Crystal Cave Created by Truegamaz101 Supported Gametypes: Infestation (My Infection Gametype) Story Even though the cold condition, this cave provides shelter for humans who seek refuge. 6-16 players Map Description Basically, the zombies spawn outside the cave and have to go threw the teleporter, located outside, to get in the cave. The humans spawn inside the cave and have to get in the elevator (an open box which i put man cannons in) to get to the upper levels of the cave. From their, their is many spots to get weapons and a secret passageway. The main base is located at the very top of the map which contains a rocket luancher. Other weapons included in the base are 2 shotguns, 2 battle rifles and a smg. The sniper is located at a secret spot. Also 2 machine gun terrets. _________________________________________________ Overview 1 Overview 2 Overview 3 Zombie Spawning Area/Teleporter Leading Zombies Into The Cave Humans Spawning Area Elevator Leading To The Upper Levels Of The Cave Bridges Located On The Upper Levels Entrance Of Main Base Located Above The Cave Secret Passageway ___________________________________________________ Notice I will continue to post the maps i've done over the past year. I made this map 2 weeks after the legendary map pack came out. I've change this map twice now and this is the version I will be keeping. Enjoy! ___________________________________________________ Download Crystal Cave Download Infestation
it looks nice- kinda looks like a construction zone but its floating- i like how the map is like a tower good job
hmmm looks very interesting and definately worth a dl maybe even a feature ;D and i rly gotta give u credit for making a non-foundry map definitely a good map i would give it a 4.5/5 keep up the good work and hope to see some more great maps in the future
wow it makes that room feel a lot bigger, anyway great forging, i suggest making a v2 and fixing up all the bumps, cuz the map had a ton of bumps, also try working on the sapwns. Fix that and it has a lot of potential
I like most of the structures, but u need to turn those bridges over, to be smoother. I like the shield door structure the most, good job!! 8/10
Wow, this is a great map for many reasons: 1. NON-FOUNDRY! 2. Interesting location on the map. 3. Playability of the map 4. Neatness 5. Origniality Flaws: Repetitive game Keep the maps coming 4.5/5
Wow, it looks like you built a mini Blackout on Avalanche. I take it you didn't do much interlocking though... At least it's not another Foundry map, though. Have you tested this map, yet? A few of the pictures are really small, btw. Might want to fix that, I don't know where the zombies get in now. Also, have you had this map tested by the Guild? Because you might be able to get out into the rest of Avalanche if not... EDIT: How come so many people got warnings/infractions for their comments? Another crackdown?
I'm glad to see a map off foundry that looks fully playable. I wouldn't have noticed that there was no interlocking if EpicFishFingers hadn't said anything. However, I don't think this map needs it. The center cave in Avalanche has been used to make maps before, but I don't believe for infection. I'll dl and get a game going. Good job.
Looks ok.. I don't see any interlocking. I have to take off a lot of points for that. I probably won't DL. It looks very plain and average. You should have made the bridges face down in stead of face up. They look better black side up. Other than that, it looks like you did not really spend a lot of time on this. 3/5
This looks very fun, it also gives the zombies a fighting chance, which is also refreshing. Also, it's NOT ON FOUNDRY!!!!!! That is just awesome and I will be trying this out ASAP!!!