Foundry Manifest (Help's on the way, right?)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    chrstphrbrnnn & xX5w33ny70ddXx present a


    Winner of Best Infection, a Former Bungie Favorite with over 100, 000 downloads. Thank you to all our supporters, we love you guys :)








    History of "Help's on the way, right?"

    Several months ago, Sweeny saw a contest here on Forgehub, where Forgers were to create an infection gametype and map. Sweeny hated infection, since it was never done right. Either humans would mow down zombies, or zombies would annihilate humans. Then chrst joined in, who also despised infection, and together they created what was then named Halloween, but would later go by names like "the down low" to now being known as "the way, right?" Sweeny forged the map, and chrst invented core game mechanics, and came up with layout plans. All was going great. However, disaster struck, and the budget glitch locked up on our friends nearing completion. In order to fix the budget, nearly the entire map would have to be deleted, and in a fit of frustration, Sweeny left Halo 3. Over the course of a month, Halloween never saw the load screen, until mid November, when chrst brought up the epic mapzor, and Sweeny decided to set work once again. Starting from scratch, Sweeny duplicated the map exactly, with better forging and dimensions, but nearly indiscernible from it's original state. Though changes were made, changes for the better, and after several weeks of creation and procrastination it was complete. Weeks of testing passed, in which "Incarnate on the Pilot Episode" either won the hearts of it's players with boasting aesthetics and innovative gameplay, or upset the 12 year-olds who realized that they could no longer camp, and a single shot from a shotgun wasn't going to kill a zombie. Even more time passed, as Sweeny struggled to create the pages of Joel Owens journal, and chrst nagged him to get his capture card working for the video. After months, it is finally posted.

    The Goal of the Game
    Humans go from point A to point B, kill the boss zombie, and survive the round. While there is no scoring, and no go-to waypoints, players need to look at this as a campaign mission, where in order to advance to the next level, you have to beat this one. Keep in mind, play the game how it is meant to be, and it will be fun. If not, then you will be bored. There is no scoring, instead players are encouraged to go to the post game stats, and compare their stats, such as headshots, total kills, and deaths.
    How it Works (in Depth)
    Supports 8-16 players, 10-14 Recommended.
    Humans start in an enclosed room, in which they are trapped for 20 seconds. After that time has elapsed, a dumpster door opens up. Humans have to be careful, however, for zombies are waiting just outside. They then follow a fairly linear course, acquiring weapons and ammo on the way. Eventually, the will reach a weapon armory, and a fence which has more weapons on the other side. Do not fret, you cannot pass until 1:30 into the game, during which a warthog falls and a dumpster spawns creating a ramp. Humans have 30 seconds to set up, before the wall to a rooftop is blown, redirecting zombies and announcing the arrival of the "Grindnaut". Humans then have to defeat the Grindnaut, and survive out the round.


    Duration- 3 Minutes
    5 Rounds

    x3 Oversheilds
    200% Damage Resistance
    No Sheild Recharge.
    90% Damage Modifier
    75% Player Speed
    200% Player Gravity
    No Vehicle Use
    No Sensors

    Zombies -
    25% Zombies Start
    500% Damage Resistance
    No Shields
    25% Damage
    No Weapon Pickup
    Infinite Ammo
    90% Player Speed
    150% Player Gravity
    Normal Sensors
    10 Meters Range
    Zombie Color

    Custom Power up-
    90 Second Duration
    1000% Damage Resistance
    Normal Shields
    50% Recharge
    90% Damage Modifier
    Weapon Pickup Enabled
    Infinite Ammo
    75% Player Speed
    150% Player Gravity
    Normal Sensors
    25 Meter Range

    Score Settings:
    1 Point for zombie kill
    3 Points for infection
    -5 Points Last Man Standing bonus

    You have to play this with the "Help's" gametype on the "the way, right?" map. If correct, it says "Help's on the way, right?" Map and gametype can be downloaded at the bottom of this post.

    Unlike many infection games, this one relies heavily upon the use of tactics, for both humans and zombies. By effectively utilizing these, you may ensure your team victory. However, keep in mind, that the key to tactics, is teamwork.

    Human Tactics:

    • Don't be shy, talk with people. Move as a team, slowly but steadily. Have people look in front, behind, and up.
    • Have shotgun and SMG users in front. Their weapons can quickly take zombies out at close range. Pistols, BR's, and Snipers should remain in the middle, prevent zombies from getting up close. Have other headshot capable users watch the back as well, since you want to get the zombies before they get your teammates in the back.
    • Watch those assassinations. They are what primarily kills you.
    • Set up before the main zombie comes. Keep low, and do not make your presense known to him until you are ready to pull of a good shot.
    • Use Firebombs against the boss zombie, and the rocket launcher. They are the most effective.

