
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Something., Jan 4, 2009.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    REAL ZOMBIES (RECOMMENDED): Here, why not!

    Try here!

    Psst... over here!

    5 months and 1300 downloads later, the final foundry version of Township is out! The map has seen a bit of touching up and balance tweaking, and the gametype has been given a complete renovation! So, without further stalling....


    You're in a town. Zombies are coming to "visit" you in 2 minutes. Get weapons, barricade whatever building you'd like, and stay alive.
    (In other words, screw the story)


    First off, here's a few shots of the streets you'll be running around in at first:




    They look pretty, don't they? Now here's just a few of the buildings you'll be "acquainted" with. VERY intimately.




    Use em wisely, or you'll be zombie food. Speaking of which...


    So, these guys are zombies. They're really nice people if you get to know them. You know, take 'em out to dinner and a movie? Only problem is, their idea of dinner is you being the main course.

    So now we gots to blows some leads into 'em.

    For Real Zombies, regular zombies have 110% resistance, and alphas, 150%. For "Wuss Zombies" (Easy mode), They have 90% and 110% respectively. For "Insane Zombies" ( "I Wanna Be The Guy" hard, google that name and DL the game, it's tons of fun and free), they are 110% and 150%, but humans deal less damage.

    In all games, Alphas are black, and regulars are a pale green. They have 75 percent speed, 100% gravity, shields (they don't regenerate), and no radar. They do not know fear, much like velociraptors.

    Yes, they have shields. Kids, start your whining!

    After 2 minutes they launch through this to get into the town:
    I was planning on getting the zombies to hitch a ride on some flying nuns, but it didn't work out =C.

    They're tough, so how will you protect yourself against them? I'm glad you asked.


    Oh, how thoughtless of me, I forgot about you, the human.

    Well, you're screwed.

    You have no shields (wouldn't help you live anyway), no radar, no waypoints on friendlies, and a peashooter. But wait, you're a resourceful guy! I'm sure you'll find some way to live! Follow these steps and you just might.



    Scour the town for supplies and a place to hold out!

    Right, so the military (I guess) has supplied you with weapons. However, these guys were dicks, and they hid them everywhere. Now you gotta scour the buildings and streets to find whatever weaponry you can. I won't give away what exactly there is, but I will tell you it may include pistols, shotguns, assaults rifles, Battle rifles, SMGs, Maulers, and Snipers. Also a dead possum cannon.

    As a little bonus, One of the rooms has a pretty good stash of weaponry. However, it's blocked by a giant crate. It's wedged in real good, so you'll need a few people working on it to get it open in time to be useful.


    Bash it good.

    All that weaponry won't do you any good out the streets, The zombies will come from every possible direction, and also from directions you didn't think possible. Ever heard of the 5th dimension? They can come from there.

    Your best bet on survival, therefore, is to scout out a building to hole up in. The 12 buildings all offer something unique in terms of protection, lines of sight, and looks. You get to choose how the round plays out. Every game is unique.

    Once inside, use whatever is inside to block up the entrance as best you can. Remember, a good zombie is one too busy bashing a barricade to bash your brains.


    These guyz r doin it rite.

    Alright, so the 2 minutes are up, and you're holed up in a building-turned-fortress, armed to the teeth, daring any zombie to cross your path.

    Or, you're running wildly up and down the streets looking for something better than that damned plasma pistol.

    Either way, all that preparation will mean nothing if you don't work together. The zombies will tear anyone apart on their own. Work out a strategy to keep everyone alive. As I'm such a nice guy, here are some tips to help not die:

    - Don't get in front of each other's shots. Friendly fire isn't on, but that bullet that bounced off your head could have been used to down a zombie that would otherwise eat you.

    - Get yo headshot on! Headshotting with the Battle Rifle or Magnum will save you 2 or 3 shots when downing a zombie. Save the ammo, and your friends' lives!

    - Spread out inside a building. If you're bunched up in one corner, you get less reaction time if a zombie breaks in and gets one of you. That in turn adds into an entire room of humans gone by 1 zombie.

