some testing of the map and Id like to get some community feedback including thoughts on weapons and spawns. Hit me up for testing if you see me online. At the moment each side gets a sniper; 1spare clip, on 150s drop spawn under their high platform. Rockets spawn at the the docks end of the middle area on a 3 mins drop, no spare clip. Custom spawns at the opposite end, 2 mins. There are 4 BR's, 2 Carbs, 4 Frags and 4 plasmas on the map, with run time maxs set high enough on everything. I have played with a variety of settings and Im not sure which is best. I have enjoyed every game so far on different MLG CTF settings. Tonight I played MLG CTF Pit v5 but with the cap total increased to 5 and the return time reduced to 10 seconds. It seemed to work well. Please leave feedback including the settings you used. Omni
wow boss map there isent much you could do to make it better but mayby a v2 would be good keep forging
This map pulls a sweet twist on typical MLG maps. In other words, the originality of this map is great. Enabling the back hallway is also very different from most maps. The forging is superior in near perfect symmetry. My only issue is the bottom of the center of the map, where the dumpsters are located. That area isn't necessarily too open, but I feel that you could possibly add another structure there in between the dumpsters. For example, you could remove the two bridges and replace it with a merged single box, and at each end of the box add a wall extending to each platform. After that you could place the dumpsters on either side of the box. That example just a thought though. It may look better the way it is now.
By the looks of it you have done a great job. I like how you were able to use part of the hallway and how everything is set-up. Keep up the great forging.
its good that there is no rep on this site or else i would have neg repped you by accident again. but its a sick map. how you arent a premium is beyond me.
ya this map looks very MLGyish.. i love the way that all the areas of foundary are being used.. also its very open and that can make it good because of less random stuff in there.. its nice
I love this map. It's sort of a cool twist on MLG, because it is unique. I really like the symmetry and aesthetics, and it looks like the map plays really well!
Great use of the entire Foundry map. I tried really hard to incorporate the back hallway into my last map but couldn't make it work, and I like how you blocked it off so it's basically just the center doorway. Since that part of the map seem so secluded, almost unscathed in my test rounds, i wonder if by moving rockets to that end if it'll be more of a control point? Other than that, map plays well, clean geomerging and interlocking always makes for good Halo'ing.
This looks fantastic Baron. I've been a big fan of yours since you've came to FH and blessed us with your innovative MLG style. I'm excited to check this one out, and even though its 3am, I think I might loas the halobox up right now and take a peek. Kudos on using all of Foundry. I'll return with more comments.
This looks really nice, it is forged phenomenally. I like the originality and the fact that you used all of Foundry. But I think the ground level needs some work, it looks too barren and bare, I think adding some cover would be nice, and some other ways to get up to the main level. I'll have to test it out to make sure though. Otherwise, it's amazing.
You have always impressed us with all your excellent maps. You never disappoint. The map layout is great and it looks like The Pit very much, even the weapons are similar to that of MLG Pit. You have done an awesome job dealing with absolutely everything on this map. CTF looks oh so fun here. I'm really glad you have finally posted another map. Keep up the good work.
This is another great map Baron, you always make very good maps. Flag games on this map are a lot of fun! Good job bro!
One of the top 10 featured maps in my opinion. I haven't downloaded a featured map in a while, but this one... wow. If you don't download there is something seriously wrong with you.