lets stay on topic. Sandbox. There is absolutely no reason to call your ordinary map sandbox, what does that insinuate? A box with sand in it? No realativity to the halo universe, and would be confused with sandtrap, so it wouldn't be a any ordinary map. Other games named there custom editing stuff sandbox, and i think halo is about to also.
Wow, I just found a leaked screenshot of Sandbox. Holy shitttttttt Spoiler (Had to get the obligatory 'OMG it's a box of sand joke out of the way.)
What of it is to show? Its just a sandbox right? Nothing special but the possible forging abilities. Majority of the halo community likes to play in custom games and MM, why would they reveal that one straight up?
I don't know, but I find that if I know about something I anticipate it much more than if I don't know about it.
I HAVE THAT AT MY GRANDPARENTS HOUSE. HOLY CRAP. Anyways, Bungie has a methodology of introducing new content to their fans who desperately want it. They will ignore their fans, then give them exactly what they want. It's called mind****, and Bungie has been doing it since '91.
I for one am hoping for a new shape to the map instead of a big square with 2 back bases. how pissed would everyone be if it was shaped exactly the same. lul. /agree with Matty, But im sure there saving the best for last. hopefully something will pop up in the next week or two.
I keep on feeling Bungie did give a photo of this "sandbox" in one of there accepted speeches for a gaming award... if i knew how to embedded it right it would put it on here.. if i cant find it one may recall a speech for Gphoria 2008 Game Of The Year Award, and pink spartan wearing recon and what looks like a hundred other people here on a map that seems..blank. Is this Sandbox, I get that impression. Here is the video like said before i dont know how to embedded so strait link has been put.
I'm pretty sure you hit that Nail on the head. Sandbox is most likely the thing that lukems threw the plasma grenade on at the end of that acceptance speech. The video I'm thinking of wasn't the one that you linked, but it was shown shortly after. And it being a blank black room as it is just makes sense as to why there are no screenshots of it. Let's just hope it doesn't have a shitty default layout for MM like Foundry.
I would have said the same thing about Foundry personally. I think Bungie work on the sound principle that not all Halo players are Forgers, and thus want to make every map in a Map Pack playable since it is paid for, hence the default Foundry configuration. Therefore I'd think it likely that Sandbox is also going to come with a default configuration, which may or may not go into MM, but I think it's likely that they will put it in since it's there.
I think the place that's at the end of Shock Theta's video and the one that i had mentioned are the same...just fitted for more players. The structures look much the same.
its prob gonna be amazing so after its realesed everyone one cums, but really idk why they wont, but i have faith in bungie that the mythic map pack will be sexy, and halo odst should be quite win sauce.
I highly doubt that they'd exclude it from MM playlists. After all if you didn't forge why would you bother paying for a map that you'd never use? it makes no marketing sense whatsoever. It will have a default. thank you Pegasi
For the geomerging issues, they could just make a transparent floor you save and quit into, then press a make floor solid button or something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4CKSNXuPdw And watch the end of the above video. He's on a Sandbox beta or somethin.
I just hope that they will start to show something soon. Only 2 more MONTHS UNTIL SANDBOX!!!!! Oh my God I hope it's a forge map better than foundry!
That was only to say that bungie HAS released what sandbox looks like and that it is indeed a forge canvas.
NO. We do not KNOW that for sure. It is an ASSUMPTION and do you know what happens when you ASSUME? YOU MAKE AN ASS OUT OF U AND U (NOT ME).