I remade Call Of Duty 4's map Shipment. All the jumps that you can do in COD4 'Old School' are make-able in this. It's slightly bigger in scale aswell. The barrels are positioned similar to COD so that you can jump to each of the boxes. That box in the ground with the door on top works the same as the cars in the COD version. You can take cover behind them but still be hurt through the gaps. There's a pallet that you can 'volt-jump' to the boxes. There are more of these around the map. There's two dumpsters like in COD. The one on the right of the pic can be used to jump on the boxes. !¡! Download Shipment !¡!
Looks good, I've seen tons of Shipment remakes and this isn't the best one, but its pretty good. I would have used weapon holders and telporter nodes to make the barrels, pallets and dumpsters un-moveable. Its good but no download from me, I already have a better shipment map on my hard drive.
I downloaded the map and i thought that the Car and the Vault Jump idea there are good but Flippy is quite right, there are ALOT of remakes of this out there and even ive made one . Bit of constructive critisicm for you here, although what you created is good and youve made the Shipment Remake slightly better, I think you should try to work on something abit more original.
Nice remake, but I don't think it would play that well, because of the differences between CoD4 and Halo 3 gameplay. I like your eye for detail and not interlocking all of the boxes just because you could. Good job with this
^^^This^^^ The one I had (deleted it because I needed room :/) actually played really really well when you used the correct gametype. I wonder if I can find it ever again. This one has some interesting ideas with the car replication. Unfortunately, remakes of other games almost never work out well. Same for remakes of previous maps. God I can't wait to be disappointed by Sandbox.
This would be very difficult. There are many differences between COD4's gameplay and Halo 3's gameplay. However, it could be worth the time for other COD4 map remakes. Anyway, the map itself is very well-placed and I admire the lack of consistent interlocking. On the otherhand I've seen many COD4 map remakes, especially of shipment, and, to be honest, I think you should use your time elsewhere. Your post was certainly worth your time, though. 3/5
It is not as hard as you think. Speed is left the same I think. But gravity is increased. No nades on the map, so that leaves you with the 2 frags you start with. And I believe the set up is basically SWAT with 150%+ damage resistance. It worked really really well when I had a 2v2 going. I wish I could find it again.