Can anyone give me any recommendations on some computer games of any kind? Now that I have the power to play games like Crysis, I think I'll be playing more games on my computer. I've already got: Fallout 3 Age of Empires 3 and Expansions Command and Conquer 3: Red Alert Oblivion and all expansion I'm looking for anything that I don't have for the 360 since that would be a waste of money. Also, anything I have to pay a subscription for I won't do. That's right, I'm not going to play WoW unless I get codes from someone. Although MMOs or Online RPGS are welcome if they have free online play (although doubtful). Also, if WoW has any free servers, I would play on those too. Thanks for the help guiz. Edit: Forgot to list 360 games that are on PC I have. Farcry2 COD4: Modern Warefare Mass Effect Oblivion (yeah, I know =p) I bought it for the mods.... Bioshock Command and Conquer 3: Tiberian Wars Condemned Dead Space F.E.A.R Guitar Hero 3 Orange Box Need for Speed (Most Wanted, Carbon, and Pro Street) I <3 NFS...
You could play runescape its fun for a while... If you do make an account (its free) you can add maxilos7...
Sid Meier's Civilization, it's a great game that is based on strategy. I'd recommend you check it out.
He has it for Xbox. Have you played The Sims 2? If not I would recommend it too you because of the house building portion of it. I'm making an epic neighborhood with no residents yet.
Fallout 3 should keep you occupied for a long while. I suggest you play that then get something like Crysis
Yeah, I'm going to get that on 360. Right now I hate FPS type games on my laptop. The whole keyboard and mouse thing is impossible for me until I get that wireless adapter for the PC to hook my 360 controller up to it. Cool. I enjoy strategy games. That's should have been very obvious. I was thinking about that and my wife would enjoy it too. She loves The Sims. Although, should I get an expansion for it? Or shall I just get the original version? Yes, Fallout 3 is deep, but I'm stopping for a while till I can hookup my 360 controller to my PC. I need that wireless adapter for it before I do so though.
If you think there is even the slightest chance that you would be able to smoothly play Left 4 Dead on the computer I would strongly recommend it. With the SDK coming out soon there will be way more content than the Xbox version can offer, and the PC DLC is free.
I can play Crysis on very high settings, I'm sure I can play L4D on very high settings too. Edit: I didn't mean for that to come out so rude sounding. My apologies.
TF2 is completely different on the PC (might as well get Orange Box ) Garry's Mod if you do get it ^ CS:S is a good fps L4D will have mods = more gameplay WoW is worth the money if you really wanna play an MMORPG. Playing on a private server is like runescape (****) *EDIT* Me, drawing, toochie, and Bl00d all play on the same server Spore Bioshock = sex on PC WC III classic SC2 when it comes out DIII when it comes out Make a steam account and put all your games on there. You can also search up some more fun games babo violent 2 is a fun freeware 2d/3d shooting game Also, invest in a nice gaming headset. Playing bioshock with my $50 headset REALLY immerses me into the game, I get jumpy with the controls xD