Thats Cute : ) Created by: AnF Ryan & AnF Knight Track Information- This track was first starte by my good friend AnF Knight, he made from the top of the elevator to the start of the tube, I added the rest and placed the scenery. Track Design- This track has Knight's usual teqniques, I added a giant long half pipe with 3 sections and 3 go-to points, a backwards Stratocaster (my older map) a bunch of bouncy jumps and a drift turn. Plus I added my usual beautiful scenery. Background- The original name of this track was going to be eleXtric slide but I changed it to Thats Cute : ) for the tracks beautiful design and personality, plus its an inside joke . Gametype- AnF's usual gametype is AnF Racing, and becuase there are 3 go-to points on this map it gets a little tricky, and its non-cheatproof so goodluck with that . Pictures : )- Downloads- The Map- : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details The Gametype- : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Have Fun! : )
It really seems like one person really worked hard on one part of the map with clean interlocking simultaneously another person through double and single boxes on the floor to make a track. In other words the forging seems inconsistent I would interlock the boxes a little bit more. Nice job though
everything is fuzed trust me! i wouldnt let that happen, well the top of the lift isnt fuzed but it donest need to be race it and tell me what you think!
Im glad you decided to finish this track today, it turned out to be amazing!! I love the begginning and the whole track itself is amazing! The part with all the boxes is very unique, and of course he scenery is amazing. 5/5 for all the effort!
Looks like a pretty good track i am gonna download and try it out know. but anyways i Rofled at the name when i saw it, and then all of a sudden a racetrack pops up and then litterally dyeing of laughter LOL.
haha thats kinda what we were going for but its a very nice track, lots off little things are new to race tracks and such plus theres a crash site where 2 parts of the track meet up for extra fun! haha
I personally love this map, but I got lost once, but once I looked around I found my way, I give this one a 8.5
It was ok.. I don't get why you make the goal like that?? The elevator did not work the first time I hit it and all the bounces get annoying after a while. You guys should spend more time on one track and not make a million tracks. 3/5
RYAN!!! Thanks for finishing it man I love it. I like everything about the track man its cute! Well I have no idea when my Xbox is gonna work again or when my broken shoulder is gonna work again but for the time being I will be thinking of ideas for tracks and blah blah blah. Thanks Ryan I love the track man and of course the parts that I made are excellent. Cute track and thanks again.
It is cute isnt it xp hahaha atie dude, so whats wrong with you xbox?? why is doing the freeeze and no screen thing?
Looks very clean, but looks a bit cluttered. Also, in the 5th pic, it looks like you can cut a corner. I hope I'm wrong... Very good map, though. I shall DL.
whoa! this looks kickass. this racetrack has sumtin really awesome about it. i like the curved barrier thing the most. i jus dont like the name of the map.
Oh well in the 5th picture everything is pretty much on a different level so you wont be able to cut corners, but go ahead and try lol you can jump off the track though if you want haha but that takes the fun out of everything!
Thank you haha, the name is funny, but I added soo much to the mapt that hasnt ever been used before in race tracks soo its something different that everyone can enjoy! : )
Titles are for gay people like dream 76( i know i used a title but that doesnt count) This is a very nice racetrack that works very well. It is greatly put together and well forged. Anything that doesn't involve dream 76 is a great piece of work. I'm going to start taking over the PRO scoring and make the ratings fair, unlike some people have done. So for any of you that want more than 2 or 3 out of five because someone has rated you poorly then allow me to interfere. Anyway, this is a map that is very well made with different elements which all comes together in a piece of artwork. AnF Pro Score 5/5
Okay, I've played this map now. Sorry for my previous post. The corners were quite tight, and the map was very clean, but the track itself doesn't take much skill to race (more luck) because of all the mancannons and shield doors and grav lifts guiding you round the track. Also, you can get stuck at the first jump because of the grav lift (in the 5th pic), and just before that jump, you can fall off the edge and land on a part of the track closer to the finish. I know you said it wasn't cheatproof, but I thought you were thinking of the checkpoints, and not many honour rules could stop people jumping off the edge to cut a corner. Overall, the map is quite fun and is quite challenging, and although I found a way to cheat it isn't that obvious and shouldn't ruin the gameplay.
I simply do not get it. People are always all over this cheat proof thing, what does it matter if it is cheat proof. If you cant trust the people you are racing with not to cheat then simply dont race. I myself just dont race with those people who cheat. It is impossible to completly cheat proof a track and if you try to it takes away from the rest of the track. Thats all I have to say for now and just a saying to keep in mind " If you cant race without cheating, Your inner idiot is getting to you " - AnF Knight.
I agree fully with Ryan above me, if your going to play with a group of people who are going to cheat then don't play with them, find some other friends who you can race with that don't cheat! Making a map cheat proof totally kills the look of the track, and me being me I pride myself on my amazing designs. It may be cheatable but atleast it looks amazing! AnF Pro Score- 5/5 Thank you Hayes and Ryan for your support! AnF's taking over!
this track looks like its one story( not in the way that its actually one story), it looks like you just put up a box and put another one on top, deleted the one under that and for angles, looks like you used stairs for that proccess. its probably better than anything i could make but if you take the time and put more effort into it ti would be much better, the ideas good but it looks like you used simple techniques.