Hey this is my first post here but I've been looking on this site for awhile now so I decided to post some screenshots I took. I hope this will come out right and that this is the right section. I'd really like some constructive criticism to help me improve my pictures thanks!
You got some nice lighting effects going on in that sig I can tell you that, but try to make your pictures look original. Other than that it looks really good, im not a huge fan of black and white pictures though
Yeah thanks even my friend said that the black and white one wasn't that good, but it's better than my other stuff, and yeah I need to be more original but again I'm just starting off so they should get better as I go along. Thanks for the feedback.
Whoa where did the other pictures come from, I have to say that the second one is the best one here, YOu are truly very good at capturing pictures now. The combination of his red armor and the blue from the gravity hammer makes it appear purple somehow although it isn't. Nice job
Why thanks! Ya I tried to post all of them the first time but they didn't show up so i edited it and add them one at a time, and again thanks!
I have to say and im not lying,pic 3 was the most epic screenshot ive ever seen can i have ur permission to use it for my desktop background
my good man i do enjoy all these screenshots. personally i like the first one because after the second one, i have taken similar screenshots. keep up the great work! 4/5
personally, number three hits the spot just right for me man. I like the background, and that weird green I've never seen before... nice job man
Of course man I'd be honored! Future reference I don't mind my screenshots are your screenshots, and thanks for all the feedback everyone I really appreciate it.