    - Use the swords to make the barricade stay in place. Get a person with crappy weapons try to keep the barricade in check. This won't work forever, but it can buy you some time.

    - If things get REALLY bad, split as a group. Hold out for one more big group of zombies, then make a mad dash for another building while they respawn.

    Flame on!

    Remember your buddies that died trying to save your sorry ass? Yeah, well now they're zombies, and a little bit angry. And you're the only target.

    To help you, good ol' adrenaline is giving you a 125% boost in speed and damage. Unlike most games, you don't get a waypoint, as the zombies can hunt you down fast all the same. Your best tactic here would be what I call the "OMFG RUUUUUUUN" method. It's funny to watch, and it works.



    These explode.

    Placing them by zombies makes them explode too.

    Another human has fallen (Me, actually =c).

    Hiding may not work.

    This usually does, though.

    The last man tries (EMPHASIS) to take down a pack of zombies.

    If you see this, you're probably winning.

    Unfortunately, the videos are not working anymore =C.


    After a few months of leaving Township to stew in it's own juices, I decided to bring it out and try to really nail down the gameplay on it. Forgewise there's not a lot different. I added some signs in the corners as a point of reference. Instead of wildly yelling "OVER HERE OVER HERE!!!",you can direct them to say "The A corner!".

    The ramp the zombies use to jump into the town has also be adjusted to make a neater entrance. 2 minor alterations were made to buildings to balance them. The main thing is the gametype change. The zombies now have the equivalent of about double the health, but the respawn time is set to 10 seconds, not 5. This encourages people to not rush in one at a time but wait and form a zombie mob.

    I've also taken off immunity to headshots, adding more power to weapons like the sniper, magnum and battle rifle. These now give a bonus for headshots, but not so much as to make 1 hit kill. Oh, and if you read all of my map post, can you place a * in your post? I'm just curious.

    That's about it folks. Enjoy! And feel free to add to the value of the tags on the township map. Or add your own (appropriate) ones.


    Oh yeah, if you guys like the map, remember to vote for it for Best of Forge, under Best of Infection HERE.

    #1 Something., Jan 4, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  2. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    not half bad. this is a infection game/map that i'm acually going to download and tryout :)

    last time i downloaded something that wuz an infection game/map wuz tremor n' mouse and that wuz a while agoo.
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I think there is a limit on the amount of pictures you are allowed to have in a post. Ten maybe? I'll go check on that and be right back.

    Edit: Oh twenty. That's a lot of pics. I like how you wrote in little steps by the way. Especially the grenade one.
  4. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Looks pretty good, but I'm just wondering what you've added or changed from the previous version(s). If you did change some stuff, I hope different rooms have different perks to them. Last time I played this, two of the houses were the dominant ones.
  5. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    The picture limit is 20, and it automatically tells you when you have too many. I actually had to get rid of one to post this =C.
  6. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    * I remember the last versions of Township, it was a great gametype!
    The zombie's shield and ability to be shot in the head sounds like a good idea, gives you something to aim for.

    An improvement on an already hectic and fun gametype is amazing.
    I want to know if you found new hinding spots for most weapons though, to freshen up the gameplay and have people actually have to search for them while this version is new.

    The buildings haven't changed all that much, but I don't have any problems with the forging at all.

    I'm going to download and try to memorize all the weapons spawns... EDIT: Lol @ the map description.
  7. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Oh yes, there are a couple surprises , regarding weapons. Mostly I added shotgun and BR rounds to the map, due to the increased health of zombies. The shotgun, as well as all the weapons in the storage building, now have 2 clips spare in them. A couple other shotguns have a clip added, and a new shotgun has been added. A BR was added, and 2 of them had clips added.

    Also other stuff which I won't tell.
  8. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    It looks cool. It would be nice if the zombies had a better starting area though. Not so crude. I like the changes you made to the gametype also.

    For some reason though, neither of the videos worked for me. : (
    It said they weren't found.

