My friend and I are creating a new assault variant, but we were planning on having the attacking and defending teams having different traits (i.e starting weapons, health, ability to pick up weapons) but after we had completed the map, and created the variant, there was no straightforward way of having different team traits. So, am I just oblivious to an obvious sub-menu, or is there only one setting for both teams, OR is there some loophole/roundabout method to get the different teams to have different traits?
Don't think there is man.. **SIGH** I feel your pain however.. I created my Four Points map with the intentions of playing 4-flag CTF... Only to find that it doesn't exist in the custom games hopper.. =[
The only gametype that allows different teams different traits is VIP. What you could do, is give the VIP points for getting to a specific location, and make that the bomb plant point. It would be very similar, i dont think you can get much closer to that.
i might be wrong but.. you could just plant custom powerups at the spawn side of the attackers/defenders so they only get those powerups like beïng invisible,faster or anything.. hope i helped
Not true....Territory modes offer differing traits for attackers and defenders.....but only in the proximity of the territory marker...but those could always be extended to meet the barriers of other markers.
you would have to do a type of class choosing system, where one side picked up X weapons and power ups, and the other side picked up Y weapons and power ups.
Yeah, instaspawn custom powerups are what I am using for a certain game of which I have told you, Raw King. But Unfortunately there is no definite way to do it, outside of Infection.