    Zombie Tactics:

    • Just because you're dead, doesn't mean you can't talk. Let your teammates know where humans are, so they can effectively use the tele system.
    • Number off the teleporters from left to right, 1-5 (additional 6th up the delayed spawned stairs), to quickly name off where to go.
    • On the road before the bar, melee the flipped warthog to move it over to the alley exit. This blocks delays the humans, since they will have to flip the hog, and possibly still jump over it. This gives you the edge your team may need to back the humans into a corner.
    • Jump and strafe. This will increase human difficulty in getting those head shots.
    • Look for the assassination. That is the easiest kill, and do not hesitate to go for it.
    • Melee is faster than lunge, so up close you might want to go with what's fastest.
    Additional Screens

    Epic, no?

    From above

    Auto Shop

    Here they come
    Watch your back

    Run for your life
    Into the bar

    Go! I'll hold them off.

    We'll make it through

    A side store on the street, full of goodies

    Cover is your friend

    We're all gonna die, aren't we?

    Comments from the Creators
    Q: How did this all start?
    S(Sweeny): I got this idea from Dead Space, don't ask how, I don't even know.
    C(Chrst): Months and months ago I watched the RE movies with my girlfriend. I started thinking about what zombies were to me and what made them suck in Halo 3. I realized I wanted a set path, headshot zombies with strong bodies and a healthbar.

    Q: Going into this, what did you want to achieve?
    S: I wanted to do infection, right. I wanted to create a campaign level of a video game, where you go from point A to point B, and fight a boss at the end.
    C: I wanted to create a craze that people would love. I wanted to have people look at infection and say this is what infection should be.

    Q: This greatly resembles Left 4 Dead, did you draw inspiration from the game?
    S: Haha, obvious isn't it? Actually, no. I didn't even know what Left 4 Dead was at the time. Kinda funny though, the moment we played the demo for the game we realized that we had accidentally created it.
    C: The idea was set and mostly constructed before any details of L4D were released. When Sweeny started forging he didn't even know what is was. I pointed it out to him, but still all I really knew was a picture. lol.

    Q: What is your favorite thing about this map?
    S: The feel, I think that's the best way to summarize it. You have zombies falling through holes, jumping off buildings, climbing fences, as you run to survive, it's just epic. Besides that, I like the boss. It is either really hard, or really easy, it all comes down to how you work as a team.
    C:I love how well me and Sweeny worked on this. The way I pictured everything was exactly how he built it. The reason I didn't need to forge anything is because Sweeny is ultimately better and cleaner, yet he perfectly constructed my ideas and we were always on the same train of thought.

    Q: What advice do you give players?
    S: Teamwork and communication. Assassinations are what kill you, and you need to communicate in order to prevent that.
    C: Don't camp. Look up. Watch your back. Get to the end. Grab a BR.

    Q: Is there another on the way?
    S: Maybeh
    C: Lol...^ but yeah this is only the first "episode". Trust me, I've got some wicked plot twists coming up. A cookie to someone who figures it out before the final episode.

    Q: What can we expect in the future?
    S: Hmm, I apparently already said too much, so I I don't want to say much more, but I will say that while making this, we had many, many ideas. We withheld true potential for future maps, so each time we outdo ourselves. However, I do boast that I have many more boss ideas up my sleeve, and not just your typical "shoot until dead" kind either.
    C: We've been planning some interesting things. As Sweeny said, we've withheld some things. I've got a couple epic gameplay improvements, a general larger scope, maps other than foundry and definitely a lot more story.

    Fan Fiction

    Writen by Vorpal Saint

    Bruce's File #1

    To think something like this could have happened on the day of my wedding! God damn it. I don't know what's actually going on for sure. But what ever those psycho's are they killed her. I'll never forgive them. Liz was my life. Now I feel as lifeless as they seem to be. I don't know how I got away from them. But I've taken up shelter in this church. The very church we were brought even closer together. Damn it. Just thinking about her makes me want to kill them all. I will kill them all. --But if I am to do so I'll have to find some more ammo. There's a military base about three miles away from here. It's a long shot, but if I can make it there I'll be sure to get my hands on a lot of ammo and supplies. Maybe even some help from soldiers... giving they're not dead already. I'll rest up first before I head out. My best bet is in the day. That way if I do get attacked by those monsters I can see better... and if they do happen to get me, at least I'll be with my sweet Liz again. God, if you can hear me now, wish me luck.

