
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Creeping Death, Jan 4, 2009.

  1. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks man, glad you like it. And I am working on ways to combat people getting up there.
  2. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    maybe if you erected a wall around the outside like a terace, it would look cool and be mcuh harder to get up
  3. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    penguin, thats the "problem"(kinda) that creep was telling us/debo, because for creep, it was important to keep this map inside of budget. erecting a terrace around the outside of the base, would cost waaaaay too much. if you ask me, creep, the roof is only a problem for slayer. and honetly, this map isn't fit for slayer as it is for objectives. in this instance im going to agree with Furious, as in his map Solaris, he decides not to attempt to block it off as he did not only have enouph objects left to use in the map (budget in our case) and by just creating a wall to stop people from going onto the roof, encourages them to attempt to break the map as a challenge. givin such a challenge, they will probably find more interesting ways to make it utop that debo didnt find as he knows they are less important. and apparently there are only corner walls for use, far under what is needed to encase the roof in barriers.

    so all you need to do is NOT get on the roof, and actually win the game sans-camping

    hehe.. you said erected... lol...

    p.s. yay less shotgun ammo! im so tired of maps that have no clips extra from weapons. it pretty much eliminates the need of even having a power weapon. of course with rockets it can be very different.
  4. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks Hydro. You pretty much hit what I was trying to say right on the head. Team Slayer is really the only gametype you could use this to your advantage. I put it in the supported gametypes because sometimes people want to just run around and kill while they learn the map and it's weapons and equipment placings. I definitely didn't endorse this for slayer as I only recommended Flag, Territories, and King.

    I have found a little extra budget I can work with to stop the easier ways to get up there, just in case ya know? But in a 4v4 on this map getting on the roof will mean nothing. I think there is a common misconception as to what makes a map broken. I think a broken map is a map that with a simple jump or grenade jump you are able to get out of the playing area and use that to your advantage, such as hiding the oddball. This is not the case here since this is not enclosed and uses all of Foundry.

    Like I said though, I have a bit more budget freed up and I will update the link with a newer, harder to get on the roof version.
  5. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    Glad to see this post Death. Testing this was fun, and it's nice to see some more great Urban maps here at Forge Hub. Looks the same from when we tested it, but that's probably because there wasn't much left to change (it was near perfect then!).

    The interlocking was as smooth as a baby's bottom, and the geomerging was quite professional as well. It really takes me back to days when maps weren't all about clean interlocking, and more about good gameplay, though this map has both.

    One gripe I had during testing was the number of extra rounds the shotgun had, kinda felt a little too powerful (as stated during testing.) But, it seems as though you fixed that as well.

    All in all, a very solid map with great balance and awesome gameplay. An "epic win" as some might call it, and the only map I've ever enjoyed playing default territories on.

  6. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    no problem creep, if your using this for 4v4 its oh so sad im grounded half an hour after i played the games on this map. well, at least i can say i had a good farewell game ftw (for the week lol!)

    on tgif hopefully we can have a creeping deathathon.

    with all your good maps posted, a spree of them is definetly something to look foward to. (mention this to vice?)
  7. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok so now if I download it there's no way to get out right? Because I might get a game on this and vanabang on it later, and I dont want people up there camping if they figure out. And im glad that you appreciate my help.

    Its still a epic map
  8. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Yeah, just don't play Slayer. The map isn't made for Slayer and it can be exploited in Slayer. Stick to Territories and Flag games since that is what it was created for.

    Edit: Updated to newest version.
    #28 Creeping Death, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  9. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
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    Definitely a cool map, I admire the effort and thought put in to this map and I am definitely looking forward to getting a game going on it.

    On a different note, not to sound demanding, it would be great if you did a revised MLG version of this map. It just struck me like it would play MLG well the first time I went over it. If you weren't feeling up to the task would you mind if I did it myself. I woudn't claim it as my own or redistribute it in any manner, just for playing amongst myself and friends.

    Anyways, I would like commend you again for an excellent map.

    Billy Reloaded
  10. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks man, glad you like it. If I ever do revise it for MLG it won't be for a while so feel free to edit as you see fit for play amongst yourself and friends :0)
  11. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    This is a great looking map. I really like how you set up the defenders base. GM and Interlocking look perfect.

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