Ok guys go easy on me This is my first time i've ever done this kinda thing. I didnt use any photobucket or anything, all I did was mess around in a custom game and I went through it and found this and thought it would be cool. Yes I was on the map Paragon lol. Im on fire
omg im so sorry guys, im so tired. I cant believe I just put this in the wrong post. Sorry guys, will someone plz move this to the screenshot section *i feel like an idiot*
No offense, but it's just a picture of you holding a rocket while losing your shields... Bonus points for the golden skull in the background though
lol well like I said all I did was go into paragon custom games and went joking around, I think i might make a lot more screenshots, I like taking them even if im not good at it. Although I think i will start getting better.
don't take this to heart, but personally to me it looks kinda like a someone hired a retard and slapped some armor on him and gave him a rocket launcher...
that was kinda mean u could have said its ok and typical, ive seen better like i jus did but no u decide to call this random forgehub user a retard
Yeah dude really wtf? People need to learn to come down. I said it was my first screen shot and I dont know a lot about them. man if you dont like it all you have to say is "I dont like it" no since in calling any1 a retard.
Since this was your first screenshot, I am willing to overlook the unoriginality and the creativity-lacking of this screenshot. It is a good start to your screenshot career on forgehub, wish you a best of luck for your future snaps.
uh its alright? personally i would have found it cooler looking if it was just Chief with full shields. 1/5 but this makes your next screenshot bound to be much better so kudos
Ouch, I'm sorry guys! I should've worded that one a little more carefully I guess. I didn't mean you when I meant the retard. I actually like the pic its kinda neat for not having any super special effects or anything. I just thought the way the guy had his arm out there during the reload looked kinda like a retarded kid or somethin' I really do apologize for the misunderstanding, I didn't mean anything by it.
This picture isn't really that impressive. Cool golden skull in the back though! Oh and Nick is right TheGoober, that was way out of line. Atleast you apologized though.
Yeah thanks a lot for the apologie, It's fine I understand, and about the screen shot, I might try some cool affects next time, so you guys can rate my next one and tell me my improvments
Hey! I have an idea. Since you are new to this, I can teach you how to do some effects I know and we can take some snaps together. What do you think?