    The game just requires too large a party for me though. *
  9. TheKiNG1325

    TheKiNG1325 Ancient
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    i like your sense of humor - it really made the post much more interesting. i also like the map - usually there is only one place to hide on infection maps, but you use 6 (?). its a very original idea (overall) with the city and multiple buildings (which is a bit surprising). this seems very fun and i give you a pat on the back. 1 thing though - maybe make it look more like a town/city, other than that, its a 5/5
  10. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Not 6 places, 12. Although 1 is more of a storage room, so 11. Then again, there are 1 or 2 places outside that some to hide at the end....
  11. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    This looks like a great infection game. Its very creative. I like the idea of hunting and barricading in infection gametypes. You explained it very well and the pics helped! There were so many! I liked this post because it gave you a full idea of the game. Good job!
  12. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    this looks very fun... and it will be graet to play with big parties and everyone grouping up in one room...i remember this one game that i played yesterday on a similar map(like a zombie bunker place, thing like that) and every one went in this one corner and there were 14 ppl in it and none of the zombies could get us, then barriers started respwning around us and we wwere trapped in there with no ways for the zombies to get us.
  13. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    You'll find the building each can take about 4 people before they start getting overcrowded and annoying. In big groups, you'll want to splits into 3 groups of 2-4, and hole up in buildings that mutually help each other. The buildings that don't fully barricade usually offer better lines of sight in return, so you pass up building defense for a better offensive ability.
  14. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    Remember your buddies that died trying to save your sorry ass? Yeah, well now they're zombies, and a little bit angry. And you're the only target.
    I remember that from the original township post still my favorite quote ever
    well were to start, ah yes ZOMGZ ZOMBIES hAZ SHI3LDZ U N00IoZZZ1!!1!!1!elelven!!1iiiii111i lol thanks for doing that can't wait for the resulting crys of 5 year olds as the zombies don't die form there br body shots this game is a classic one of the first to incorperate a little thing called strategy and i still have it on my hard drive and since i gave the last one a 4/5 and since everything and gone far and beyond the call of duty, and since it would be nooby to give you a 6/5 you get
    5 hiding noobs out of 5 (and do the zombies have something to do besides running around now while there waiting?)
    EDIT: and when you say dead possum cannon (lol) did you mean there was a plasma cannon are were you just kidding i found the rest of the items good luck finding the sniper guys! I had to delete everything to find were it was
  15. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I've never played call of duty, myself.

    And well.... I hope you like zombiesoccer.
  16. yahtzee414

    yahtzee414 Ancient
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    Wow, I really like the idea of this, even if there isn't any geomerging. The idea of finding a building to hole up in and hold off the zombies with instead of spawning in it is exciting. Also, I like your street design, it actually has the look and feel of a post-apocalyptic city.
  17. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I haven't played this map in a while, so I look forward to playing the updated version. Looks as clean and fun as it already did, but if it ain't broke don't fix it.* But the addition of those A and B signs will be useful in finding one's way through the streets. I like how you disabled the zombies' immunity to headshots; now those magnums and battle rifles will be that much more crucial to survival.
  18. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    * I liek the idea. It changes the general technique of "Camping" somewhat when you hafta make the camp spots yourself.
  19. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    If anyone is interested, I'm considering carrying on my little Records section from the older Township. You know, multikill, streak, most infected, etc. Just post the link to the game stats.

    For now we've got:

    Highest Multikill: Killtastrophe by ILALQ
    Highest Zombie multikill: Overkill by something. (=D)
    Highest human kill streak: 27 by Unknown
  20. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Ok, so I played this with a large party, it's exceptional. You really have proven yourself to excel where most others fail.

    I like almost everything, the only thing I can think of is that you should give the zombies somethind do do while they're waiting, maybe a short jump course to access a powerup or something? It's pretty boring to sit and wait for two minutes... Maybe give them a viewing room to watch everyone scurry around below them...
    PS: I found the sniper.
    Overall I give this... 9/10
    I normally don't give number rating but... Yeh.

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