Thanks man, I really appreciate the in depth review :0) I'm glad you like the map. I have to admit that Gridlocked was an inspiration gameplay wise to this map. I feel that it plays similar, but also way different and the only comparisons that can be made about the design of the map is the use of the actual Foundry bases and vehicles. The Flag capsules are a love em or hate em feature. I personally love them because they allow you to grab the flag and have a degree of protection if your teammates happen to be killed. But they also allow for some camping, but just look at it this way, if the other team has a guy camping then you have the advantage because they are a man down during their attack :0) But seriously, I have toiled with the pros and cons of the capsules, but ultimately I decided I liked them more than hated them. Again, thanks for the awesome review! You sir get the reward for most epic review ever. I sat and read your detailed encounter aloud for my roomate and we lol'd at the epic and action packed detailing of the story. Thank you for making my night and thanks for the incredible review :0)
all hail to creeping death the 1st premium/moderater, and huzzah a vehicle based map on foundry I love the idea of this map the only things i could think that would improve is if you merged the flag base into the box
Yeah, I was thinking and I don't think this map would be the same without them. It makes it original. Congrats on the feature by the way.
Actually, there have been a few mods/premiums. I guess you could say I am the first Guardian/Loyal/Premium? And fret not my friend since the pics lie, I HAVE merged the flag into the capsule base :0) Thanks man, glad you like it and thanks for the congrats :0)
The last pic was very funny and the map looks great. I am loving your execution of creating a map with both vehicle and hand to hand combat. In that way it reminds me of Headlong (and thats a good thing). 5/5 DLing now!
wow, this totally reminds me of my forged map Contusion...anyways, very nice map and interlocking...i got a new map comin out soon that is gonna blow your mind..thats how epic its gonna cool map once again...
Version 2 in full effect. There have been major changes so I decided to update this post rather than start a new one since it is essentially the same map, so see page one for a list of changes. I'll have a few more pics up soon. Enjoy!
Thanks Vorpal. I took a lot of peoples constructive criticism (including yours) and did the best I could to make it balanced, non glitched, and non campable. I think it will still have the occasional spawn issue, but spawns are a problem on almost every map now not made by Devinish and you just gotta hope for the best. Edit: Also, hold off on a DL if you can for a few mins. I uploaded the wrong version.
wow the map looks like a professional from bungie made it or something. The game type looks very smooth and fun....also the vehicles make the map even more fun...this map reminds me of gridlock for some odd reason but i'll be looking foward to this map. Very nice map! Also i liked the stucture and the layout of the map!
When I downloaded this map, the aesthetics were outstanding. But the numerous power weapons on the map pretty much ruined my game experience. Whenever I got in a Warthog or Mongoose I was instantly vaporized by some dude on the roof with a Splazer. Nice forge though.