    Written by TransactionZero


    Red and yellow flowers lined the walkway followed closely by a small white fence. I couldn't place it at first, but the music I heard was a harp in the distance. Such a warm and wholesome sound. My eyes slipped toward the earth. My body slouched. My lungs expanded and drew in the clean refreshing air. There was something wrong. My lungs burned with pain. Putrid air clogged my lungs. The world around me twisted and turned. I fell to the ground.

    I looked at my chest to will it to breathe. I could do nothing. My body collapsed to the floor and my world around me turned black. I would soon die and be back with Linda. A warm tingling sensation bequeathed my lips. My heartbeat quickened in pace. Was I in heaven? I gasped and air rushed into my lungs. Slowly my eyes opened. I began to speak, but no words came out of my mouth. Who was this person that just kissed me. I didn't recognize this face.

    Blood squirted out of my mouth as I coughed. The woman holding me patted me on the back and told me " It's going to be ok" I took another deep breathe and the same smell entered my lungs. Gasoline vapors.

    To my right a women stood over her son and her was our busted up ride. A commnading voice echoed. " Get all of the guns and ammo you can find and then we'll try and find a way out of this place." I needed to find a way out of this place, I need to die. A brown door stood between me and death. I pounded both fists as some sort of feeble attempt to open it.

    Two strong arms grabed me and threw me agaist a wall. " Are you crazy mate? They'll hear you" I said nothing and pushed his arms off of me.

    First hand account. Stacy.

    It all happened so quick. That guy that Melissa performed CPR went mad. First he started hitting the door. Pshh, like thats going to do anything. So I he grabbed sarges weapon and shot the trasport vehicle. The explosion blew open the door and killed quite a few of us. That guy disappeared into the smoke. Thats when they.....came.


    I ran by the houses and through the shop and then everything went black. Snarls and grunts rang in my head. It felt like someone was tugging on me. Wait, my neck, my stomach. Something was tearing me apart. Then it stopped. My eyes opened and everything was red. Almost like looking through the 3-d glasses. I raised my hand to wipe my eyes. My bone was exposed and my thumb was gone, but it didnt hurt. I almost slipped on my own guts. I grabbed the truck next to help me up. THe first step I took was the hardest as I almost slipped on my own guts. I heard shouting and guns firing.

    An unexplained urge to kill overwhelmed me. I wanted to kill those people. How DARE they try and stop me from escaping. I'll teach them. I easily pushed the truck to the alley way entrance and then I waited....

    Written by Kidbomber

    Entry #1

    I peak though the slit in the window. The Yard was dead, with brownish grass and trash litter upon it.Looking up a bit, i see there still there. Zombies. They been the for the past week. Just standing there, waiting and watching. " My name is Jake Mcgo" Peering into his wallet, at a family picture. The Thoughts of his family still out there. Alive still bring me to the idea to leave my home and search. But iv block myself into it, so the fear of the virus doesn't contaminate me. Nor the Fear of the the Undead just over a Link-Fence. It wont be long till more show and it may be over soon.
    "Hum" i murmured. The time spent here has been over 2 weeks, which isn't long, but with stress of death strong its hard to say it hasn't been over months. Food rations were on my mind at the moment. What will i do when i run out? What happens when the factor of life, cease and i die? No. I refuse to die but that. Neither by them. I quickly stop thinking. I hear something. But disclose it quickly. The swarm have gotten a new victim. There was nothing i could do nor think about. I walk away from the window the basement. I made it so the basement is sound proof, so i could listen to radio broadcasts or distress calls. As well, I use a homemade treadmill to keep me fit and Power the radio and other things like lights and.... Stopped in my tracks. Its something i haven't heard before. The sound of wood breaking, or was more like steel? ... Ill have to write back this doesn't look good.

    Entry #2

    "Sorry i haven't wrote anything for the past 3 days." Jake Wrote. " At the moment im fine, but The chain-link fence has over turned and zombies are at my front steeps as i write. Its pretty stressful at the moment. Now that the only thing separating me and Undead is a 1900th century House. Its still standing, but with them pounding like hell at the door its only a matter of time till the hinges or something give out on the door. One thing i didn't mention in my last entry was there happens to be a sewer line right below my house. Now iv been digging to try to get to it. Its only if im in the basement at the time the door falls or something else happens. If im upstairs then the only way to go it is the roof. But im more positive that id be safer down in the sewer. For Bacteria eating gems from all the waste down there. I Still have to be careful though, Iv heard a while back from a friend that Carbon Dioxide forms alot down there. So if i do go iv got to be more careful. Also before the fence, i was going to add that i Shotgun and a Bolt action rifle. The Bolt action is pretty old, but i have more ammo for it. Lucky i didn't go to the shooting range this year, would have wasted all my bullets.

