Resident Evil 3 Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Insane117, Jan 4, 2009.


How was the maps and which one was the best

  1. Good

  2. Awesome

  3. Bad

  4. RCPS

  5. Racoon city

  6. The beginning

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Insane117

    Insane117 Ancient
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    Resident evil 3 Map pack
    Made by Fire Phoenix117


    This is my first map pack i made for forgehub. there is 3 maps for you to play on all very fun and crazy. Its almost an exzact replica on the game. It takes place at the very beginning when you go to the wherehouse to when you escape the police station. There is the all mighty NEMISIS in it so it makes gameplay interesting. The zombies are pretty close to the ones on Resident evil 3 too. They can take alot of damage. The way to kill them fast is shoot them in the head and a shotgun to the face. Overall I think there all pretty good maps I worked hard on them so enjoy.

    The story: You are a starmember and a certain monstrousoty wants to destroy u and the others. This monster is known as Nemisis. The infected took over racoon city. so you and other survivors must escape before you become infected.

    The Beginning is the first map on this map pack for you its the first part that happens in Resident evil 3. I expanded it alittle to make it fun. In this you will want to find a place to find or fight to the death. One last thing when you get to the garage you must holdout for 45 sec's

    Here's some Pics...

    This is where you spawn u have no weapons there is 3 weapons in this location. But watch out the zombies are behind you.

    Here is a minature city. This is pretty confusing for some poeple FOLLOW THE A AND B SIGNS you cant miss them.

    Ah the wherehouse a good place to find ammo you got two shotguns and a sniper rifle.

    This is a mini junk yard or something a good place to hide form the zombies.

    Heres the end of it pretty much the main thing to do on this map is to hide and survive.

    Racoon City is the part 2 of resident evil 3

    Racoon city is a very chaotic map zombies coming, u trying to find weapons to survive. You do have a objective on this map get through the bar and get to a small safe house before (weak)nemisis kills you. There are time delays of course to make it harder on you but it's fun. As followed on the first one shoot the zombies in the head. Oh you also get a weapon that can stand a chance this time. The SMG its ok against the zombies but you'll probably die. =)

    Now for some Pics....

    This where you must go. IN the bar. To find it there is a A sign and B sign together. You all have one min to get your supplies or weapons.

    The middle section of the city this is a small outpost it has some weapons there.

    The slums of the city looks like **** doesn't it. I mean when do the slums ever look good.

    Here's the alleyways there is tons of cover but watch out some zombies spawn here, so becareful. Oh and the cage is a timer; it signafies when Nemisis comes out he's pretty weak dont worry.

    welcome one and all this is your safe house you must get here to survive there is a shotgun and AR in the safe house.

    RCPS = Racoon city police station

    This is the last of the map pack. It is very fun and messed up. you must fight 2 Nemisis's. But dont worry just have atleast 10 people in the party. Also you don't die in one hit it takes two or three hits for the zombies to kill u. same as on the other two maps. I personnally love this one.

    Your Objective: your objective is to escape the police station and get to a truck and get the **** out of there. Oh you have 3 mins to get all this done Goodluck. >=)


    watch out he drops on your ass.

    The Police station lobby

    here are the offices or mess hall in this case

    Here's a secert hidden part of the room hide there if you wish.

    You better becareful nere those windows and the grav lift there might be a bad surprise behind it.

    Ok this is where you need to go.shoot fusion coils then get out of there FAST!!!!

    This is where the humans have to go through to get to there location. Also this is the second Zombie spawn.

    Here's the truck this is your safe location get there before barriers close and you won the scenario

    WEAPONS on all Maps
    Plasma pistol

    The Beginning : 10 -12 players
    Racoon city: 8-16 players
    RCPS:14-16 players highly recommended

    Download Here

    The Beginning : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Racoon city : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    RCPS : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Game variants (they are all in order)

    One of us : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Star Members : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Nemisis : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    MUST READ!!!!

    Game varient's Info

    The regular zombies always have 300 damage resistance and are one "headshot" kill.
    Alpha zombies usually have 300,400, or 1000 damage resistance with overshields (they only get overshields when they are the nemisis) this is for no camping so dont tr it!! Every zombie has the speed of 50% (The Beginning) 75% and 90% (RCPS and Racoon city) And ALL of them have 150 gravity.
    Zombies have the Damage modifier of 75% so it takes 2 hits for them to kill you.

    The humans have normal shields as usual and there speed is 100% or 110%.
    The gravity is 150 for them also so the zombies can get them no matter what.
    Starting weapons are plasma pistols(The beginning) or Smg (RCPS and Racoon city).
    Oh and the humans shields DO NOT REGENERATE so becareful when killing the infected.


    Please Rate and Comment =)
    #1 Insane117, Jan 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2009
  2. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This is a nice looking map. Forge hub is just full of these good infection maps. It's not too campy (if thats a word), so thats very good. It's pretty nicely forged, and you make foundry look huge! Almost like a city. 4/5 for now!
  3. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah it looks great ... very does look a lot like a real city, and the whole map goes well with infection(by the way it looks and plays)..great map
  4. Wu pmouse

    Wu pmouse Ancient
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    these maps look pretty fun, i like the raccoon city part the most because i think it is the most fair for both humans and zombies on any zombie variant, next time i say make a game variant for all the maps in stead of one for each map (not that thats a bad thing, it just takes up a lot of room is all) i think it would be better if u made these changes
  5. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    You sir somehow just expanded foundry room for forging but i guess the objects make it look bigger ill give it 9/10 because the map looks a little to challenging for zombies but i deffinetely know im playin this tonight

    Very Very good job

  6. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this is actually one of the few good infection maps ive seen. It looks very cool and the gameplay looks well thought out. the racoon city map is the best in my opinion because it looks much better then the other maps and it looks to be the most fun to play. 5/5 for the for all of them and you got my DL

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