Catapult! Created by HomerSPC/Jackis25 Map Description Catapult started out in foundry, throwing energy drains at each other. Learning how many people wanted to join us, we decided to make this map. Catapult! takes place on the cliff side of the right base on Avalanche. The object is to score the most points (I was unable to make an official setting, because people kept doing whatever to win <.<). Scoring: In the range of play (kinda shaped like a shotput/javelin field) there are 4 score signs. You must PASS the sign or HIT the sign to score the points. Ex. Pass the 50 point marker, you gain 50 points, not both 10 and 50. Also, as a little bonus to those that know how to make a perfect landing we added a bonus. If you land on your wheels you gain an extra: Infront of 10 - 10 Pt bonus Behind 10 - 20 Pt bonus Behind 50 - 30 Pt bonus Behind 100 - 40 Pt bonus Behind "U ARE GOD" - 50 Pt Bonus Yes, thats right, there is a score named "U ARE GOD." How much is it worth? Ask your launcher. "U ARE GOD", or Godlike as we refer to it, is worth 1000 points, but you won't get 1000 points. You get points taken OFF for how many power drains it took you to reach the marker. Every power drain thrown equals to -100 on ONLY the Goldlike marker. And, just a heads up. You can only score points if you do NOT die when you land, this makes it even harder to get Godlike. Gameplay: Everyone starts in a small box room in the back of the launching platform. You decide a laucher for each round before the game to make confusion a whole less that it would be. The first 'Launchee' will walk to his Warthog, and wait for the launcher to launch him. the Launcher makes sure the launchee hasn't picked up a power drain (for reasons you will understand when you play) and throw the drains at the warthog's back wheels. The more: the more power, but a bigger chance of dieing. When launched, the next launchee will take his position in either a mongoose or another Warthog (I suggest Warthog, it's easier to launch), and the launcher will fire another one until everyone has went, then one of the launchees will launch the launcher. _________________________________________________ The field of play, notice the lights marking the next marker. Also, please note the barriers on the side of the field of play, it marks foul and fair like in baseball. The launcher itself, garages underneath the box room, and the lights on top. The launching platform. Only launcher and launchee is allowed on. All oters waiting says inside the room. Being launched Epic Fail. Score: 0 points. (notice the two powerups in the background. those are the records of how far a Warthog (red) and Mongoose (blue) went. If you beat if, put it in your fileshare and message HomerSPC on XBL, you will get a cookie and make us edit the map a slight bit. "U ARE GOD" _________________________________________________ yes, I know alot of this is confusing, but it is really fun once you get the hang of it. Please download, rate, and give any C/C to make it work better. And, I will give major rep to anyone that could figure out a simple scoring system that Halo 3 could score with and people could not cheat from. Download Catapult! Download Launch DOWNLOAD LINKS FIXED!
Hey Scarfaced. Anyways this map is tight. I like this idea, very original. Reminds me of the minigames we'd play in school on the computer when the teacher wasn't looking, 5/5.
It was made because we were bored a couple of days ago and started throwing energy drains at each other, though now that I think about it It makes me think of Kitten cannon. Well, its not that hard, and since my Bungie Pro ran out I'm kinda low on space. You basically throw power drains under the back wheels of the vehicle you wish to launch. Not that difficult to understand.
blue what does my rank have to do with anything? and stin just shutup you didnt have to replie to something that wasnt derected to you and i wasnt trying to be funny ok ok im done btw ive never seen a catipult map before very creative
umm im done " You basically throw power drains under the back wheels of the vehicle you wish to launch. Not that difficult to understand." how does a power drainer throw a vehicle? i thot they disabled them?
After a certain amount of time (20 seconds?) the power drain explodes. Adding multiple powerdrains makes a bigger explosion, resulting in more power emenating from the blast - equaling in a powerful push to the vehicle's back, pushing it forewards. there is actaully a lot of science involved in this mini-game lol
its warthog jumping with power drainers. the built up explosions causes the warthog to fly. by means of force executing energy. ask bungie to further explain the physics if you so need to know. if you mod the variant and make you invincible, plus have power ups set to instant repsawn you get crazy effects xD what if i made if go out of level limits to the point of my 360 freezing O_O 15 power drainers till boom/ no vid but ill try again with a cam corder next time lol. all in all i liked this. well done.
Can you please make more sense of this/ Really, I have gone through this thread several times and it is not clear or concise at all.
this looks relly cool a very nice and origanal idea i think it woould be played alot with me and my friends
For a scoring system ( i have no clue if it would work i'm just brainstorming) Idea 1: Place fusion coils in a line by the markers have a guy in a box ( probably have to change up the gametype to something else) and have that fusion coil spawn when the other are detonated killing the guy for points. Idea 2: Kind of the same as the top but maybe the fusion coils will unblock a tele leading to a wep or grenade or something that you kill the guy with for a certain amount of points. Each distance gets a different wep Well hopefully that might help a bit or lead to something else try fooling around with those types of ideas and hopefully get this game featured
Yea, but as the gametype is meant, you could kill yourself by jumping off the edge of the cliff, which isn't very nice. And there would also have to be a different scoring system, because if you get a godlike, I would expect to get more points then getting a 10. Sorry, but you only get a cookie for effort. If anyone else can think of one, you may still have the opportunity to win a couple hundred cookies
I can't say i'm a fan cuz u gotta uze honor system scoring and i have a lot of honorless friends 3/5...
I'nm amazed that someone Necro-posted this, but anyways you do not HAVE to play with honor rules. Hell, the scoring system was only made if you wanted to use it. My friends still have a blast killing themselves when they smash hard into the ground... I had a guy who almost beat the warthog record, but then just as he passed it he hit something and blew up.
Thats what i mean i am not a fan of screw around maps... i like structured mini games, that's all, and chill out... you really need to...