Lock this My xbox broke today mg:and it really sucks... I am sending it to microsoft soon (at least it will come back with better software). Well i need to find something to do during my spare time so anyone got some pc game suggestions or something like that. Undenied Death
don't have many friends that live on my street most kids on my street are younger then me. All my really good friends live some time away
play on a ds psp or a playstation mine is broke 2 so i just play on dis or have a game of poker or even do lil jobs for $$money$$
I dunno. I'll give you a few good websites so you can go on your computer more often for fun: Comics - Explosm.net for funny, slightly sick online comics Games at Miniclip.com - Play Free Games for games Games - Play Fun Free Online Games at AddictingGames.com for more games http://familyguynow.com/ for free Family Guy episodes If you're still bored, you could always start reading books or try and get a life... jk
Mine got RROD on New Years day. I just got out the old original Xbox and installed some computer games.
Play Fraxy. Really. Translate the page with Google translator or whatever. It's a top down boss rush space shooter with huge bosses and a great editor. Event scripts and a lot of different pieces make for lots of possibilities, while the game itself offers customizable missions and smooth gameplay. Check here for some examples of the flexibility of the editor.
At least I'll get to spend some time away from video games... I think it will be good for me... I know your thinking " Like wtf" or "wth" but i could do some stuff that I didn't Get much time to do.
What are you saying? Are you saying that you don't get time to do stuff because you are playing video games? That is the sorriest excuse ever, you chose what to do with your life, not video games.
No i wrote it wrong what I meant was that I d play video games but its not my life I'm saying that playng video games takes up time now I will have more time to do stuff I played video games becuz i chose to but it is not my life. I would play video games for a couple hours at a time now since video games are gone I will have more time to do other stuff like playing my drums skateboarding and other stuf like that.
I am being serious, halo 3 is like a year old now, it sucks, and there are much better things you can do than waste your lives playing halo 3. Heres a list of wat you could be doing instead of halo 3. 1. Going outside to get some air 2. Listening to Cannibal Corpse (Which is the best ****ing metal band ever)3. Skating with friends 4. If you wanna see hot girls, LOOK UP PORN!!! 5. Playing Guitar 6. Talking with friends 7.Getting hugged by really hot girls.. 8. Buying clothes 9. Going to the mall with friends 10. Going to really awesome places that u arent allowed to go to 11. Drinking monster 12. Watching Metalocolypse 13. Not playing video games. 14. NOT PLAYING HALO 3. Not trying to get u pissed off or anything but, GET A ****ING LIFE Heres a link to cannibal corpse YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Warning Forever is fun. Also, try out mixing music.
i know that... I have a life its just video games were a choice and since there gone I want to ind something else to do besides playing games on the compuer or xbox...