    Well im going to stop here for today, its about midnight and i have to get some kind of sleep. Even though none really come."

    To Be Continued


    **Manifest is the overall series, while help's on the way, right? is the first episode, the prologue of this series.**
    Download Map
    Download Gametype
    Download Gametype with Scoring
    (Big thanks to Vorpal Saint for the scoring system)
    #1 chrstphrbrnnn, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Definately looks like an interesting twist to infection, and it really does resemble Left 4 Dead remade in Halo 3. I'm curious of how well gameplay will be on this map, especially with the while concept of a boss zombie. I'll DL and play this whenever I can, it looks like a lot of fun.

    P.S. The note book paper in the post reminds me of the Last Stand flash game, but at that size they are difficult to read from. You may want to fix that.
  3. Sgtkillstuff

    Sgtkillstuff Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this is probably the most well-written posts I have ever seen the pictures, was aw some. Now onto the map. I would suggest giving an overview picture. it was hard to tell what the map really was. I'm glad to see you didn't make another crappy infection game with instant kill, I can tell you really thought about this. My main problem though is the huge pile of objects, Maybe space em' out a little more so it's not one big pile I'm gonna have to download and review game play 5/5 for now

    Edit: Awww no friends online lets start a game gt:SgTK1LLSTUFF
  4. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #4 DDjusD, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  5. drak

    drak Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This WIN is finally posted. Loved testing the alpha map. Great job. Needs moar interlocking. Great post. Great. Great. Great
    Somebody: You sound like a broken record
    Me: too ****ing bad, this is too: great great great

    No seroiusly though, amazing map, amzing, amazing, amazing, amazing....
  6. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hot damn, this has to be the most epictacular post in the history of ForgeHub.

    Oh... my.... Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    I can't get over this. But I guess I'll have to so that I can get on with the rest of this post...?

    This is definately one of the most unique infection maps I have ever played. And it's finally released!
    I enjoyed playing this very much so.

    It has to be the most thought out and well forged with most attention payed to aesthetics than any other infection map I have ever seen.
    Why is this in the Casual maps section?!?!


    So much win... so much... ughhhhh.

    My mind was blown, upon experiencing this map.

    The start.. the warthog crashed through the wall... oh god that is awesome.. it looks so real and the effort put towards it even though the map would play exactly the same without it, just goes to show how much work you have put into this map.

    Then the switch, that too is epic. It just gives the map a unique and exciting feel, right off the bat.

    The next section is beautifully crafted with all those doors and high, towering sides.
    It actually feels like a proper map made by proper game developers. Especially as the layout of the alley curves back around to that weapon stash.

    then when that section opens out to the courtyard with the flipped warthog.. yet again it looks so realistic with the trash and stuff piled up as a road block on the right.

    When I am a zombie, I love crouching behind that warthog and waiting for the unsuspecting humans, usually able to pick up a double kill :D
    I never thought about moving the warthog to create a little blockade, thats clever that is ;]

    The auto shop is extremely realistic and somehow doesn't act like too much of a choke point. I think this largely has to do with the placing of the auto shop's exit. (the smashed window above the alley along the side of foundry. with the truck)
    This means that zombies can't get into the auto shop from the back that easily and so the auto shop doesn't seem too overflowing with zombies, and humans are able to get through into the alleyway.

    This is where the game starts to get challenging and you really have to stick together and work with your team mates.

    I didn't often survive too far past this bit XD
    (people flipped that warthog lol)
    Got to the pick up point a couple times though and it was awesome. Bullets flying everywhere, fighting off those damn zombies.

    I also really really liked the part where zombies can drop through the roof and rape the hoomans with surprise attacks.

    The best part about this map though is the flow.
    The fact that humans don't just camp in one area and try to survive, the players are given a great sense of realism and urgency.
    The game is a lot of fun for both humans and zombies.

    it feels like an entirely different game. This can't be halo 3, I call h4x.

    Feature this son of a ***** right now.
  7. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Most epic map post of all time, best pre-map story of all time, and probably best machinima when it comes out for a map of all time. You guys really went all out for this map. Which really says something about the map. I haven't played it and probably never will just because I rarely play Halo, but I am definitely cueing this and going to hope for a game soon even though the hoping may never come to fruition.

    I am blown away by this keep it up. You know forgasms, well I just had a postgasm, sp?
  8. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I downloaded this right after I saw who it was by and the journal post.

    Amazing stuff.

    I'll play a game or two on this and come back with a review.
  9. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im sorry i feel like an idiot when i say this but it would be really hepfull if you could make the pictures larger, our lead to a link of it in normal writing, i just can't read it! I have to play this map to review it so ill do it soon
  10. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow. i have to say, this looks like a great innovative map, and is defiantly one of the best posts i have ever seen. machinima/story/journal is gonna be cool
    Edit: After testing the map quite a few times i only have one thing to say. FEATURE. everything is perfect, zombies could be a little stronger, with less life, but the map is one of teh best infection maps ever. every little detail from the burning warthog broken though the wall to the Semi-truck blocking the allyway, the the pile of junk thats impassible, all are right out of the average zombie game, its F***ing awsome!!!
    #10 xxDeeJxx, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2009
  11. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks perfect you got a Dl as soon as I saw the first pic. Honestly man I want to say more but it is perfect it really keeps you on the edge of your seat lol ;) and having a boss is normally quite hard but you pulled it off perfectly. Kudos to you man.
  12. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First of all, for all who CAN'T read the pages of the journal... there's a bar above the pic. that if you click on it, it becomes bigger and you can therefore read the pages. --It also clearly states that on the bar. Maybe if you read that you wouldn't be posting things like "it would be really hepfull if you could make the pictures larger, our lead to a link of it in normal writing, i just can't read it!"

    Ok. Now on to this godly forged map/gametype.

    What can I say that you guys don't already know? In simple, I love this map. You've truly made THE best infection style on Halo 3 so far. I figure there'll be many spin-offs of what you've done; most bad, some good but none like this. This is just too much of a work of art. A master piece if you will. The layout in whole has a very real damnated-town feel to it. Having various shops, long back-ally ways, a huge wrecked blockade and of course real-time events. I could go on and on about this map. Of how awesome it is and how some people will just not see the vision of this insta-classic game. But you two know well enough of what I think on a greater scale. So as ta'nubs say. Great interlocking, great gameplay 5/5!!!1!!

    As you guys progress with this, I'll be writing up my own little side-story of a person by the name of Bruce... here's the first part:

    Bruce's File #1

    To think something like this could have happened on the day of my wedding! God damn it. I don't know what's actually going on for sure. But what ever those psycho's are they killed her. I'll never forgive them. Liz was my life. Now I feel as lifeless as they seem to be. I don't know how I got away from them. But I've taken up shelter in this church. The very church we were brought even closer together. Damn it. Just thinking about her makes me want to kill them all. I will kill them all. --But if I am to do so I'll have to find some more ammo. There's a military base about three miles away from here. It's a long shot, but if I can make it there I'll be sure to get my hands on a lot of ammo and supplies. Maybe even some help from soldiers... giving they're not dead already. I'll rest up first before I head out. My best bet is in the day. That way if I do get attacked by those monsters I can see better... and if they do happen to get me, at least I'll be with my sweet Liz again. God, if you can hear me now, wish me luck.
    #12 Nobody Worthy, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  13. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy moly pigs in feces. I've been anxious to see you guys post your map. Trust me, I do not say this often as I tend to be harsh. From the first time I played your map I fell in love with it. Even if it was not polished, it was one of the best infection games I've ever played. What happens when infection becomes balanced you have it. Good gameplay. Something specifically unique with your map is the tactics used for both the zombies and the humans. Never before have I seen an infection map that promotes squad based battle. Lastly, you have something unique here. The first time I moved the warthog to block the alley. Was perhaps one of the best moments I ever had on your map.

    [FONT=&quot]Red and yellow flowers lined the walkway followed closely by a small white fence. I couldn't place it at first, but the music playing was a harp. Such a warm and wholesome sound. My eyes slipped toward the earth. My body slouched. My lungs expanded and drew in the clean refreshing air. There was something wrong. My lungs burned with pain. Putrid air clogged my lungs. The world around me twisted and turned. I fell to the ground.

    I looked at my chest to will it to breathe. I could do nothing. My body collapsed to the floor and my world around me turned black. I would soon die and be back with Linda. A warm tingling sensation bequeathed my lips. My heartbeat quickened in pace. Was I in heaven? I gasped and air rushed into my lungs. Slowly my eyes opened. I began to speak, but no words came out of my mouth. Who was this person that just kissed me. I didn't recognize this face.

    Blood squirted out of my mouth as I coughed. The woman holding me patted me on the back and told me “It’s going to be ok" I took another deep breath and the same smell entered my lungs. Gasoline vapors.

    To my right a woman stood over her son and behind her was our busted up ride. A commanding voice echoed. “Get all of the guns and ammo you can find and then we'll try and find a way out of this place." I needed to find a way out of this place, I need to die. A brown door stood between me and death. I pounded both fists as some sort of feeble attempt to open it.

    Two strong arms grabbed me and threw me against a wall. “Are you crazy mate? They'll hear you" I said nothing and pushed his arms off of me.

    First hand account. Stacy.

    It all happened so quickly. That guy that Melissa performed CPR went mad. First he started hitting the door. Pshh, like that’s going to do anything. So he grabbed sarges weapon and shot the transport vehicle. The explosion blew open the door and killed quite a few of us. That guy disappeared into the smoke. That’s when they.....came.


    I ran by the houses and through the shop and then everything went black. Snarls and grunts rang in my head. It felt like someone was tugging on me. Wait, my neck, my stomach. Something was tearing me apart. Then it stopped. My eyes opened and everything was red. Almost like looking through the 3-d glasses. I raised my hand to wipe my eyes. My bone was exposed and my thumb was gone, but it didn’t hurt. I almost slipped on my own guts. I grabbed the truck next to help me up. The first step I took was the hardest as I almost slipped on my own guts. I heard shouting and guns firing.

    An unexplained urge to kill overwhelmed me. I wanted to kill those people. How DARE they try and stop [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]me from escaping. I'll teach them. I easily pushed the truck to the alley way entrance and then I waited....[/FONT]
    #13 Transactionzero, Jan 5, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  14. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an incredibly well written post. The pictures, story, creative journal, and on top of that you have me waiting for your machinima! The infection game not only looks well thought out but fun, too. I love the map, and it looks very clean and fun. A 5/5 from me!
  15. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WTF!? this is a post I never seen before! It actually took me like 2 minutes for internet explorer to load all that! I have to say, that this map definetly tops my Shihuruville maps, I like the junk pile of cars and dubris you placed. This map seems extrodinary, and I will definetly DL this. I gotta see what this is like...

    But is the map called "Manifest" or "Help's on the way, right?" or both? Because I think forgehub has a rule against making your title of your thread different from your map...
  16. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map/gametype are called Help's - the way, right? --When in game it should read: Help's on the way, right?

    The actual map series is called Manifest.
  17. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, this map is fantastic. Truly, the best infection map I have ever seen. The map post was so excellent i had to read it again. I just downloaded this and immediatly played it with my friends. It was honestly better than anything else. The gameplay is so fantastic, and the attention to detail is amazing. The town really looks like its been devastated. Gentlemen, i have been waiting a long time for a map like this. Thank you.

    On a side note, I broke the map twice... by accident, and was unable to get back in... that could be a minor problem.
  18. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    First off, love the fan fiction guys! Very good, and chrst updated the post with it. I am also glad you all love the post, and the map! All comments have been greatly appreciated. Now to address some concern.

    Pictures that are too small, just click them to enlarge them. FH automatically scales images down, making it near impossible to read until you enlarge them.

    The map and gametype is "Help's on the way, right?" with the "on" being apart of the standard game naming thing Bungie implemented. The series, however, is called Manifest.

    As for getting out of the map, it is very possible as a zombie. However, there is no reason to, and being out of items prevented me from fixing that. So be careful not to escape, you'll have a boring game ahead of you. As for humans escaping, I am only aware of 1 spot, and that is a tad bit of a challenge. Your loss.

    For those of you who have yet play game and wish to, send me or chrst and xbox live message to our GT's (which are the same as our FH usernames) and we'll be sure to include you as we gather footage for the gameplay video. Again, thanks for all the positive comments, keep it coming.
  19. thesteven00

    thesteven00 Ancient
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    the map looks beautifully interlocked, and I liked the nice big pile of crap you put in the middle(not sarkasam, its actualy pretty cool)it also looks like it has a nice layout.
    I like the towering structers, it makes you feel like your in a city, but a sniper and a shotgun is enough the rocket launcher is going a bit overboord, but thats my only complaint.
  20. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    I got out as a human. I can PM you how, if you'd like.

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